2012–Organization and Management Research Methods Books

We are pleased to announce that the publication of five “Organization and Management Research Methods” books, published by Peking University Press. The books provide the most comprehensive research method guidelines in the organization management area, covering all kinds of commonly used research methodology for the empirical research and case studies. The collection of five books guides researchers from the process of theory construction and theory development, to empirical studies and paper writing. The books are either edited or authored renowned scholars in China and worldwide.
The books are available since July 2012 in the bookstores. You can also purchase these books from the Online Store:
Empirical Methods in Organization and Management Research, 2nd edition
Case Study Research Method: Selected Articles by Kathleen M. Eisenhardt
In Search of Truth and Beauty: The Research Journey of Professor Anne S. Tsui
Collection of Award-winning Papers in the Administrative Science Quarterly, Volume 2
Award-winning Papers in the Academy of Management Journal, Volume 2