IACMR 2024 Member Survey Lucky Draw Results
As the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) celebrates its 20th anniversary and embarks on a new chapter, we launched a member survey to gather valuable opinions and suggestions. This survey aims to help IACMR better achieve its goals and foster closer collaboration between members and the association’s management. The survey was released on September 10 and received enthusiastic participation from hundreds of members. We sincerely thank you all for supporting this important initiative!
As a token of our appreciation, we organized a lucky draw with the following prizes:
- Grand Prize (5 awards): 1-Year Membership (valued at USD $100 each)
- First Prize (10 awards): Red Pocket RMB 100
- Second Prize (20 awards): Red Pocket RMB 50
- Third Prize (30 awards): Red Pocket RMB 30
The lucky draw was conducted by the IACMR office under the supervision of multiple parties to ensure fairness. Below are the lucky winners. We will be reaching out to each winner via email.
Grand Prize Winners:
- liujin@csuft.edu.cn
- chenxp2680@163.com
- gyh3830@163.com
- huang_jac@hotmail.com
- yolandali@ln.edu.hk
First Prize Winners:
- 381927031@QQ.COM
- kxm@ruc.edu.cn
- zyingzhou@163.com
- 3767002085@qq.com
- ruiliyang@mail.ustc.edu.cn
- ivanazying@163.com
- billzhangyou@icloud.com
- z_zhifei@126.com
- huangjl@msu.edu
- rockymu@sina.com
Second Prize Winners:
- zhijunchen@ludan.edu.cn
- gaojing_425@163.com
- 2023310152@stu.sufe.edu.cn
- wym000719@163.com
- zhuyanghao1997@163.com
- patrick.wang@my.cityu.edu.hk
- liuqingfuxs@126.com
- chenjin1025@xmu.edu.cn
- 124086081@qq.com
- 771751393@qq.com
- kenthui@xmu.edu.cn
- zhaoliang@bcu.edu.cn
- hattiehym@gmail.com
- 23537043@student.uwa.edu.au
- c.barzantny@tbs-education.fr
- 871661096@qq.com
- d.robb@auckland.ac.nz
- 008446@yzu.edu.cn
- coldplayer527@163.com
- tiewzj@163.com
Third Prize Winners:
- yifan.zhong@uwa.edu.au
- jingyuDong12@outlook.com
- huang_jac@hotmail.com
- wangkui@swupl.edu.cn
- xiangyilin@std.uestc.edu.cn
- Xuu_Nan@163.com
- ahlstorm@hkmu.edu.hk
- mehedi.hasan95@yahoo.com
- nanfeng.luo@ruc.edu.cn
- shea.fan@deakin.edu.au
- wqlwang2021@163.com
- 2301111038@stu.pku.edu.cn
- songwenhao0303@163.com
- 450652636@qq.com
- 591700809@qq.com
- wonder109@zjut.edu.cn
- liux166@126.com
- jian.dai@zjut.edu.cn
- ctgu21012@163.com
- xiaodji@polyu.edu.hk
- kundaivdson@gmail.com
- canquan.li@connect.polyu.hk
- wxc2040@163.com
- lxm@tju.edu.cn
- 841969586@qq.com
- bonniecyf@hotmail.com
- xiangst@swufe.edu.cn
- 85817872@qq.com
- m13026108680@163.com
- 782258491@qq.com
Once again, thank you all for your support and participation in this important event. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of IACMR!