Call for Nominations|2023 IACMR Distinguished Scholarly Contribution Award
Deadline: Aug 10, 2022

IACMR would like to invite you to submit nominations for the Distinguished Scholarly Contribution Award. This award is given out every two years, in recognition of a scholar who has devoted much of their career to the study of Chinese management and has made significant contributions to the theory, methods, or practice of Chinese management. Winners are recognized leaders in the field who have enhanced the visibility of Chinese management research in the global community and inspired other researchers.
The next winner will be recognized at the 2023 Biennial Conference in Hongkong. Past winners of this award can be seenhere.
Eligibility. All scholars are eligible for nomination. IACMR membership is not required. To avoid conflict of interest, members of the Distinguished Scholarly Contribution Award Committee cannot be nominated for this award. They cannot nominate candidates either. Deserving committee members may be nominated in subsequent years.
Nomination Procedures. Nominations must include:
1. A nomination letter specifying the nominee’s name, a brief statement on the contributions to the field of Chinese management, and reasons for the nominee to receive the award.
2. The nominee’s full curriculum vitae with all basic information on the first page, including name, position, university and publications.
3. The nominator should seek the agreement of the nominee for the nomination. The nominee must attend the meeting to receive the award if selected.
All nominations must be submitted electronically to IACMR Office at with the title of ‘DSC Award Nomination’ by Aug 10, 2022.
Committee Members of 2023 Distinguished Scholarly Contribution Award:
- Ning Li, Tsinghua University (Co-Chair)
- Wu Liu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Co-Chair)
- Lori (Qingyuan) Yue, Columbia Business School (Co-Chair)
- Eric Zhao, Indiana University (Co-Chair)
- Zhi-Xue Zhang, Peking University
- Wei Shen, Arizona State University
- Xiao-Ping Chen, University of Washington