Call for Nominations: 2021 “Responsible Research in Management” Award
Sponsored by the Academy of Management Fellows
Co-sponsored by the Responsible Research in Business and Management
Submission deadline: February 1, 2021

Responsible research is defined as studies that produce both credible and useful knowledge. Credibility refers to the reliability, validity or trustworthiness of findings, in either inductive or deductive work, using qualitative data, quantitative data, or both. Usefulness refers to the potential of the knowledge to inform policy and influence practice. The purpose of this responsible research award is to recognize rigorously conducted and societally beneficial studies, contributing knowledge with the potentialto make the world a better place. We call for nominations of published work that exemplifies these principles of responsible research.
The Fellows Group of the Academy of Management is composed of members of the Academy who have made significant contributions to the science and practice of management. In addition to fellowship and discussion among persons so recognized and honored, the Fellows Group may perform activities of an educational nature deemed necessary for the exercise of intellectual leadership in the field of management.
The Community for Responsible Research in Business and Management (RRBM) is dedicated to inspiring, encouraging, and supporting credible and useful research in the business and management disciplines. Visit for the RRBM mission, the range of supporters, readings, and activities.
Award Recognition
- Award winners will receive a certificate of recognition. A recognition letter signed by the Dean of the Fellows Group of the Academy of Management will be sent to recipients’ deans and department heads.
- Award-winning papers will be featured on both AOM and RRBM websites.
- The list will be publicized via listservs of management associations, and other forums or social media.
- Winners will be invited to the annual Fellows dinner to receive their certificates and to be recognized.
- Winners may be invited to share their winning work at the AOM meeting or other conferences.
Submission Criteria
We invite nominations or self-nominations of empirical research articles or research books, written in the English language and published within the last five years (2016-2020), that meet the following criteria:
- Research that exemplifies the Seven Principles of Responsible Research (see below for definitions).
- Research situated at any level of analysis (individual, team, organization, society), investigating any kind of organization (business, non-profit, government, etc.), and focusing on any region of the world. Qualitative and/or quantitative review of accumulated robust evidence of problems or solutions are also suitable.
- Research published (or accepted) in a refereed journal or in a book published by a university or academic press such as Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, Sage, Wiley, Routledge, etc.
Submission Procedure, Evaluation and Decision Date
- Submit your nomination (self-nominations accepted) to before February 1, 2021 indicating in the email if the nominated research is a) at the macro (firm or above) or micro (individual or teams) level, and b) whether it is an article or a book.
- Attach with your nomination, a PDF copy of the article/book, a pre-print, or finalized manuscript for in-press articles or books.
- A cover letter in no more than one single-spaced page that describes or includes:
- Why this work (research article or book) deserves to be considered for the Award, and
- Any available evidence demonstrating i) how this work has made a positive impact on practice, and ii) how this work has been disseminated to stakeholders beyond the academic community.
- A committee of AOM Fellows and practicing executives will evaluate the nominations. See below for the AOM Fellows on this Awards Committee.
- The winners of the award will be informed on or before June 15, 2021. *
- Please contact for any inquiry about the award or nomination procedure.
* Please visit this RRBM page to view lists of previous Award winners.
Seven Principles of Responsible Research in Business and Management
Please go to for a detailed description of the seven principles in the position paper “Responsible Research in Business and Management: Striving for Credible and Useful Knowledge.”
Principle 1—Service to Society: Business research aims to develop knowledge that benefits business and the broader society, locally and globally, for the ultimate purpose of creating a better world.
Principle 2—Stakeholder Involvement: Business and management research values the involvement of different stakeholders who can play a critical role at various stages of the scientific process, without compromising the independence of inquiry.
Principle 3—Impact on Stakeholders: Business and management schools, funders, and accrediting agencies acknowledge and reward research that has an impact on diverse stakeholders, especially research that contributes to better business and a better world.
Principle 4—Valuing Both Basic and Applied Contributions: Business school deans, journal editors, funders, accrediting agencies, and other stakeholders respect and recognize contributions in both theoretical and applied research.
Principle 5—Valuing Plurality and Multidisciplinary Collaboration: Senior scholars, journal editors, funders, and accreditation agencies value diversity in research themes, methods, forms of scholarship, types of inquiry, and interdisciplinary collaboration to reflect the plurality and complexity of business and societal problems.
Principle 6—Sound Methodology: Business research implements sound scientific methods and processes in both quantitative and qualitative or both theoretical and empirical domains.
Principle 7—Broad Dissemination: Business and management schools value diverse forms of knowledge dissemination that collectively advance basic knowledge and practice.
AOM Fellows Responsible Research Award Committee
Name | University | Name | University |
Ashforth, Blake | Arizona State University | Sitkin, Sim | Duke University |
Coyle-Shapiro, Jackie | The London School of Economics | Sutcliffe, Kathleen | Johns Hopkins University |
DeNisi, AngeloFolger, Robert | Tulane UniversityUniversity of Central Florida | Thomas, Howard | Singapore Management University |
Klimoski, RichLeana, CarrieLuo, Yadong | George Mason UniversityUniversity of Pittsburg University of Miami | Tolbert, PamTrevino, Linda | Cornell UniversityThe Pennsylvania State University |
Meyer, Alan | University of Oregon | Tsui, Anne | University of Notre Dame |
Roberts, Karlene | University of California, Berkeley | Van de Ven, Andy | University of Minnesota |
Siegel, Don | Arizona State University | Williams, Larry | Texas Tech University |