2024 IACMR Election Results
Dear Members,
We are delighted to announce the following voting results of the 2024 IACMR officer election.
Many thanks to the members who have actively participated in this important event of IACMR! Warm congratulations to the newly elected IACMR board members and student representatives!
• Vice President, Program Chair (2027):

Xu Huang (黄旭), Hong Kong Baptist University
• Representative-at-Large, Americas:

Cuili Qian (钱翠丽), The University of Texas at Dallas
• Co-Representative-at-Large, Europe:

Eric Zhao(赵雁飞), University of Oxford

Chenjian Zhang(张陈健), University of Bath
• Representative-at-Large, Chinese Mainland:

Wei He(贺伟), Nanjing University
• Representative-at-Large, Asia Pacific:

Guoli Chen (陈国立),INSEAD
• Ph.D. Student Rep, Chinese Mainland:

Huaxi Gao (高华西), Peking University
• Ph.D. Student Rep, Overseas:

Jason Moy(梅浩俊), University of Washington
Click here for biographies of the new officers. Their terms start at the conclusion of our 2025 conference in Xi’ an.
As we welcome our new team, it is a good time to remind ourselves of our collective goals. IACMR’s vision is to be the premier scholarly association dedicated to the creation and dissemination of management knowledge with a focus on China. To achieve this vision, we promote work that is done ethically, is done with rigor, is relevant to scholars and practitioners, and can have an impact on the world. This is exemplified by the leadership, but the real measure of success for IACMR is the work all of you do, and the way you do it.
We encourage you to support the new team by personifying the core values of IACMR:
Pursuit of Excellence– high quality research and teaching
Source of Inspiration– draw inspiration from each other
Responsible Scholarship– contribute to the well-being of our communities
Spirit of Service– volunteer to help IACMR and its members
Once again, congratulations to our new officers. We are confident that IACMR will grow bigger and stronger with their added skills and energy!
Zhi-Xue Zhang
Chair, IACMR Nomination and Election Committee 2024
Past President, IACMR