2023 Conference Page

IACMR’s 10th biennial meeting will take place from June 14th to 18th, 2023 in Hong Kong, China, hosted by Hong Kong Baptist University. Globalization in Flux: China and the World is the theme of the 2023 conference. Management research in the past four decades shows that the free flow of resources, personnel, and information across the globe improves economic efficiency, facilitates technological innovation, creates wealth, and has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty. China and Chinese firms have not only benefited tremendously from globalization but also become a driving force of it. Yet, the world is increasingly reflecting on the “dark side” of globalization and rethinking how the same forces have contributed to global challenges such as distributional injustice and environmental deterioration. In many countries, forces of deglobalization have resulted in profound shifts in political landscapes and rapid surges of nationalism and populism. This trend is further accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic as it disrupted the global supply chains and international travels.
The goal of the conference is to provide a forum for scholars from around the world to share the latest research on Chinese management and organizations under continuous change in globalization, with a focus on exploring new concepts, theories and examining empirical findings in rigorous and creative ways. IACMR is committed to assisting scholars, students, managers, and consultants who are interested in advancing knowledge about Chinese management. As one of world’s most vibrant cities characterized by a fusion of different cultures from both the East and the West, Hong Kong is a great place for IACMR’s members to share their ideas and findings about Chinese management during the rise and fall of globalization.
Welcome to join us in Hong Kong!

Important Dates

In Hong Kong Time
Submission System Open: September 16, 2022
Paper Submission Deadline: October 24, 2022
PDW Submission Deadline: November 21, 2022
Registration Open: March 1, 2023
IACMR 2023: June 14-18, 2023

Register for the Conference

Conference General Information

Conference Program

Submission Links
Refer to the guidelines in the Call for Submissions

Sponsorship Opportunities

Contact Us
Program Chair: Wei Shen (IACMR2023HK@asu.edu)
IACMR Office: Wei Zhang (iacmrbj@pku.edu.cn); Jennifer Zhao (iacmrmembership@pku.edu.cn)
Sponsorship opportunities: Xu Huang (xuhuang@hkbu.edu.hk); Connie Ling (connieling@hkbu.edu.hk)
General information about the IACMR may be found at IACMR website.

Host School