2016 Conference (June 15-19, 2016)

2016 Conference Sponsors

  1. 1.China Europe International Business School      http://www.ceibs.edu/index_en.shtml
  1. 2.Chongqing University,  Economics and Business Adminstrationhttp://ceba.cqu.edu.cn/


  1. 3.Dragon Hoteldragon-hotel.com
  1. 4.  East China University of Science and Technology, School of Business  http://bs.ecust.edu.cn/
  2. Guizhou University, School of Managementhttp://mc.gzu.edu.cn/ 
  1. 6.Hangzhou Dianzi University, Management School  http://management.hdu.edu.cn/

7.      Harbin Institute of Technology, School of Management   http://som.hit.edu.cn/default.aspx

  1. 8.Hong Kong Baptist University, School of Business http://bus.hkbu.edu.hk/eng/bus/main/Index 
  1. 9.Hong Kong University of Science and Technology    http://www.ust.hk/eng/index.htm
  1. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Faculty of Businesshttp://www.fb.polyu.edu.hk/default.aspx
  1. Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Managementhttp://cm.hust.edu.cn/
  1. Nanjing University, Business School   http://nubs.nju.edu.cn/
  1. 13.Nankai University,Business School    http://ibs.nankai.edu.cn/ 
  1. 14.Ningbo University,Business School    http://nbubs.nbu.edu.cn/
  1. 15.PekingUniversity, Guanghua School of Management   http://www.gsm.pku.edu.cn/index/index.html
  1. Renmin University of China, School of Business http://www.rbs.org.cn
  2. Shandong University, School of Management    http://www.glxy.sdu.edu.cn/     
  1. 18.Sun Yat-Sen Business School  http://bus.sysu.edu.cn/ 
  2. 19.Tongji University, School of Economics & Management  http://sem2.tongji.edu.cn/


  1. 20.University of International Business and Economics, Business School http://ibs.uibe.edu.cn/ibsnew_index.htm
  1. Wuhan University,  School ofEconomics and Management    http://ems.whu.edu.cn/
  1. 22.Xiamen University, School of Management http://sm.xmu.edu.cn/
  1. Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, School of Economics and Mangagement
  1. 24.ZhejiangUniversity,  Economics and Business Adminstration http://ceba.cqu.edu.cn/    
  1. 25.Zhejiang Gongshang University, School of Business Administrationhttp://gsgl.zjgsu.edu.cn/
  1.   Zhejiang University of Finance & Economics        http://cba.zufe.edu.cn/
  1. 27.Zhejiang University of Technology College of Economics and Management    http://www.cba.zjut.edu.cn/jsp/index.jsp