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IACMR 2016 Annual Review

– IACMR Biennial Conference

– 2017 IACMR Research Method Workshop

– Philosophy of Management Research Teacher Training Workshop

– IACMR Development and Membership Services

– IACMR Publication

– IACMR Awards

Part One

IACMR Biennial Conference

  1. Review on IACMR 2016 Conference
  • 2016 IACMR conference attendance broke record again. 2016 Conference of

   “Culture and Management”, held in Hangzhou between June 16-19, 2016, with Zhejiang University as the local host, attracted 1350 participated from 48 countries and regions, an all-time record in the IACMR’s history. The conference received 796 submissions and 607 scholars served as reviewers. 446 papers were presented and discussed at the conference. Participants attended 6 keynote panels, 73 paper sessions, 59 round table sessions, 9 symposia and 32 professional development workshops (PDWs). 21 schools and universities took part in the School Night of placement services.

  • Pre-Conference Session

Pre-conference sessions included the MOR Editors’ Meeting, Management Insights Saloon, Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC), New Member Orientation,  IACMR Business Meeting, IACMR and MOR Welcome Reception. Participants exchanged thoughts and suggestions on IACMR development, Chinese management research, and business education, etc.

  • IACMR held the first Teaching and Learning Conference (TLC). To position IACMR as a leader in management education, IACMR held a half-day TLC with three concurrent sessions on June 15, 2016, just before the 2016 Conference. More than 120 faculty members participated and valued the program greatly. The IACMR Board has decided to continue offering the TLC in future conferences.

  • Conference Keynote Panels

Six keynote panels were organized at the 2016 Conference: Culture and Chinese Management, Strategy Research, China Forum, Frontiers in Organizational Behavior Research, Organizations and Human Well-Being, and the Dean’s Forum. Prof. Ying-yi Hong (CUHK), Michael Morris (Columbia U.), Chi-Yue Chiu (CUHK), John Child (U. of Birmingham), Xueguang Zhou (Stanford U.), Xiaowei Rose Luo, (INSEAD),  Gilad Chen (U. of Maryland), Xiaoping Chen (U. of Washington), Riki Takeuchi (HKUST), Xiaobo Wu (Zhejiang U.), Ming Zeng (Alibaba), Tao Tian (Huawei), Xuhong Li (Fudan U.), Benjamin Radcliff (Notre Dame U.), Anne Tsui (Arizona State U.), Gerry George (Singapore Management U.), Zhixue Zhang (PKU), Dan LeClair (AACSB) and Judy Olian (UCLA) made keynote speeches.

  • Professional Development Workshop (PDW)

32 diverse sessions were held as the PDW sessions. Scholars around the world discussed deeply on the topics of Philosophy of Science in Management Research, Behavioral Strategy, PhD Education in China, Case Study Research Method, Doing qualitative research in China, Journal of International Business Studies Paper Development , etc.

  • School Nights and Placement services

School of Management, Zhejiang University, The Business School at East China University of Science and Technology, Economics and Management School of Wuhan University, China Europe International Business School, and School of Management, Guizhou University held receptions. They also provided placement services together with the other 16 universities/ schools. They are College of Business School, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, School of Management, Lanzhou University, School of Business Administration, Northeastern University, The School of Business Administration, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, Faculty of Management and Economics, Dalian University of Technology, School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China, School of Economics and Management, Hebei University of Technology, International Business School, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Shenzhen International Business School, Shenzhen University, School of Management, Guangdong University of Technology, School of Business Administration, Southwest University of Finance Economics, School of Economics and Management, Fuzhou University, School of Economics and Management, Chang’an University, Graduate School of China, Sungkyunkwan University, Management School, Huangzhou Dianzi University, and Nottingham University Business School China.

  • Post Conference Survey

We did post conference survey by the end of 2016 conference. Survey questionnaires were sent to all session leaders and paper authors.

153 conference participants took part in the survey, including 14 session leaders, coordinators, and discussants. 80 paper authors, which was 52.3% of the respondents and 59 Ordinarily conference participant (participants without paper) answered the questions as well. 46.4% of the survey respondents were the first time IACMR conference participants.

Top three conference experiences selected by most of the respondents were: keynote speech, good atmosphere (discussion, Q&A, sharing research experiences), and Professional Development Workshop (PDW). They were also satisfied with high quality papers, well organized conference (free drinks, facility, location, tea break, reception), high quality roundtable presentation and onsite feedback, and famous scholars sharing recent research topics.


  • IACMR Wechat Group

Leveraging the high attendance of the 2016 Conference, IACMR Beijing Office set up two IACMR WeChat Groups, each with 500 active members. It has proven a valuable platform for members with access to WeChat to exchange views and interact with each other.

  1. IACMR 2018 Conference Updates

The 2018 IACMR Conference will be held in Wuhan with the theme of ‘Meeting Challenges of Continuous Transformation’. Here are some topics under the conference theme: innovation and creativity, adapting to changing business landscapes, globalization, culture, and diversity, including international business and cross-cultural management, contemporary perspectives on MNEs in China. The Call for Submissions was announced to all IACMR members via mass email in November, 2016. The submission deadline is October 15, 2017.

Two potential conference venues have been visited by the preparation team and team members are trying to negotiate for a good package.

2017 IACMR Research Method Workshop

The 2017 IACMR Research Methods Workshop will be held at Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, on July 9-13, 2017. Like the 2015 workshop, 130~140 participants (incl. those from the hosting school). will be recruited. The applicants must meet some requirements as shown in the Call for Applications (click here) and submit a 9-page Word file electronically to the workshop website (click here) by the deadline of March 5th, 2017. The application submission and registration system was open on December 15, 2016. The final acceptance/rejection decision will be made by March 31st, 2017.

The IACMR Research Method Workshop were very well received in the past years and the participants have benefited a lot by attending the workshop run by prominent faculty advisors (click here see 2017 faculty).The 15 faculty advisors have been confirmed. In addition, it’s confirmed that Prof. Anne Tsui will join the faculty to give the last lecture of the workshop on July 13, 2017.

The preparation team has gone over the budget and workshop manual. All lecture rooms, discussion rooms, opening ceremony and graduating ceremony venues have been fixed as well. The School of Management of HUST is pledged to support the workshop. In order to minimize the costs, the faculty advisors will also stay in the university hotel on campus.

Philosophy of Management Research Teacher Training Workshop

The Inaugural Teacher Training Workshop on Philosophy of Management Research (PMR) ended with a major Success. This workshop involved four and a half days’ intensive study of the philosophy of science in social science research. Topics included: how progress occurs in science, the role of values in scientific activities, and the challenges in management research. The workshop concluded with a discussion of the idea of responsible science in business and management. 17 faculty members from nine leading business schools in China participated and gave the program extremely high remarks.


Members of this inaugural “teacher training” workshop have agreed to form a community to continue the teaching and practice of responsible science, which begins with learning the philosophy issues in management research. The community has already over 100 members, which suggests the potential that more and more scholars in business schools will commit to pursuing responsible science that produces credible and useful knowledge for business and society. For more information about the workshop, please click here.

Part Two

IACMR Development and Membership Services

  1. IACMR membership enjoyed further development in 2016. We have 1,437 fee-paying members and 10,190 registered members so far, an increase 312 registered members as compared with that in the end of 2015.

  1. At the closing ceremony of the 2016 Conference, Prof. Neng Liang took office as President of IACMR and the new leadership team (2016-2018) was formed.

  1. After months of good efforts, the IACMR Executive Committee and the IACMR Office have contracted two IT companies to revamp the official website and the conference system.

  1. As the practice, the President Elect has started to actively explore the potential hosting schools of the 2020 IACMR Conference.

  1. IACMR Local School Contacts

IACMR local school contacts are volunteer members in different universities/cities/countries. They promote IACMR and keep communication with fellow members by organizing local member activities where appropriate to support IACMR members’ networking. They are very helpful in the process of IACMR development. All contacts are faculty members or PhD candidates. They devote time and energy in the midst of tight schedule. Up to now we have over 70 local school contacts from more than 60 schools and universities. 13 Wechat discussion groups are in daily operation across different regions in Mainland China.

  1. IACMR WeChat Public (IACMR 2002)

As Wechat is the dominating social tool in China, we would like to make good use of it. IACMR Beijing office promotes IACMR publications, introduces workshop and conference updates, releases IACMR news, announces important notices, recommends good articles or books with the help of “IACMR 2002” on weekly basis to keep our members in touch. By the end of 2016, over 7,200 people had followed ‘IACMR2002’. In total, 97 issues of 358 articles were posted in “IACMR 2002” in 2016. Among them, 145 articles were read by more than 400 followers and 26 articles read by over 1,000. People are most interested in topics and articles such as IACMR news updates, conferences and workshops, academic news, job vacancy and research related information.

  1. Online Job Posting

We continued posting job openings online and in IACMR WeChat (IACMR2002) in 2016. For example, Department of Management, Lingnan University, The School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Graduate School of China, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, etc. Job openings are also put in Bimonthly Briefings which are sent to every IACMR members.

  1. IACMR Promotion Presentations

Taking the opportunity of visiting Huazhong University of Science and Technology and Wuhan University for preparing the 2017 workshop and 2018 conference, Zhijun Yao, IACMR Executive Director, did three promotion talks to over 150 faculty members and students in HUST, Wuhan Institute of Technology and Wuhan University of Technology. As one part of membership development plan, promotion presentations are helpful for scholars to learn about and join IACMR, particularly in those schools where IACMR is not well known.

  1. Member Profile

Prof. Li Lv from Wuhan Institute of Technology and Dr. Jian PENG from Jinan University were introduced in “Member Profile” (in Chinese) in 2016. They shared their experiences and memories when working along with the growth of IACMR.

Part Three

IACMR Publications

  1. Management and Organization Review (MOR)
  • The IACMR flagship journal, Management and Organization Review (MOR), published 4 issues in 2016. The Volume 12 covers 820 pages with 27 articles published in one year.
  • MOR takes on the problem of current publication norms. Many scholars agree that there are fundamental problems with the current state of social science research. The real issue is what to do about it. MOR is taking a bold move to address this issue through a new set of editorial policies (click here to read the new MOR editorial policies).
  • MOR tweet account is “Mgmt & Org Review”. You are very welcomed to follow it.
  • MOR has launched its WeChat account of ‘MOR-Wechat’ to offer frequent MOR news updates and main articles in its latest issues.
  1. Management Insights (MI)

Our bilingual publication, Management Insights (MI), co-published by IACMR and the School of Management of Fudan University, also published 4 issues in the year. Its “Research Highlights” keeps posting summaries of published articles on Chinese management or research with implications for Chinese management practices. The most appealing section of “Executive Perspectives” published interview reports with 8 leading executives who are known for their unique management thoughts and inspirational leadership practices.

  1. IACMR Bimonthly Briefing

IACMR Beijing office compiled and published 4 issues of Bimonthly Briefing during the year. All issues have been sent to over 10,000 registered members by email for their online reading.

  1. 2016 IACMR Books

Three IACMR books were published by the Peking University Press in 2016.

  • Capitalism from Below: Markets and Institutional Change in China

Authors: Victor Nee and Sonja Opper

Translators: Haifeng Yan and Shuyang You

  • A Collection of Papers on Management Theory Development

Editors: Ann S. Tsui , Bing Ren and Li Lv

  • China’s Innovation Challenge: Overcoming the Middle Income Trap

Editors: Arie Y. Lewin, Martin Kenney, and Johann Peter Murmann

Proofreader: Zhixue Zhang

  1. IACMR members’ publications

(1)  Leadership of Chinese Private Enterprises: Insights and Interviews

            Anne S. Tsui, Yingying Zhang, and Xiao-Ping Chen

This original book presents in-depth research into thirteen successful Chinese private enterprises in four industries through interviews with their founder-entrepreneurs. While research on Chinese economic growth has focused primarily on governmental policies and institutional factors, Leadership of Chinese Private Enterprises proposes that the rise and success of the private economy was primarily due to the ‘visible hands’ of the founder-entrepreneurs. Through a critical evaluation of interviews, this book identifies the managerial recipe for entrepreneurial success in competitive and inhospitable environments and offers a concentric model of private firm leadership attributes and principles that guide their strategies and relationships.

(2)  IACMR member, Professor Muayyad Jabri has just published his new book entitled “Rethinking Organizational Change: The Role of Dialogue, Dialectic & Polyphony, Routledge, (ISBN 9781315713045).Rethinking Organizational Change:The Role of Dialogue, Dialectic & Polyphony in the Organization makes an important scholarly contribution to our understanding of dialogue applied to the management of change. Muayyad Jabri offers an involved assessment of the differences between ‘dialogue’ and ‘dialectic’ and an intriguing invitation to rely on both for managing creative interventions into the change process. More detail introduction please click here.

(3)  IACMR member, Dr. Dong Liu and his coauthors published an article at Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes in January, 2016: Huang, Krasikova, and Liu (2016). In this article, they applied an inter-individual approach to studying the impact of leader characteristics (e.g., motivational attributes, personality traits) on follower outcomes (e.g., creativity). Specifically, they found that the indirect effect of leader creative self-efficacy (CSE) on follower creativity via leader encouragement of creativity and follower creative process engagement. In addition, leader-member exchange (LMX) strengthened the relationship between leader encouragement of creativity and follower creative process engagement. Thus, in the presence of higher LMX, leader CSE is likely to have a stronger positive impact on employee creativity through leader encouragement of creativity and, subsequently, follower creative process engagement. This article has become one of the top 10 most downloaded articles of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes in the last 90 days, which published its first issue in 1966.

IACMR Awards

Emerald/IACMR Chinese Management Research Fund Award 
The Emerald/IACMR Chinese Management Research Fund Award was established in 2008. The applications were required to address the dissemination of knowledge for the social good with a specific orientation toward benefit for mainland China. The 2016 Emerald/IACMR Chinese Management Research Fund Award winners were announced at the 2016 IACMR Conference (see name list below). IACMR officers are working with Emerald on the award for the period of 2017-2019. The general rule will be changed by offering a research grant for China Doctoral-researchpublications (instead of submissions) in the field of management.

CEO Mindset and Firm Competition Behaviors: The Moderating Roles of Institutional and Market Environments
Wei Zheng, Weiguo Zhong, Jiangyong Lu
Peking University

Highly Commended
Revisiting Political Ties in China: A New Conceptualization
Danxue Gao, Weiguo Zhong
Peking University
Tianzhen Tang
Nanjing University


The Performance Implications of Star Employee: Individual and Team Level Research
Yahua Cai, Ho Kwong, Kwan, Erica Xu
Shanghai University of Finance & Economics


Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund

The Kwok Leung Fund was created to commemorate the life and work of Professor Kwok Leung, and to continue his mission of supporting young scholars. The fund is intended to support Ph.D. students who need funds to collect data to finish their dissertations. Winners of 2016 Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund were announced during 2016 IACMR Conference.

Financing for Social Entrepreneurship in China: An Exploratory Study
Kun Guo , Peking University

Pain Is Not Always Detrimental: An Integrative Consequence Model of Episodic Abusive Leadership Behavior
Zhenyu Liao, National University of Singapore

How Organizational Failures Influence Trust from the Public
Donna Jingdan Yao, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Some Things, If not All Things, Are About Change: A Time-Based Theory of Abusive Supervision
Lingtao Yu, University of Minnesota

Antecedents and Processes of Chinese Firms’ New-to-the-world Innovations
Zhijing Zhu, UNSW, Australia