2025 Conference (June 11-15, 2025)



Research on the Design and Management Mechanisms of AI Agent Systems based on Generative Artificial Intelligence 

Language: English and Chinese

祝恒书 中国科学院 研究员 hszhu@cnic.cn 
张兮 天津大学 教授 jackyzhang@tju.edu.cn
曾薇 湖南大学 副教授 zengwei_hnu@163.com
Hengshu Zhu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor, hszhu@cnic.cn
Xi Zhang, Tianjin University, Professor, jackyzhang@tju.edu.cn 
Wei Zeng, Hunan University, Associate Professor, zengwei_hnu@163.com 

葛永 亚利桑那大学 副教授 yongge@arizona.edu
孟庆欣 宁波诺丁汉大学 助理教授qingxin.meng@nottingham.edu.cn
孙莹 香港科技大学(广州)助理教授(副研究员) yings@hkust- gz.edu.cn
成一航 中国科学院 博士后 chengyihang544@gmail.com
Yong Ge, The University of Arizona, Associate Professor,
Qingxin Meng, The University of Nottingham-Ningbo, Assistant Professor, qingxin.meng@nottingham.edu.cn
Ying Sun, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) , Assistant Professor, yings@hkust-gz.edu.cn
Yihang Cheng, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Postdoc, chengyihang544@gmail.com 

基于生成式人工智能的数字代理人(AI Agent)正在飞速发展, 未来将广泛运用于各个行业的商业场景。基于生成式人工智能的数字代理人具有 自主性、反应性、主动性与社会化能力,能够自主感知环境、处理信息、与其他 代理人或用户交互,并采取适应性行动,从而实现模拟、辅助或替代人类在特定 环境中进行决策和执行任务。智能数字代理人系统的应用将颠覆传统组织管理的 运行模式,这是一个新兴的交叉学科研究方向,将为学术研究、企业实践发展带来全新的机遇与挑战。为此,本次工作坊旨在为与会者提供一个分享见解的平台, 交流关于智能数字代理人最新研究与应用成果,探讨生成式人工智能技术新的发 展如何影响商业模式、组织行为、人力资源管理和企业竞争优势。
AI agents based on generative artificial intelligence are developing rapidly and has great potential to be widely applied in commercial scenarios across various industries in the future. AI Agents based on generative artificial intelligence possess autonomy, reactivity, proactivity and social capabilities. They can independently perceive their environment, process information, interact with other agents or users, and take adaptive actions. With these characteristics, AI Agents can simulate, assist or replace humans in making decisions and executing tasks within specific environments. The application of AI multi-agent systems will fundamentally disrupt the traditional rules and models of organizational management, and will be an emerging interdisciplinary research direction, bringing brand-new opportunities and challenges to academic research and enterprise practice development. Therefore, this workshop is intended to provide participants with a platform for brainstorming and sharing insights, the latest research and application results on AI Agents, empowering scholars and managers to jointly explore how developments in generative artificial intelligence are impacting business models, organizational behavior, human resource management and competitive advantage in enterprises. 


  1. 交叉学科视角下基于生成式人工智能的数字代理人系统设计机制
  2. 面向知识创造的智能数字代理人系统的竞合博弈关系
  3. 基于人类价值对齐的智能数字代理人系统设计优化
  4. 多主体数字代理人系统治理框架与风险防范


  1. Design mechanisms of AI Agents Systems based on generative artificial intelligence from an interdisciplinary perspective.
  2. Competition and cooperation game relations of AI Multi-Agent Systems in knowledge creation. 
  3. Design optimization of AI Multi-Agent Systems based on human value alignment.
  4. Governance framework and risk prevention of AI Multi-Agent Systems.

Target Participants: No special requirements. 

No. of Admissions: No limitation.