IACMR New Books in 2016
We are pleased to announce that new series of “IACMR Organization and Management Research Method” (in Chinese) are published by Peking University Press in 2016.
They are:

Capitalism from Below: Markets and Institutional Change in China
Authors: Victor Nee and Sonja Opper
Translators: Haifeng Yan and Shuyang You
Price: RMB 79.00
Publication: 2016.8

A Collection of Papers on Management Theory Development
Editors: Ann S. Tsui , Bing Ren and Li Lv
Price:RMB 108.00

China’s Innovation Challenge: Overcoming the Middle Income Trap
Editors: Arie Y. Lewin, Martin Kenney, and Johann Peter Murmann
Proofreader: Zhixue Zhang
Price: RMB 78.00
Publication: 2016.7