News Updates

2017 Call for Nominations for IACMR New Officers

Dear IACMR members,


We have received some nominations of good quality candidates for the key positions since the call for nominations was announced. We would like to remind the deadline for IACMR new officer nomination is approaching for the following positions for the term of July 2017 – June 2020.


– Vice President/Program Chair

– Four Representatives-at-Large from the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Chinese Mainland

– Two Ph.D. student representatives from the Chinese Mainland and an overseas university


The following is the schedule for this election.


March 31: deadline for nominations

April 25: voting opens

May 25: deadline for voting

End of June: announce results


This is a gentle reminder to the fee-paying members – please take a moment to make your nominations by clicking “Read Original Text”(阅读原文) at the lower left corner at the bottom. (Please note that only active fee paying full members of IACMR are qualified to make nominations and participate in the voting. If you are not a full member, please write to to apply to be a fee paying member so as to participate in the process.). Please note you may nominate one or more candidates (up to 7).


Thank you for your participation in this important activity of IACMR!