End-of-Year Message from the President

Dear IACMR members, colleagues and friends,
On behalf of the Executive Committee, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, and hope that 2023 is filled with joy, love and fulfillment.
Despite the challenges we have all faced through the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been an honor to serve in this capacity, and I remain as positive and enthusiastic as ever about Chinese Management Research. While most programs have been run virtually, IACMR’s Beijing staff, leadership, and members have remained focused the mission of supporting Chinese management research and teaching.
Although we could not have our 2022 Teaching Workshop (Wuhan) and Research Method Workshop (Lanzhou) physically as planned, we were able to run our Research Method Workshop via online platform, we had very good interactions among all attendees. Also based on Zoom platform, we had two sessions of IACMR Macro Research Frontier Conference, organized by the Macro team of our Research Committee. The COVID-19 crisis forced us to innovate in ways that provide better service to our members.
Thanks to all of you who have contributed to IACMR, including our staff in Beijing, our conference organizers, track chairs, student volunteers, and host schools, our board and committee members, our reviewers for MOR and conferences, workshop faculty, seminar speakers, and our journal editors and staff. It takes so many people contributing their time and energy to make IACMR be the scholarly community that it is, and wants to be.
I would like to take a moment to report a few highlights of 2022.
Research Method Workshop. The Tenth Research Method workshop, attended by 122 PhD students and young faculty from 49 universities, was a great success. 16 outstanding professors from all over the world instructed and mentored the workshop. Due to transportation restraints, the workshop was held on Zoom that composed by 10 lecture sessions, 8 group discussion sessions, a proposal presentation and a social hour session. Each participant received feedback on their ongoing research.
Macro Research Frontier Conferences. The Macro team of our Research Committee organized the first and the second Macro Research Frontier Conference, in May and December respectively. More than 300 joined each conference, they heard talks from speakers on topics ranging from choosing a research topic to multi-level modeling.
On-Line Seminars. This year we have continued our connection with members by conducting seminar series. Through these platforms, we provide members with access to high quality management research and offer a forum to discuss career development and gain experience to be good teachers. With great effort of our seminar committees, we were able to run 12 sessions of Research Seminars, 7 sessions of Young Scholar Development Seminars and 4 sessions of Teaching & Learning Seminars this year.
Management and Organization Review. Our flagship journal, Management and Organization Review, continues its effort to enhance the credibility of management research, resulting a two-year impact factor of 3.776. We are pleased to welcome Xiao-Ping Chen as the new editor of MOR, started in January 2022. Under Xiao-Ping’s leadership, there are some new initiatives this year, Lights On MOR! video interview series, hosted by Ray Friedman, was one of them. Due to expanding submissions, MOR grew to six issues a year, which increases its impact and visibility. Keep an eye out for new issues, and be sure to submit your best papers.
New leadership team for 2023. Four area representatives were elected: Jia (Jasmine) Hu (Ohio State University), Pei Sun (the University of Manchester), Yuntao Dong (Peking University) and Helen H. Zhao (the University of Hong Kong). In addition, Jinkai Cheng(Renmin University of China) and Yue Wang (Rice University) were elected as Student Representatives. We are confident that IACMR will grow bigger and stronger with their added skills and energy!
Awards. With great pleasure, we announced that Professor Jing Zhou of Rice University has won the 2023 IACMR Distinguished Scholarly Contribution Award. Also, five students won Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund grants for 2022. Congratulations to all of these award winners!
Hong Kong Conference in June 2023. With the ongoing support of the host school, Business School of Hong Kong Baptist University, and under the leadership of Professor Wei Shen, our Program Chair, plans for 2023 are shaping up. The theme of the conference is “Globalization in Flux: China and the World”. Get ready for a fun, engaging, and educational conference!
I hope you have the opportunity at this holiday season to take the time to rest and recharge, ready to return for an exciting 2023.
Zhi-Xue Zhang
President of IACMR,
Professor of Organization and Strategic Management, Peking University,
On Behalf of the IACMR Executive Committee