2023 IACMR Distinguished Scholarly Contribution Award Winner
We are pleased to announce that Professor Jing Zhou (周京) of Rice University has won the 2023 IACMR Distinguished Scholarly Contribution Award. Let’s extend our warm congratulations to Professor Zhou!

Professor Jing Zhou is Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs and Mary Gibbs Jones Professor of Management at Jones Graduate School of Business of Rice University. Previously, she served as Organizational Behavior Area Coordinator, Director for Asian Management Research & Education, and Director of Ph.D. Program.
Professor Zhou is a dedicated scholar who has made significant contribution to the field of organizational behavior and Chinese management research. She has focused on research of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Her research has been published in top journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology. She has co-edited a number of influential books in creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship including Handbook of Organizational Creativity (with Chris Shalley), The Oxford handbook of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship (with Chris Shalley and Mike Hitt), and Handbook of research on creativity and innovation (with Bess Rouse, 2021). A recent study ranked her among the top 1% influential researchers in business and management: https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3000384
Professor Zhou has been elected to Fellow of Academy of Management, Fellow of American Psychological Association, Fellow of Association for Psychological Sciences, and Fellow of Society for I-O Psychology. Professor Zhou’s service to profession and leadership in professional associations include:
- Associate editor of Journal of Applied Psychology, a top scholarly journal in the field of management;
- Deputy Editor of Management and Organization Review;
- Editorial board member of Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management, Leadership Quarterly, Management and Organization Review, and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal;
- Chair of Micro Organizational Behavior/Human Resource Management Track of Academy of International Business;
- Program Chair and Co-President (2010- 2012) of International Association for Chinese Management Research.
Professor Zhou has made substantial contributions to the Chinese management community. In addition to providing leadership to many Chinese research associations and journals, she has conducted research on China organizations and in China, contributing to creating universal knowledge and discovering cross-cultural similarities or differences, as well as promoting international exchange, understanding, and collaboration.
Committee of the Distinguished Scholarly Contribution Award 2023
· Ning Li, Tsinghua University (Co-Chair)
· Wu Liu, Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Co-Chair)
· Lori (Qingyuan) Yue, Columbia Business School (Co-Chair)
· Eric Zhao, Indiana University (Co-Chair)
· Zhi-Xue Zhang, Peking University
· Wei Shen, Arizona State University
· Xiao-Ping Chen, University of Washington