CFP: Global Strategy Journal Paper Development Workshop at IACMR

June 19, 9pm-11pm Beijing Time / June 20, 9am-11am Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)
Guanghua School of Management Xi’an Campus, Peking University and Online
Global Strategy Journal (GSJ) offers an online paper development workshop in connection with the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) Biennial Conference in June 2021. GSJ is the leading journal on global strategic management research. It aims to shape the direction of conversations on the interaction between the global context and the strategy. It is a journal of the Strategic Management Society. Please click here for more information on the journal and the society.
Purpose of the PDW
To provide scholars with developmental feedback on their current papers and research projects.
Open to Whom
The PDW is open to all scholars who register for the 2021 IACMR Conference (both online and onsite), but preference will be given to doctoral students and early career academics.
Why Should You Participate
Co-Editors, Associate Editors, Editorial Board Members will offer a panel discussion on how to publish in top journals, and provide detailed feedback to the authors in a roundtable discussion format. The panel on how to publish in top journals will be conducted in English; for the roundtable paper development, the workshop is open to papers written in either English or Chinese. The workshop will also invite peer feedback from the other participants to offer a rich developmental experience to the authors. While we hope that many of the participating papers will be eventually submitted to GSJ, the purpose of the PDW is broader: to improve the quality of global strategy research by providing quality feedback, and to bring new scholars into the field.
Prospective participants are invited to submit their paper manuscripts to lid@indiana.eduwith the subject “Submission for GSJ PDW at IACMR” by May 20, 2021. Please note that each participant may submit only one manuscript for the GSJ PDW at the IACMR 2021 Conference. The cover page of the manuscript should include all authors’ names, e-mails, and affiliations.
Manuscripts will be selected based on the fit with the journal and quality of their submitted work.
NOTE: Participants must be registered for the IACMR Conference before they confirm their attendance at the GSJ-PDW. To register for the conference, please click here for link in Chinese or click here for link in English.
PDW Panelists
Gabriel Benito, Co-Editor, BI Norwegian Business School
Tailan Chi, Editorial Board, University of Kansas
Alvaro Cuervo-Cazurra, Co-Editor, Northeastern University
Dan Li, Former Associate Editor, Indiana University
Peter Ping Li, Editorial Board, Copenhagen Business School
Marjorie Lyles, Senior Advisory Board, Florida International University
Nitin Pangarkar, Editorial Board, National University of Singapore
Torben Pedersen, Former Co-Editor, Bocconi University; Copenhagen Business School
Wei Shi, Editorial Board, University of Miami
Tony Tong, Editorial Board, University of Colorado
Stephanie Wang, Editorial Board, Indiana University
Minyuan Zhao, Editorial Board, Washington University in St. Louise