Presidential Speech
Professor Neng Liang, IACMR President(2016-2018), delivered his presidential speech on the morning of June 15. His speech focused on ‘the role of educators’. In the past 16 years since IACMR was founded, the very foundation of Chinese management and education has shifted. What does the changes mean for IACMR, whose focus is Chinese management research and education? Similar to a 16 year-old teenager, the 16 year-old IACMR is full of energy and dreams, but also full of unresolved tensions. There are so many new phenomena to be studied, so many new questions to be answered, and so many critical social issues awaiting the attention and actions of great minds and Jobs-like entrepreneurs.
Professor Neng Liang, IACMR President (2016-2018)
Professor Liang delivering presidential speech
Professor Liang reviewed the IACMR mission of ‘promoting the research, teaching and practices of Chinese management’. He stressed that ‘the ultimate goal of IACMR is to push forward the practice of Chinese management, and this can be achieved by playing our roles of educators’. In the past 16 years, IACMR has made great contributions to enhancing Chinese management research. Now it’s the time for IACMR to assume educators’ responsibility to ultimately improve Chinese management practices by applying research discoveries of brain science, psychology, pedagogy and cognitive science. It’s the call of the time, the call of sciences and students. No one else but IACMR should shoulder up the responsibilities.