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Publication Committees

The IACMR Publications Committee serves IACMR on issues regarding publication of IACMR books and journals (Management and Organization Review, Management Insight, etc.). The Committee includes one or two senior editors of the IACMR journal (MOR), one member of the Executive Committee, and one representative from each sponsoring university of the journal, or in the absence of sponsorships, a general member of IACMR. The Committee periodically selects and/or retains the editor-in-chief of MOR or other publications of IACMR and evaluates the performance of the EIC. The Committee also prepares recommendations for new publications for Board approval.

Ray Friedman
Vanderbilt University
Committee Chair
Xiao-ping Chen
University of Washington
Runtian Jing
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Xuhong Li
Fudan University
Anne Tsui
Arizona State University

Jianjun Zhang
Peking University