Training Programs

2019 Teaching Workshop Reading Materials

(The following is just the list of reading materials. The full readings are only accessible by the workshop participants.)


Runtian Jing (井润田, Shanghai Jiao Tong University):Integrating Research and Teaching (搭起教学与研究之间的桥梁)

1. Applying Yin-Yang to Organizational Change in a Chinese Firm

2. 管理的理论与实践知识

Xuhong Li (李绪红, Fudan University):Design of Paired-Cases: Principles and Applications (成对教学案例设计:原理与实践)


Neng Liang (梁能, China Europe International Business School):The Science and Craft of Case Teaching (案例教学的科学与手艺)

1a. 高管课程教学与MBA课程教学之比教:有关案例教学法的反思(Chinese)

1b. Teaching Executives and Teaching MBAs: Reflections on the Case Method(English)

2a. 教学笔记:传递教师的智慧(Chinese)

2b. Teaching Notes: Communicating the Teacher’s Wisdom(English)

3a.  郁金香、锡箔纸与教学:一位新手教师的日记 (Chinese)

3b. Tulips, Tinfoils and Teaching: Journal of Freshman Teacher(English)

Note:Three reading materials in total (English & Chinese version)

Jia Lin Xie (谢家琳, University of Toronto): Cognition and Emotion: The Art of Storytelling and Management Teaching (认知与情感:“讲故事”的艺术与管理教学)

Telling Stories_reading materials for Jia Lin Xie Lecture(Please pre-read the following three papers/parts for Prof. Jia Lin Xie’s lecture:The paper from page 7 to 13;The paper from page 14 to 26;The one from page 98 to 115)

Zhixue Zhang (张志学, Peking University): Underlying Logic and Teaching of Organizational Management Disciplines (组织管理的学科逻辑与教学)

1. Superficial harmony and conflict avoidance resulting from negative anticipation in the workplace

2. Thoughts on case approach

3. Dynamics of consensus building in negotiations