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Tongji SEM & IACMR Lecture

Time:2015-11-2 8:30~12:00

Location:Room 201,Building A, School of Economics and Management, Tongji Unviersity, No.1500 Siping Road, Shanghai

Sponsors:School of Economics and Management, Tongji Unviersity & IACMR

Lecture One

Lecture title: How to Argue the Moderating Mechanism in Management and Organization Research? Patterns and Evidence

: Dr. Liangding Jia, Professor of School of Business, Nanjing University

Time : 2015-11-2,8:30—9:50

Lecture Two

Lecture title: The process of developing achievement goal models

Lecturer: Dr. Andrew J.Elliot(Professor of University of Rochester)

Time : 2015-11-2,10:00—12:00

More information about lectures and lecturers please click here.