
Founding President, Special Advisor & Co-Treasurer of IACMR – Anne S. Tsui
ANNE S. TSUI, Founding President of IACMR, currently Special Advisor and Co-treasurer of the Association, is Distinguished Adjunct Professor at the University of Notre Dame since fall 2014, Motorola Professor Emerita of International Management at Arizona State University, and concurrently Visiting Distinguished Professor at Peking University and Fudan University, China. Previously, she was faculty at Duke University, U California, Irvine, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She is the 67th President and Fellow of the Academy of Management (AOM), 14th Editor the Academy of Management Journal, Founding President of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) and Founding Editor-in-Chief of Management and Organization Review. She is also an elected fellow of the Academy of International Business. She won best paper awards from AMJ, ASQ, and JOM, received the Center for Creative Leadership Applied Leadership Research Award, the University of Minnesota Outstanding (Alumnus) Achievement Award, the AOM Distinguished Service Contribution Award, and the IACMR Lifetime Contribution Award. In recent years, she has devoted her professional work to advancing both the quality and the relevance of international and Chinese management research. She is the co-founder of the Responsible Research in Business and Management network (www.RRBM.network). Dr. Tsui received her BA in Psychology from the University of Minnesota, Duluth; MA in Industrial Relations from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; PhD in Management from the University of California, Los Angeles, and an Honorary Doctorate in Economics from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Past President – Jia Lin Xie
Jia Lin Xie is Magna Professor in Management at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Canada. Her areas of expertise are job design, job stress, cross-cultural organizational behavior, and knowledge management. Her cross-cultural research focuses on the comparisons between Chinese and North Americans on job-related attitudes and behavior. Her research work has appeared in journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Advances in International Comparative Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Harvard Business Review (China Edition), Journal of Management, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, and Journal of Organizational Behavior. Born and raised in China, Jia Lin Xie held a faculty position at Renmin University in the 1980s, and at the Faculty of Business of City University of Hong Kong between 1999 and 2001. She has a passion for Chinese management research and internationalization of management knowledge, and has devoted tremendous effort in assisting the knowledge exchange between China and the West.

Past President – Jing Zhou
Jing Zhou, Ph.D., is Houston Endowment Professor of Management and Director for Asian Management Research and Education at the Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University. Prior to joining Rice, she was Associate Professor and Mays Fellow in the Management Department at the Mays Business School of Texas A&M University. She has received several research and teaching awards for excellence in research and teaching. She has been inducted as a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Her research interests focus on personal and organizational factors that promote or stifle employee creativity and innovation, leadership, and cross-cultural management. Her work has been published in leading journals in management, including Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, and Personnel Psychology. She has served on the editorial boards of top journals in management, including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Management and Organization Review, and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. She has edited and published a book, Handbook of Organizational Creativity. She is an associate editor of Journal of Applied Psychology. She has taught leadership, managing for creativity and innovation, global leadership, negotiation, and organizational behavior at the undergraduate, MBA, Executive MBA, and Ph.D. levels. She has served as a visiting professor in top business schools in China. She has made executive presentations and consulted with many companies on issues related to her areas of expertise. She has served in leadership positions in professional associations including Chair of the Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Track of Academy of International Business, Associate Program Chair for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Representative-at-Large of the Organizational Behavior Division of Academy of Management, and Senior Vice President for International Association of Chinese Management Research. In addition to her academic and professional activities, Dr. Zhou is active in serving the community. She has given numerous keynote speeches and workshops in community organizations. She is a trustee at the Post Oak School in Houston.

President – Chao Chen
Chao C. Chen (Ph.D., the State University of New York at Buffalo) is Professor of Management and Global Business at Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey. He had his undergraduate education in English language and literature in the People’s Republic of China. He was a British Council Scholar studying economics, industrial history, and comparative government in the Universities of Manchester and Warwick in England for two years. He received his Master in linguistics and Ph.D. in organization behavior and HR management from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He served as the department chair of Management and Global Business at Rutgers. He was a visiting associate professor at Stern Business School at NYU for two years, and is affiliated with the International Ph.D. Program at Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. His research interests include rewards and compensation, organizational justice, leadership, networking, and cross-cultural management. He has published in leading management journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Organization Science. He has recently coedited a book to be published by Cambridge University Press on Leadership and Management in China: Philosophies, Theories, and Practices. He currently serves on the editorial boards of Journal of International Business Studies, Asia Pacific Management Journal, and IACMR’s journal of Management and Organization Review. He has taught at undergraduate, MBA, EMBA, and Ph.D. levels courses including organizational behavior, managing diversity, cross-cultural management, negotiation, and organization and culture.

Senior Vice President – Jiing-Lih (Larry) Farh
Jiing-Lih (Larry) Farh (Ph.D., Indiana U. at Bloomington, USA) is a Chair Professor of Management at the School of Business and Management at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Previously, he has also served as Head (2000-2003) and Associate Head (1993-1999) of the department. Before returning to Hong Kong, he was a tenured associate professor at Louisiana State University (1984-1993). He received a B.S. in Psychology from National Taiwan University and a MBA from National Chengchi University of Taiwan. He currently serves as a Senior Editor for Management and Organization Review, and has served on the review board of many journals including Academy of Management Journal, Human Relations, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Personnel Psychology, and Leadership Quarterly. He has published over 40 articles in international journals of management such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management, Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. His current research interests are primarily focused on the study of organizational behavior in the Chinese context, such as individual cultural values of power distance and traditionality, work attitudes, guanxi, leadership, and organizational citizenship behavior.

Vice President and Program Chair – Neng Liang
Dr. Neng Liang is Professor Emeritus (hired back) of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS). Previously he was a professor of management at Peking University and a tenured professor at Loyola University in Maryland, USA. He was a standing committee member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Shanghai Pudong District; a vice president of Chinese Economist Society, and the President of IACMR. He currently serves as the education committee chair of IACMR and an academic advisor to the Center for China and Globalization. Neng Liang was one of the pioneers of Chinese MBA education. He returned to China in 1997, co-founded the first joint MBA program in Beijing, and served as its first Chinese dean. In CEIBS, he served as the Director of the EMBA Programme, Associate Dean of Faculty, and the Director of case center; received teaching excellence award twice and a service excellence award. Liang’s research focuses on the behaviors of the upper echelon. His research won two Enbar research excellence awards in Europe, two “All Academy Best Paper” awards and two “Divisional Best Paper” awards in the Academy of Management. His edited book on corporate governance won a “National High Quality Best Seller” award in China. His research book on Chinese entrepreneurs (together with three Wharton professors) has been published in three languages. Liang spent six years as a farm laborer during the cultural revolution. He was admitted into graduate program in Renmin University as a self-taught student. He received his MBA from The Wharton School, and his Ph.D. from Indiana University (Bloomington).

Executive Secretary/Treasurer – Xiaomeng Zhang
Xiaomeng Zhang is an Associate Professor at the Kogod School of Business at American University in Washington D.C. She earned a B.A. with emphasis in Economics and Business Administration from ZhongShan University, China and a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management from the R.H. Smith School of Business at University of Maryland, College Park. Her research interests are in the areas of creativity, leadership and motivation, with a desire to understand the relationships between all those areas. She has published articles in multiple academic journals including the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Science, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Human Resource Management Review, and Creative Research Journal. Professor Zhang has taught principles of management, organizational behavior, business policies, H.R. management, and international business practice at both undergraduate and graduate level. She has won the Best International Paper Awards from Academy of Management and IACMR, and has earned several research and teaching awards at both American University and University of Maryland, including the Paine Award for outstanding academic achievement.

Representatives-at-Large, Europe – Peter Li
Peter Ping Li (Ph.D., 1991, George Washington University, USA) is Professor of Chinese Business Studies at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and the Visiting Professor of Management at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, China. Before joining CBS, he was Professor of Management at California State University. His academic interest lies in developing theories around the interdisciplinary issues across the broad field of management theories. In particular, his primary focus is on reexamining the extant Western theories from the cultural and historical frames of China and East Asia, especially applying the unique Chinese frame of Yin-Yang Balancing as well as the unique Yin-Yang Method of case study to the development of holistic, dynamic and duality theories. His current projects include the meta-theory of the firm, transaction value theory, learning-based view of multinational enterprise (MNE), MNE as institutional entrepreneur, disruptive innovation at the bottom of the pyramid, intercultural trust, inter-firm trust, rigor-relevance duality, exploration-exploitation duality, competition-cooperation duality, character-competence duality, analysis-intuition duality, science-religion duality (neuroscience of sudden insight and Zen of sudden enlightenment), and several other projects in the indigenous research on Chinese management. He has been widely recognized as one of the leading scholars in the research on transaction value theory, learning-based view of MNE, and organizational trust in particular and indigenous research on Chinese management in general. Dr. Li has published over 30 articles in various academic journals, including Organization Studies, Journal of Operations Management, Management and Organization Review, Journal of International Management, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of Business Ethics, among others. He is writing two books on disruptive innovation at the bottom of the pyramid to be published by Routledge and Edward Elgar. He has been a visiting professor at the China Center for Economic Research in Peking University as well as the School of Management in Xian Jiaotong University. He will be a visiting professor at Stanford University and INSEAD in 2012. He has been invited to present his research in the U.S., U.K., China, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong, and Taiwan. He has been instrumental in promoting the indigenous research on Chinese Management both in and out of China. Dr. Li is serving on the editorial boards of Journal of Management Studies, Management and Organizational Review, and Asia Pacific Journal of Management. The first is the leading management journal in Europe, and the last two are the leading journals devoted to the managerial issues in Asia. He also serves as a guest editor for two special issues of Management and Organization Review (“Building, Maintaining and Repairing Trust across Cultures” and “Indigenous Management Research in China”). He is one of the five “Outstanding Reviewers” for Management and Organizational Review. He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Trust Research (published by Routledge).

Representatives-at-Large, China – Liangding Jia
Liangding Jia is currently a professor in management at the Department of Management, School of Business, Nanjing University. He received his Ph.D. in Management from the Nanjing University in June, 2001. Professor Jia has worked in the research areas including CEO and top management team, diversificaiton strategy, employment relationship, and township enterprise cluster. Professor Jia’s academic work has been published in the Human Resource Management, Management and Organization Review, Frontiers of Business Research in China, Econimic Research (in Chinese), Management World (in Chinese), China Econimic Quarterly (in Chinese), and Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings (2009 and 2011). He has been in charge of three projects granted by the National Science Foundation of China and one Sino-Dutch joint project. Professor Jia has been scholarly visiting Hongkong University of Science and Technology (1999), Harvard University (2005), and Arizona State University (2008).

Representatives-at-Large, China – Kai Zhang
Kai Zhang (Ph.D., Beijing Normal University) is Professor of management and department chair of Organization and Human Resource Management at School of Business, Renmin University of China. He received his Ph.D. in educational psychology, and he had his undergraduate education in chemistry. He ever worked as a visiting scholar at University of Washington in USA and McMaster University in Canada. He is a deep thinking scholar. His areas of expertise include complexity and behavioral dynamics, leadership, goal theory, and interest and creative thinking. He won the best paper awards twice by the Academy of Management in 2006 and 2010 respectively. He also won the best paper award by the Administrative Science Association of Canada in 2009. Currently, he serves on the editorial board of the Frontiers of Business Research in China, and he serves as an associate editor of the Advances of Psychology (in Chinese), which is a new international journal published by Scientific Research Publishing in USA. As a growing organizational researcher with education in both natural and social sciences, he has devoted sustaining effort in integrating complexity science and Chinese ideology to do high-quality management research with theory construction. As a result, he was selected in the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University in 2006, which was set by Ministry of Education of the P. R. China. He likes to research management practice, too. He ever acted as a consultant at the Personnel Department of Beijing Organizing Committee for the 29th Olympic Games in 2003 and 2004.

Representatives-at-Large, Asia Pacific – Paul Hempel
Paul S. Hempel received his Ph.D. in Human Resource Management from Rutgers University. Since 1994 he has been at the Department of Management at the City University of Hong Kong, where he is an Associate Professor and the programme leader of the MSc in Organizational and Change Management. He has also been a visiting Associate Professor at Guanghua School of Management at Peking University, where he taught Strategic HRM courses in the International MBA program. He is currently serving on the editorial review boards of Management and Organization Review, the Journal of World Business, and the Journal of Organizational Behavior. His research has been broadly concerned with the interface between technology and human resource management, with publications in recent years focusing upon the management of knowledge and professional workers in China. Most recently, his research has been examining creativity at the individual and team levels.

Representatives-at-Large, Americas – Hui Liao
Dr. Hui Liao is an Associate Professor of Management and Organization at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. Before joining Maryland, she was on the faculties of the Rutgers University and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She received her Ph.D. with concentrations in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources from the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management, and her BA in International Economics from the Renmin University of China. Dr. Liao’s current research interests include service behavior/quality, leadership, high performance work systems, workforce diversity, organizational justice and justice climate, proactivity, and creativity. She has conducted field research in various cultural settings such as the United States, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Europe, and the UAE, involving both small business and multinational companies’ worldwide operations. Her work received the Academy of Management’s Scholarly Achievement Award and Dorothy Harlow Distinguished Paper Award, as well as the Southern Management Association’s Best Doctoral Student Paper Award, and has appeared in the field’s top journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organization Science, and Personnel Psychology. Dr. Liao currently serves on the Executive Committee of the Academy of Management’s Human Resources Division, and serves as an Associate Editor for Personnel Psychology. Dr. Liao was the winner for the 2009 Distinguished Early Career Contribution Award from the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the winner for the 2009 Early Career Achievement Award from the Human Resources Division of the Academy of Management.

Chair of the Local Arrangements Committee for 2014 Conference – Zhihong Yi
Zhihong Yi is Professor of Finance and Dean of the School of Business, Renmin University, P. R. China. Previously she has also served as Former Deputy Director of Academic Affairs Office and Associate Dean of the Graduate School in the same university. She was a visiting scholar at Harvard University and Michigan University in 1997 and 2004. Her main research areas are corporate finance, institutional investors and capital market, and consumption economics. She is now Vice Director of the Steering Committee of Business Administration Education affiliated to MOE and a member of the 4th National Steering Committee of MBA Education. She was granted with “Excellent Young University Teacher Award” by Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation, 2nd Prize for National Teaching Achievement, 2nd Prize for Research Excellence in Philosophy & Social Science by Beijing Municipal Government, and 2nd Prize for Education and Teaching Achievements (Higher Education) by Beijing Municipal Government.

PhD Student Representative outside China – Kaifeng Jiang
Kaifeng Jiang is a third-year doctoral candidate of School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University. He received Bachelor degree and Master degree in Human Resource Management from Renmin University of China. His primary research interests are focusing on the effects of strategic human resource management on employee human capital, work attitudes, job performance, and retention, as well as team-level and organizational-level outcomes. Related interests include employee perceptions and interpretations of human resource practices and the cross-level influence of team and organizational contexts on employee outcomes. Kaifeng regularly presents his research at conferences for Academy of Management (AOM) and Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP). His research has been funded by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Foundation and published in Human Resource Management Review and Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.

PhD Student Representative outside China – Yonghong Liu
Yonghong Liu is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Management, School of Business Administration at University of Miami. She received Master’s degree in 2010 and Bachelor’s degree in 2008 from School of Business, Renmin University of China, where she was awarded Academic Rising Star and Outstanding Master’s Thesis. As an exchange student, she studied at National Taiwan University in 2009. Her current research interests include leadership, cross-cultural management, and research methodology. Recently, she has received research grant from the Center for International Business Education and Research at University of Miami on a cross-cultural study of transformational leadership. Her research has been published in Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings and Journal of Renmin University of China. In addition, she has presented her work at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, IACMR Conference, Chinese Management Annual Meeting, and International Conference on Management, among others. Working as an intern in several consulting firms and financial institutions, she accumulated relevant work experience, which benefits her research.

PhD Student Representative in China – Rose Rui Hong
Rui Hong is a first year candidate in the Organizational Behavior/Human Resources program in Fudan University. She is generally interested in positive organizational scholarship, such as calling orientation of work, positive identities which help the employees to pursuit happiness and meaning from work. She presented her study on the 9th International Conference of the Academy of Human Resource Development (Asia Chapter). She is also enthusiastic about teaching /sharing activities that help younger students to arouse and protect their curiosity toward the outside world.

PhD Student Representative in China – Zhonghua Gao
Zhonghua Gao is a Ph.D. student in the Institute of Organization and Human Resources, School of Public Administration, Renmin University of China, and a visiting PhD student in the Department of Management and Organization, Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington, from 2010 to 2011. She received her MPhil in Management from the same institute in 2009, and bachelor’s degrees in both Economics and English from Dalian University of Technology in 2007. Zhonghua’s research focuses on knowledge sharing, HR roles and practices, and culture and value-based management. In her research, the interface between individuals and multiple contexts has been emphasized to develop and/or enrich theories through quantitative and qualitative methods. Her research has been awarded as “Excellent Paper” at 2009 Chinese Enterprise Management Case Study Forum, and her academic work has been published in Management World (in Chinese), and many other Chinese academic journals and book chapters. Her master degree paper has been awarded as the best Master Paper (2009) in Renmin University of China. In addition, understanding careers, an academic book translated into Chinese by her, has been published at May, 2011. Zhonghua has won the First National New Academics Prize awarded by Chinese National Education Ministry at 2010. She has also been honored as 2010 Excellent Doctorial Student, 2009 Excellent Graduated Student, 2008 “Three-good” Student by Renmin University of China, and 2006 Excellent Student Leader by Education Department in Liaoning Province.