Management Insights

Editor-in-Chief: Xiongwen Lu, Dean of the School of Management, Fudan University
Executive Editor-in-Chief: Xiao-Ping Chen, Professor, University of Washington, 2nd President of IACMR
Chief Academic Advisor: Anne S. Tsui, Founding President of IACMR
Host by: School of Management, Fudan University
Academic Advisor: IACMR

The new Management Insights(MI) retain the two primary sections of (1)“research highlights” of published articles on Chinese management or research in other developed or developing contexts with implications for Chinese management practices, and (2) “executive perspectives” based on interview reports with leading executives who are known for their unique management thoughts and inspirational leadership practices. The new MI will have additional sections of special topic “columns” by distinguished scholars, “readings” –book reviews and reflections on best-selling books, and “no boundary” essays.
MI capitalizes on the publication experiences and strengths of Fudan School of Management and the intellectual strength of IACMR. It is a quarterly publication, with an issue in English each year. We hope you will enjoy Management Insights and find this excellent resource to be useful in providing ideas for practice and in teaching MBA and executive students.
Please scan the WeChat Small Program to read MI articles

We welcome submissions, for any questions, please contact Mr. Baoping Yu (