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IACMR Officers(2023-2025)

Anne Tsui (徐淑英) , Arizona State University and Peking University
Founding President

ANNE S. TSUI, Founding President of IACMR, currently Special Advisor of the Association, is Motorola Professor Emerita of International Management at Arizona State University, and concurrently Visiting Distinguished Professor at Peking University and Fudan University, China. Previously, she was faculty at Duke University, U California, Irvine, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Distinguished Adjunct Professor at the University of Notre Dame. She is the 67th President and Fellow of the Academy of Management (AOM), 14th Editor the Academy of Management Journal, Founding President of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) and Founding Editor-in-Chief of Management and Organization Review. She is also an elected fellow of the Academy of International Business and Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science since 2021. She won best paper awards from AMJ, ASQ, and JOM, received the Center for Creative Leadership Applied Leadership Research Award, the University of Minnesota Outstanding (Alumnus) Achievement Award, the AOM Distinguished Service Contribution Award, and the IACMR Lifetime Contribution Award. In recent years, she has devoted her professional work to advancing both the rigor and the relevance of international and Chinese management research. She is the co-founder of the Responsible Research in Business and Management network (www.RRBM.network). Dr. Tsui received her BA in Psychology from the University of Minnesota, Duluth; MA in Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; PhD in Management from the University of California, Los Angeles, and an Honorary Doctorate in Economics from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland..

Runtian Jing (井润田), Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Runtian Jing is a professor of organizational management in the Antai College of Economics and Management of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and the deputy director of the organization and strategy division of Chinese Academy of Management. He received his Ph.D. from the Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1997, and taught at the School of Management and Economics of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China before his present appointment. He was granted the “Outstanding Young Scholar Award” by the Chinese Academy of Management in 2013, and the “Yangtze River Scholarship Distinguished Professor” by the Ministry of Education of China in 2020. Dr. Jing’s research interests include organizational change, leadership behavior, cross-cultural management, etc. His recent studies on Chinese indigenous view of organizational momentum were granted the 2016 Best Paper Award of “Chinese Theory of Management” by IACMR, and were included in the 2017 Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management Conference. He has worked on several funded research projects. Among them, five were supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (including a key research project) and one was supported by the Program of the Ministry of Education for New Century Excellent Talents of China.

Zhi-Xue Zhang (张志学) , Peking University
Past President

Zhi-Xue Zhang is a Boya Distinguished Professor at Peking University, Director of Institute of Social Science Survey, Peking University. He is a professor of Organization Management, the Director of Lab for Research in Behavioral Science, and the Director of Management Innovation Interdisciplinary Research Platform at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. He received his Ph.D. degree in social psychology from University of Hong Kong. He was a research fellow at Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 1997-2000, a visiting scholar at Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University in 2001-2002, a Freeman Fellow at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2006-2007, a visiting professor at Stockholm University in 2011-2013, and an honorary professor in the Faculty of Business and Economics, University of Hong Kong since 2017. In 2009, the National Natural Science Foundation of Chinanamed him a Distinguished Young Scholar. He was the President of International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) (2021-2023).

Prof. Zhang’s research interests include Chinese leadership, team process, negotiation and conflict management, cross-cultural management, and organizational innovation. He has published more than 100 research papers in local and international journals, such as Journal of Applied Psychology, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of International Business Studies, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Management, Management World (in Chinese), and Acta Psychologica Sinica (in Chinese). He also published over 50 articles at journals for practitioners such as Harvard Business Review (English online version and Chinese version) and MIT Sloan Business Review. He has published 13 books/textbooks in Chinese or in English.

Prof. Zhang is currently a consulting editor of Management and Organization Review, and serves on the editorial board at Negotiation and Conflict Management Research (2008- ) and Business and Management Journal (2018-) (in Chinese). He had been the associate editor of Asian Journal of Social Psychology (2015-2016) and on the editorial board of Acta Psychologica Sinca (in Chinese) (2006-2017).

At Peking University, Prof. Zhang has taught courses for Undergraduate, Ph.D., MBA, Executive MBA, and Executive Development programs.

Wei Shen (沈伟)  , Arizona State University
President Elect

Wei Shen is a Dean’s Council Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship at the W. P. Carey School of Business, Arizona State University. He received his Ph.D. in Business Administration from Texas A&M University. He is a core faculty member in both W. P. Carey’s full-time MBA program and the joint DBA program with the Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance. He served as the Faculty Director of W. P. Carey’s China EMBA Program from 2014 to 2016 and Associate Dean for China Programs from 2016 to 2019. His research focuses on strategic decision-makers and their impacts on organizations. He has published many empirical studies about top executives and corporate directors in the top-tier management journals, such as the Administrative Science QuarterlyAcademy of Management Journal, and Strategic Management Journal. He has also published several theoretical articles in the Academy of Management Review that explore the evolution of the CEO-board relationship, managerial discretion, and the impact of leader departure on subordinates’ organizational attachment. He has reviewed for many scholarly journals and conferences, and has served on the editorial board of the Academy of Management JournalAcademy of Management ReviewJournal of Management and GovernanceManagement and Organization Review, and Strategic Management Journal. He also served as an editor and an author of the Empirical Methods in Organization and Management Research (4rd Edition) and Organizational Management, both of which are published by the Peking University Press in 2023.

Xu Huang, Hong Kong Baptist University
2025 Conference Co-chair

Professor Xu Huang received his PhD from the University of Groningen (the Netherlands), MA from Lancaster University (UK), and Honors Diploma from Lingnan University (Hong Kong). Currently, he is Chair Professor of Management Associate and Dean of the School of Business, Hong Kong Baptist University. He is also the Director of the DBA program and the Director of Center for Human Resource Strategy and Development. He is Consulting Editor of the Management and Organization Review, and a member of editorial board for Academy of Management Journal and Human Relations. Professor Huang is now serving as an Independent Director of the board of Giodano International Limited.

Professor Xu Huang’s research interests include leadership, power, proactive and abnormal work behaviors, employee well-being, cross-cultural psychology, and management issues in China. He has published more than 80 papers in international journals including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Management and Organization Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology, Human Relations, Leadership Quarterly, and so forth.

Lerong He (何乐融) The College at Brockport, State University of New York Treasurer/Executive Secretary

Lerong He is a Professor of Management and Interim Associate Dean of the School of Business &  Management at State University of New York at Brockport. She is also a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Fuzhou University, China. Dr. He received her PhD in Management from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. She obtained her M.A. degree in Industrial Relation and Human Resource Management from University of Minnesota, and her B.S. degree in Business Administration from Peking University. Dr. He’s main research interests are corporate governance, strategic leadership, and business ethics. Her recent research focus is to study these topics in the emerging market context particularly China. Dr. He’s research has been published in Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementCorporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of Business VenturingJournal of Business Ethics, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Corporate Finance, Management and Organization Review, etc. Her research has won several conference best paper awards and has been highlighted in Barron’s and Bloomberg News Asia. Dr. He currently serves as the co-editor of Management Research Review. She also serves on the editorial board of Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Corporate Governance: An International Review and as an ad hoc peer reviewer for dozens of management, finance, and accounting journals. Dr. He was the 2014 Taiwan Fellowship recipient. She obtained the Fujian 100 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Grant in 2015. She also won the 2020 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship.

Jia (Jasmine) Hu (胡佳), Ohio State University
Rep-at-large: Americas

Jia (Jasmine) Hu is a Full Professor of Management and Denman Scholar at the Ohio State University, as well as the Citi Visiting Chair in International Business at Tsinghua University. She previously held a faculty position at the University of Notre Dame, where she achieved tenure. She holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from the University of Illinois at Chicago. Jasmine’s research focuses on prosocial leadership, team effectiveness, and the experiences of individuals in high-technology and work-life settings. Her work has been published in renowned management journals such as the Academy of Management Journal (AMJ), Journal of Applied Psychology (JAP), Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (OBHDP), Personnel Psychology (PPsych), Leadership Quarterly, and Harvard Business Review. Jasmine’s research has also gained recognition from a number of media outlets, including Forbes, Fortune, Times, Washington Post, and The U.S. Chamber of Commerce. As of June 2023, her work has been cited over 8,100 times according to Google Scholar.

Jasmine serves as an Associate Editor of JAP, a Deputy Editor of Management and Organizational Review (MOR), and sits on the editorial boards of several major management journals such as AMJ, OBHDP, PPsych, and Journal of Management. She has taught leadership core courses for MBA and other master’s programs, as well as advanced seminars for Ph.D. students. Jasmine actively engages with professional organizations such as IACMR, SIOP, and AOM’s OB and HR divisions.

Jasmine has been recognized for her research, teaching, and professional service. She was elected as a Fellow of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in 2023 and ranked among the top 10 most productive leadership scholars in the OB field from 2011 to 2017. She was named as a “Best 40 under 40 Professor” by Poets and Quants in 2021, a “Best Reviewer of the Year” by PPsych in 2019, and a “Distinguished Editor” by MOR in both 2021 and 2023.

Helen H. Zhao(赵海临), the University of Hong Kong
Rep-at-large: Asia Pacific

Dr. Helen Hailin Zhao is currently an associate professor in the Management and Strategy Department at the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Hong Kong. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Iowa and her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She has published over twenty papers in top-tier international management journals and conference proceedings and has received various research and teaching awards. She has led two projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Hong Kong Research Grants Council and participated in one project funded by the government for knowledge transfer. Her research is not only recognized in the academic community but is also frequently cited and reprinted by major business media. Dr. Zhao is a researcher driven by management phenomena and has a problem-solving mentality. She relies on psychometrics, econometrics, and data science, and her research covers various areas of organizational behavior, including leadership, social networks, and time, as well as multiple areas in human resource management, such as compensation, performance, and recruitment. She has also participated in behavioral big data projects with several well-known companies.

Yuntao Dong (董韫韬), Peking University
Rep-at-large: Chinese Mainland

Yuntao Dong is an associate professor in the Department of Organization and Strategy at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. She received her Ph.D. from University of Maryland, College Park.  Before joining Peking University, she has worked as assistant professor at University of Connecticut, School of Business. Yuntao’s research focuses on leadership and leader empowerment, creativity, and employee emotion and resilience, in both traditional organizations and during the digital transformation via a multilevel lens. Yuntao’s work has been published in Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Management and Organization Management and is regarded as ESI highly cited paper. Yuntao has won McBride Best Paper Award, Most Innovative Student Paper Award of AOM OB Division, MOR Best Senior Editor Award, and the First Innovative Teaching Contest of Beijing Universities. She has taught undergraduate- and graduate-level courses on organizational behavior, management and organization theory, theory and practice of innovation, human resource management, and research methodology.

Pei Sun(孙霈), the University of Manchester
Rep-at-large: Europe

Dr. Pei SUN is Professor and Chair of International Business at Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK. He received his BA (Economics) from Peking University, China, and his MPhil (Economics) from Faculty of Economics, and his PhD in business economics and strategy from Judge Business School, University of Cambridge, U.K.   

His research interests include corporate governance and stakeholder/nonmarket strategy, with a particular focus on how foreign and domestic firms manage and exploit institutional complexity and changes in emerging economies and how their strategies and corporate governance arrangements impact upon firm outcomes, stakeholders, and wider society. He has published papers in renowned academic journals such as Academy of Management JournalAcademy of Management PerspectivesCambridge Journal of EconomicsEconomics LettersJournal of Business EthicsJournal of International Business StudiesJournal of ManagementJournal of Management Studies, and World Development. His research papers have received awards from the annual conferences of Academy of Management (AOM) and Strategic Management Society (SMS).

He is an associate editor of British Journal of Management, a senior editor of Management and Organization Review, and served as a senior editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Management (2019-2021). He serves or has served on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Perspectives, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, and Journal of World Business. He is a frequent reviewer for such world-leading journals as Academy of Management JournalAdministrative Science QuarterlyJournal of Management, Organization Science, and Strategic Management Journal, and for other prestigious organizations such as Cambridge University Press and Hong Kong Research Grants Council. He was a member of the Research Committee, International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR, 2017-2021).

He has been an organization committee member and track chair for the Academy of International Business (AIB) Annual Conferences in 2014 and 2021. The Oxford Handbook of State Capitalism and the Firm, in which he serves as a co-editor, was published by Oxford University Press in 2022. He currently serves as a guest editor of the special issue on the management of socio-political environments and issues for the Journal of Management Studies.He has a broad range of teaching experience in most business school programmes, including undergraduate, taught master, MPhil/PhD, MBA, and executive training. His broad teaching interests lie in corporate governance, international business strategy, and business/managerial economics. He received teaching excellence award/commendation from Alliance Manchester Business School and the School of Management, Fudan University. He is a frequent commentator on economic, business, and managerial issues in both Chinese and global media, and has provided policy advice and consulting service to numerous multinational and Chinese companies. 

Jinkai Cheng (程进凯), Renmin University of China
Ph.D. Student Representative for the Chinese Mainland

Jinkai Cheng is a Ph.D. student at the School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, and a visiting student at Nanyang Business School in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He received his master’s degree from the Central University of Finance and Economics, China. His research interests include motivation to lead, leadership emergence, shared leadership, and telecommuting. His studies have presented in the management journals and conferences. In addition, he has worked on several funded research projects, which were supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and Central Universities.

Yue Wang (王月), Rice University
Ph.D. Student Representative for Overseas

Yue Wang is a Ph.D. candidate in Strategic Management at Rice University. Before joining Rice, she earned her M.A. in management and B.A. in economics from Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. Yue’s research interest broadly lies in two fields: platform and digitalization, firm’s nonmarket strategy. More specifically, she studies (1) how firms are affected by platform transformation under digitalization revolution and what are their responses: (2) how firm-government relationship and firm-NGO relationship are formed, managed, diffused and what are the outcomes for firms. Yue’s paper has been published in peer-reviewed journals and presented in top management conferences.

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