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Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Antai College of Economics and Management

800 Dongchuan RD. Minhang District,

Shanghai, China

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Saturday, February 23, 2019

TIME: 13:00-13:30 registration | 13:30-15:00 plenary 

15:00-15:30 break | 15:30-18:00 workshop

Light food and beverages will be provided

Academy of Management Discoveries(AMD)the journal for empirical exploration in management and organizations — invites you to its regional paper development workshop. The purpose of this workshop is to help authors develop their ideas for papers that may ultimately be submitted for review in AMD.

About the Workshop:

This event will include presentations by AMD’ s editor, Peter Bamberger, as well as Associate Editor, Junqui Shi Hands-on paper development discussions will follow the plenary session. All attendees are encouraged to attend the breakout discussions.

Presentation topics include:

Ø Abductive (as opposed to deductive and inductive) reasoning as a necessary basis for research in management and organizations

Ø  Plausibility vs. Confirmation, and the distinctive nature of AMD papers.

Ø  Surfacing phenomenon: Phenomenology and scale development research in AMD

Ø  Meta-analysis and replication research in AMD

Ø  Using big/secondary data as a basis for theoretical insight

Ø  How to maximize the odds of paper acceptance in AMD

Roundtable paper development sessions:

Ø Feedback on papers that authors are considering for submission to Academy of Management Discoveries.

Ø  A select number of papers will be presented, discussed and developed.

Ø  Table discussion is led by an AMD Editor or Associate Editor.

Discussions are open to both paper authors and non-author participants

Ø Discussions will focus on framing, methodological rigor, empirical follow-up, interpretation, and specifying directions for down-the-road theorizing

  Plenary Session: AMD  — The Journal for Empirical Exploration
  Break – Refreshments will be available
  Break-out sessions for paper review and development

*    Editor gives feedback on papers

*    Authors give 5 minute presentation to the group.

*    This is followed by 10-15 minutes of Editor and participant feedback

Link to REGISTER and/or UPLOAD YOUR EXTENDED ABSTRACT by *February 15, 2019.*

As space is limited, preference will be given first to those whose papers are being discussed in the roundtables.  Additional spots will be allocated on the basis of first come, first served.

Ø Those who wish to have their paper reviewed and discussed should submit an extended abstract (between 5 and 10 pages of text) of their papers or paper ideas by *February 15, 2019.* Abstracts will be accepted on a competitive basis.

Ø The abstract should provide a synopsis of the research question, its relevance and significance, a statement relating to the limited ability of extant concepts and/or theory to provide a coherent response to that question, the empirical approach, and the implications of the findings for down-the –road theorizing.

Ø Extended abstracts should be about 10 pages, double spaced, excluding tables, figures and references. To upload your abstract at a later date, click’ EDIT SUBMISSION’ from your confirmation email.

Ø Before you submit your extended abstract please make sure that your extended abstract is appropriate for AMD by reading Mission Statement and Principles and the FAQ’s.

Ø You may also view the AMD Workshop Experience video.

Ø Those who wish to participate in the workshop without submitting a paper for review and discussion need only register (Select “Attending without submitting an abstract” on the form).

Ø  Paper feedback sessions are open to all, but discussions will revolve around papers submitted and accepted for discussion at the workshop.

Please contact with questions and inquiries.


Peter Bamberger

Tel Aviv University


Marlys Christianson

University of Toronto

Paul Ingram

Columbia University

Jennifer S. Mueller

University of San Diego

Sandra Robinson

University of British Columbia

Junqi (Jason) Shi

Sun Yat-sen University

Christopher L. Tucci

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Georg von Krogh

ETH Zurich

Gail Whiteman

Lancaster University


Susan Zaid

Academy of Management