Call for Papers: JOB SI on work passion
Dear colleagues:
I would like to invite you to contribute to the upcoming Special Issue (SI) on “Work Passion Research: Taming Breadth and Promoting Depth” at the Journal of Organizational Behavior. With this special issue, we aim to refine and reconcile existing theoretical frameworks on work passion, explore the causes, consequences, and boundary conditions around work passion, and differentiate work passion from established motivational constructs. Submitted papers should make a new and important contribution to our understanding of the work passion phenomenon. We encourage both empirical investigations and innovative theorizing at micro-, meso-, or macro-levels.
The deadline for SI submissions is December 15, 2020. For more information, please see the full Call for Papers here.
We hope to receive your submission to the SI on work passion.
Tony (on behalf of the guest editorial team)
Dejun “Tony” Kong, Ph.D.
Associate Editor, Journal of Organizational Behavior
Associate Professor, Management
Faculty Director, Bishop Center for Ethical Leadership
Director, B.S. Management Program
Muma College of Business
University of South Florida
A Florida’s preeminent research university
Tampa, Florida 33620, USA