CALL FOR PAPERS| Global Business in the Digital Age and Post-COVID-19

5th International Conference
East China University of Science & Technology – University of San Francisco
Date: June 12-13, 2021, China Time; June 11-12, 2021 US Pacific Standard Time Virtual Conference
Location: School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai
Digital technology has profoundly reshaped global business. Not only has it accelerated the process of firm internationalization but also facilitated inter-firm cross-border cooperation. However, for the global top 100 digital multinationals, only 41% of their total assets are located overseas, compared with 65% for traditional multinationals, showing a considerable difference between these two groups. In terms of sales, 73% of digital multinationals’ sales are overseas, compared with 64% for traditional multinationals. Furthermore, technological competition has intensified across national boundaries. However, the increasing geopolitical tensions and the rise of nationalism have led many countries to restrict the use of digital technology, thereby limiting the flow of information and cross-border business activities.
With the Covid-19 Pandemic and its impact on business digital transformation, companies face new opportunities and challenges in the global arena. How can they deal with the precarious changes and achieve sustainable international growth? What are the characteristics of effective business models in today’s global business environment? These issues will be extensively discussed during the 5th ECUST & USF International Conference to be held virtually on June 12- 13, 2021 (North America Pacific Standard Time: June 11-12). The Conference will provide a platform to exchange views on various business challenges and solutions in today’s environment. During the two-day conference, there will be a variety of sessions/activities, including keynote speeches, academic and industry dialogues, an education leaders’ forum, regular and special paper sessions, etc. W e sincerely welcome scholars, education leader s, industry executives, entrepreneurs, and policymakers to participate in our discussions.
Conference Topic
The Conference is dedicated to providing a platform for participants to communicate with each other. All topics on global business are welcome, particularly those focusing on the impact of digital transformation and COVID-19.
Keynote Speeches sponsored by AIB Asia-Pacific Chapter
Marjorie A. Lyles Florida International University (to be confirmed) JT Li Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Executive Panel Keynote Speaker:
Dantley Davis Chief Design Officer, Twitter
Abstracts & Papers
This Conference includes both Chinese and English sessions. We invite participants to submit papers or abstracts, preferably related to the conference theme. For abstract submissions, you will need to provide a ONE-page extended summary (Chinese or English) addressing the following and other related issues:
☐ Research Purpose
☐ Research Design/Research Methods ☐ Research Findings
☐ Limitations/Recommendations
☐ Practical Inspiration
Opportunity to publish articles in the SSCI listed journal Business Horizons:
The conference will recommend high-quality full conference papers to Business Horizons for potential publication.
Business Horizons(Impact factor is 3.444, 59/147 in Business) publishes original articles of interest to business academicians and practitioners. Articles cover a wide range of topical areas within the general field of business, with emphasis on identifying important business issues, problems, or opportunities and recommending means to address these. Ideally, articles will prompt readers to think about business practice in new and innovative ways. Business Horizons fills a unique niche among business publications by publishing articles that strike a balance between the practical and the academic. To this end, articles published in Business Horizons are grounded in scholarship, yet are presented in a readable, non-technical format such that the content is accessible to a wide business audience. Here is a link to the guide for authors:
Opportunity for PhD students in International Business to Compete for Best Dissertation Proposal Award
The competition is sponsored by Nottingham University Business School China. The details will be announced later.
Important Dates
Conference Date: June 12-13, 2021, China Time; June 11-12, 2021 US Pacific Standard Time
Deadline for submission of abstracts, papers: May 10, 2021
Deadline for conference registration: May 30, 2021
Conference Registration and Fees (TBA)
Contact Info
Please send your submissions to the following Email:
For inquiries and questions about the conference, please contact the conference organizer via the above email.
Conference Chairs
Haifeng Yan,East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) Xiaohua Yang ,University of San Francisco (USF)
Lei Li ,University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Program and Organizing Committee Chairs
Bing Wu, ECUST
Roger Chen, USF
Conference Planning Committee (Alphabetical order by last name)
Taotao Chen,Tsinghua University
Ping Deng,Cleveland State University
Gloria Ge,Griffith University
Xiaogang He,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Manli Huang,South China University of Technology
Donghong Li,Tsinghua University
Ji Li,Hong Kong Baptist University
Peter Ping Li,University of Nottingham Ningbo China
Weiwen Li,Sun Yat-sen University
Yu Li,University of International Business and Economics
Jane W. Lu,City University of Hong Kong
Ping Lv,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xinbo Sun,Northeastern University
Yimin Wang,Shandong University
Yonggui Wang,Foreign Economic and Trade University
William Wei,McVan University
Jianzu Wu,Lanzhou University
Xianming Wu,Wuhan University
Xiaoyun Wu,Nankai University
Hongming Xie,Guangzhou University
Zhenzhen Xie,Tsinghua University
Hui Xu,Nankai University
Xiaojun Xu,Fudan University
Gracy(J.Y.) Yang,University of Sydney
Guangyu Ye,South China University of Technology
Changjun Yi,HuaQiao University
Gangfeng Zhang,Zhejiang University
Xiao Zhang,Nanjing University
Qinqin Zheng,Fudan University
Changhui Zhou,Peking University
Jun Zhou,Soochow University
Conference Organizing Committee Members
Xiaodi Lu,ECUST
Qihu Wang,ECUST
Qiong Wu,ECUST
Molin Wang,ECUST
Lingshuang Kong,ECUST
Liang Wang,USF
Gleb Nikitenko,USF
Jonathan P. Allen,USF