Training Programs

2024 Research Method Workshop Reading Materials

July 8 (MON)

Lecture 1: The Spirit and Ethics of Science (Xiao-Ping Chen, Online lecture)

1. 《组织与管理研究的实证方法》第四版 第一章:科学研究:目的、过程、价值观与责任(徐淑英、李绪红)

Lecture 2: Developing Theory and Hypotheses (Xu Huang)

  1. Erica Xu, Xu Huang, Rongwen Jia, Jane Xu, Wu Liu, Les Graham, Ed Snape (2020) The “Evil Pleasure”: Abusive Supervision and Third-Party Observers’ Malicious Reactions Toward Victims. Organization Science [PDF]
  2. Rogers, Benjamin A. (12/2023). “Too naïve to lead: When leaders fall for flattery.”. Journal of personality and social psychology (0022-3514), 125 (6), p. 1394. [PDF]
  3. Gruber, Marc (04/2024). “How Founder Human Capital and Founding Conditions Shape New Firm Performance: A Study of Necessity Entrepreneurship during Times of Economic Crisis”. Academy of Management journal (0001-4273), 67 (2), p. 382. [PDF]

Lecture 3: Philosophical Foundations of Entrepreneurship Research (Stratos Ramoglou, Online lecture)

  1. RAMOGLOU, S., K. TSANG, E. W., Chetty, S., Karami, M., Martín, O. M., Reuber, A. R., Knight, G. A., Liesch, P. W., Zhou, L., Young, S. L., Welter, C., Conger, M., Ramoglou, S., K. Tsang, E. W., Levine, S. S., Bernard, M., Nagel, R., Alvarez, S. A., Barney, J. B., . . . Klein, P. G. (2016). A REALIST PERSPECTIVE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP: OPPORTUNITIES AS PROPENSITIES. The Academy of Management Review41(3), 410-434. [PDF]

July 9 (TUES)

Lecture 4: Experimental Research (Zhi-Xue Zhang)

  1. 《组织与管理研究的实证方法》(第四版) 第六章 实验研究方法
  2. 《组织与管理研究的实证方法》(第四版) 第八章 田野实验
  3. Bernstein, E. S. 2012. The transparency paradox: A role for privacy in organizational learning and operational control. Administrative Science Quarterly, 57: 181-216.  [PDF]
  4. Yao, J., Zhang, Z. X., Brett, J., & Murnighan, J. K. (2017). Understanding the trust deficit in China: Mapping positive experience and trust in strangers. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes143, 85-97. [PDF]
  5. Yao, J., Brett, J., Zhang, Z. X., & Ramirez Marin, J. 2021. Multi-issue offers strategy and joint gains in negotiations: How low-trust negotiators get things done. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 162: 9-23. [PDF]

Lecture 5a: Experience Sampling: Micro (Zhaoli Song)

  1. Wheeler, Ladd (1991). “Self‐Recording of Everyday Life Events: Origins, Types, and Uses”. Journal of personality (0022-3506), 59 (3), p. 339. [PDF]
  2. Song, Zhaoli (2008). “Mood spillover and crossover among dual-earner couples: A cell phone event sampling study.”. Journal of applied psychology (0021-9010), 93 (2), p. 443. [PDF]
  3. Zhenyu, L., Lusi, W., Haoyue Jack Z., Zhaoli S., Yating W. (2023), “Exchange Through Emoting: An Emotional Model of Leader–member Resource Exchanges”. Personnel Psychology, 76(1), p.311-346.[PDF]
  4. Liao, Zhenyu (2019). “Give and take: An episodic perspective on leader-member exchange.”. Journal of applied psychology (0021-9010), 104 (1), p. 34. [PDF]

Lecture 5b: Longitutudial Research: Macro (Wei Shen)

  1. Zhu, Q., Hu, S., & Shen, W. (2020). Why do some insider CEOs make more strategic changes than others? The impact of prior board experience on new CEO insiderness. Strategic Management Journal, 41(10), 1933-1951. [PDF]
  2. Gentry, R. J., & Shen, W. (2013). The impacts of performance relative to analyst forecasts and analyst coverage on firm R&D intensity. Strategic Management Journal34(1), 121-130. [PDF]
  3. 《组织与管理研究的实证方法》(第四版)

Lecture 6a: Survey Research: Micro (Jian Liang)

  1. Clark, L. A. & Watson, D. (1995). Constructing validity: Basic issues in objective scale development. Psychological Assessment, 7, 309-319. [PDF]
  2. Hinkin, T.K. (1998). A brief tutorial on the development of measures for use in survey questionnaires. Organizational Research Methods, 1, 104-121. [PDF]
  3. Lambert, L. S., & Newman, D. A. (2023). Construct development and validation in three practical steps: Recommendations for reviewers, editors, and authors. Organizational Research Methods, 26(4), 574-607. [PDF]
  4. Colquitt, J. A., Sabey, T. B., Rodell, J. B., & Hill, E. T. (2019). Content validation guidelines: Evaluation criteria for definitional correspondence and definitional distinctiveness. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(10), 1243. [PDF]
  5. Caza, B. B., Reid, E. M., Ashford, S. J., & Granger, S. (2022). Working on my own: Measuring the challenges of gig work. Human Relations, 75(11), 2122-2159. [PDF]
  6. Clark, M. A., Smith, R. W., & Haynes, N. J. (2020). The Multidimensional Workaholism Scale: Linking the conceptualization and measurement of workaholism. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(11), 1281. [PDF]

Lecture 6b: Survey Research: Macro (Liangding Jia)

  1. JIA, L., SHAW, J. D., TSUI, A. S., & PARK, T. (2014). a social–structural perspective on employee–organization relationships and team creativity. Academy of Management Journal, 57(3), 869-891. [PDF]
  2. Zhu, D. H., Jia, L., & Li, F. (2022). too much on the plate? how executive job demands harm firm innovation and reduce share of exploratory innovations. Academy of Management Journal, 65(2), 606-633. [PDF]
  3. Foundations of Behavioral Research-Ch18-19[PDF]

July 10 (WED)

Lecture 7: Network Analysis (Ning Li)

  1. Aral, S., & van Alstyne, M. (2011). The diversity-bandwidth trade-off. The American Journal of Sociology, 117(1), 90-171. [PDF]
  2. Choi, Y., Ingram, P., & Han, S. W. (2023). Cultural breadth and embeddedness: The individual adoption of organizational culture as a determinant of creativity. Administrative Science Quarterly, 68(2), 429-464. [PDF]
  3. Kwon, S., Rondi, E., Levin, D. Z., De Massis, A., & Brass, D. J. (2020). Network brokerage: An integrative review and future research agenda. Journal of Management, 46(6), 1092-1120. [PDF]
  4. Li, N., Zhao, H. H., Walter, S. L., Zhang, X., & Yu, J. (2015). Achieving more with less: Extra milers’ behavioral influences in teams. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(4), 1025-1039. [PDF]
  5. Li, N., Zheng, X., Ni, D., Kirkman, B. L., Zhang, M., Xu, M., & Liu, C. (2024). Leadership in a crisis: A social network perspective on leader brokerage strategy, intra-organizational communication patterns, and business recovery. Journal of Management [PDF]
  6. Borgatti, S. P., Mehra, A., Brass, D. J., & Labianca, G. (2009). Network analysis in the social sciences. Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science), 323(5916), 892-895. [PDF]

Lecture 8a: Multi-level Research: Micro (Wu Liu)

  1. Klein, K. J., & Kozlowski, S. W. J. (2000). From micro to meso: Critical steps in conceptualizing and conducting multilevel research. Organizational Research Methods, 3(3), 211-236. [PDF]
  2. LIU, W., SONG, Z., LI, X., & LIAO, Z. (2017). why and when leaders’ affective states influence employee upward voice. Academy of Management Journal, 60(1), 238-263. [PDF]
  3. Preacher, K. J., Zyphur, M. J., & Zhang, Z. (2010). A general multilevel SEM framework for assessing multilevel mediation. Psychological Methods, 15(3), 209-233. [PDF]

Lecture 8b: Endogeneity and Causal Inference: Macro (Han Jiang)

No readings

Lecture 9:  Congruence Analysis (Zhen Zhang)

No readings

July 11 (THUR)

Lecture 10: Machine Learning in Optimal Distinctiveness Research (Eric Zhao)

  1. Majzoubi, Majid, Eric Yanfei Zhao, Tiona Zuzul, and Greg Fisher (2024) “The double-edged sword of exemplar similarity.” Organization Science, Accepted. [PDF]
  2. Majzoubi, Majid, and Eric Yanfei Zhao (2023) “Going beyond optimal distinctiveness: Strategic positioning for gaining an audience composition premium.” Strategic Management Journal, 44(3): 737-777. [PDF]
  3. Taeuscher, Karl, Eric Yanfei Zhao, and Michael Lounsbury (2022) “Categories and narratives as sources of distinctiveness: Cultural entrepreneurship within and across categories.” Strategic Management Journal, 43(10): 2101-2134. [PDF]
  4. Bu, Juan, Eric Yanfei Zhao, Krista Li, and Joanna Li (2022) “Multilevel optimal distinctiveness: Examining the impact of within- and between-organization distinctiveness of product design on market performance.” Strategic Management Journal, 43(9): 1793-1822. [PDF]
  5. Zhao, Eric Yanfei, Masakazu Ishihara, P. Devereaux Jennings and Michael Lounsbury (2018) “Optimal Distinctiveness in the console video game industry: An exemplar-based model of proto-category evolution.” Organization Science, 29(4): 588-611. [PDF]
  6. Zhao, Eric Yanfei, Greg Fisher, Michael Lounsbury and Danny Miller (2017) “Optimal distinctiveness: Broadening the interface between institutional theory and strategic management.” Strategic Management Journal, 38(1): 93-113. [PDF]

Lecture 11: Qualitative Research (Runtian Jing)

  1. Eisenhardt, K. M. (1989). Building theories from case study research. The Academy of Management Review, 14(4), 532–550. [PDF]
  2. Brown, S.L., & Eisenhardt, K.M. (1997). The Art of Continuous Change: Linking Complexity Theory and Time-Paced Evolution in Relentlessly Shifting Organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 42, 1-34. [PDF]
  3. Jing, R., & Van de Ven, A. H. (2014). A Yin-Yang Model of Organizational Change: The Case of Chengdu Bus Group. Management and Organization Review, 10(1), 29–54. [PDF]
  4. 井润田, & 孙璇. (2021). 实证主义vs.诠释主义:两种经典案例研究范式的比较与启示. 管理世界, 37(3), 198-216. [PDF]