Training Programs

2016 Philosophy of Management Research Course Completion Report

Philosophy of Management Research (PMR)

Teacher Training Workshop

December 8-12, 2016

Co-sponsored by the Guanghua School of Management and the International Association for Chinese Management Research

A Completion Report

Group Picture of 1st Philosophy of Management Research (PMR)Teacher Training Workshop

Dear IACMR community,

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of this workshop. We had a total of 17 professors from nine leading business schools in China. This inaugural workshop involves a four and a half days’ intensive study of the philosophy of science issues in social science research, how progress occurs in science, the role of values in scientific activities, and the challenges in management research, concluding with a discussion of the idea of responsible science in business and management. We also discussed how to teach this course to doctoral students so that our future scholars will live up to the responsibility of pursuing ‘responsible science’– research that generate credible and useful knowledge to improve management and business practices for a better world.

Members of this inaugural “teacher training” workshop have agreed to form a community to continue the teaching and practice of responsible science, which begins with learning the philosophy issues in management research. We plan to offer this training workshop in December 7-11, 2017 (Thursday to Monday) at Nanjing University Management School, and a Professional Development Workshop at the 2018 IACMR conference in Wuhan. Information about application to these activities will be available in due time.

Below are the participants of the inaugural training workshop and officers of the Community of Philosophy of Management Research. The community has already over 100 members, including 80 doctoral students from three business schools (Fudan, PKU, and Shanghai Jiaoda) who have taken this course since summer 2015. As our community grows, we are encouraged by and excited about the potential that more and more scholars in business schools will commit to pursuing responsible science that produces credible and useful knowledge for business and society.

Healthy, happy and lucky,

Anne S. Tsui, Arizona State University
Jian Liang, Shanghai Jiaotong University
Weiguo Zhong, Peking University

a. List of 2016 Workshop Participants,  Instructors, and Teaching Assistants

Workshop participants

Limin Chen       Wuhan University
Wei He              Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Lingyan Hu        Wuhan University
Liangding Jia     Nanjing University
Yan Jiang          Nanjing University
Shenjiang Mo     Zhejiang University
Bing Ren            Nankai University
Fangfang Sun     Harbin Institute of Technology
Xiaoye Wang      Tsinghua University
Wu Wei               Wuhan University
Zhi Yang             Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Jingtao Yi            Renmin University of China
Hongyan Yu        Sun Yat-sen University
Qinghong Yuan    Nankai University
Shujun Zhang      Sun Yat-sen University
Xinyuan Zhao       Sun Yat-sen University
Xinyue Zhou         Zhejiang University

Workshop Instructors
Anne S. Tsui        Arizona State University
Jian Liang            Shanghai Jiaotong University
Weiguo Zhong     Peking University

Workshop Teaching Assistants
Danxue Gao       Peking University
Hong Zhang       Peking University

b. Officers of Community of 2016 PMR

Workshop Officers
Secretary general: Liangding Jia, Nanjing University
Executive SG: Zhi Yang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Vice SG: Jian Liang, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Wechat officer
Weiguo Zhong     Peking University

c. Officers of Future PMR

2017 Workshop Committee
Jian Liang          Shanghai Jiaotong University
Weiguo Zhong   Peking University
Liangding Jia     Nanjing University
Yan Jiang          Nanjing University

2018 PDW Committee
Weiguo Zhong    Peking University
Limin Chen         Wuhan University
Wu Wei               Wuhan University
Lingyan Hu          Wuhan University