News Updates

Bimonthly Briefing – April 2019



1. IACMR New Officer Election Updates
2. IACMR Research Method Workshop 2019
3. Inaugural Workshop on ‘The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching’
4. Responsible Research in Management Award 2019
5. Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund Grant 2019
6. IACMR reception/business meeting at AoM 2019

Management and Organization Review (MOR) Updates

1. Highlights of Volume 15 Issue 1
2. Article of the Month (March and April)
3. Events and Call for Papers

Management Community News

1. 2019 SYSBS International Symposium on Frontier Management Research
2. Job Opening from Nankai University
3. Job Opening from Sungkyunkwan Graduate School of China (SKK GSC) 



1. IACMR New Officers Election Updates
According to the Constitution and Bylaws of IACMR, a biennial election is held in 2019 to elect the following positions of five officers and two non-voting Ph.D. student representatives for the IACMR Board of Governor for the period of July 2019 – June 2022.

-Vice President/Program Chair 2022, and
– Four Representatives-at-Large (the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Chinese Mainland); and
-Two Ph.D. student representatives (One from the Chinese Mainland and one from an overseas university; non-voting member of the board).

By the nomination deadline of March 10, over 30 nominations of candidates had been received. The Nomination and Election Committee went through several rounds of thorough discussions of both the selection criteria and of the qualifications of the nominees. The committee’s final decision on identifying the candidates to stand for election is made through a confidential and anonymous vote among the N&E members and reached a high consensus among the committee members on the two candidates listed on the ballot to stand for election by the IACMR members. The invitation for vote was sent out to fee-paying members on April 10 for them to cast their votes to determine the future leadership of IACMR. The voting will be closed on May 2 and the voting results announced by the end of May.

2. Research Methods Workshop 2019
Workshop date: July 14 to 18, 2019
Location: Harbin, China (School of Management, Harbin Institute of Technology)
Working language: English and Chinese
Target candidates: Doctoral students and young faculty
Workshop format: lectures and intensive discussion sessions for developing research proposals

The Research Method Workshop is the classic program of IACMR and has been very well received since it was introduced. The call for applications for the workshop was released in mid-December last year and a reminding email was disseminated in late January. By the submission deadline of March 5, 120 applications were received. After a careful review of each proposal by the workshop committee,105 applications were accepted. The decision letters were sent out to all applicants on April 4.

The online registration for the workshop is open for admitted applicants to get registered from April 10 to April 30, 2019. The workshop committee is working on grouping of participants according to everyone’s research interests and the grouping results will be announced in early May. The workshop arrival guidance and hotel information is available in the workshop webpage.

3. Inaugural Workshop on ‘The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching’

To accomplish IACMR Mission that seeks to ‘advance the science, education and practice of Chinese management’, the IACMR board decided to launch a new program of ‘The Scholarship of Teaching Workshop’, starting from 2019. The purpose of this workshop is to help those IACMR members with a passion to education become excellent teachers, thus help advance the quality of management education in China . This workshop is designed for faculty members with at least two years’ of teaching experience in the field of management.

The first workshop is to be held at the Xi’an Campus of Guanghua School of Management on July 20 -22. Professor Neng Liang, IACMR immediate past president and the workshop organizer, will be joined by the following very experienced professors to give lectures on the scholarship and methods of teaching and share their rich teaching experience: Runtian Jing from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Xuhong Li from Fudan University, Jia Lin Xie from the University of Toronto and Zhi-Xue Zhang from Peking University.

To ensure that all participants are well prepared and really benefit from the workshop, applicants were required to submit an application essay and a teaching plan to describe their most proud achievement and the toughest challenges in teaching, what they want to improve the most during the workshop, and how they see teaching in their careers.

By the deadline of March 31, nearly 50 applications were received. After review of the submitted teaching plans and essays, the workshop committee has selected 43 applicants who have the passion and drive for teaching excellence. The registration for the workshop is currently in progress and will be closed by May 15.

4. The Second IACMR-RRBM Award for Responsible Research in Management

The IACMR-RRMB award recognizes excellent scholarship that focuses on important issues for business and society using sound research methods with credible results. Publications should exemplify the seven principles of responsible research and must have been published in the last five years (2014-2018).

Since the Call for Nominations was released in November 2018, the Academic and Executive Review Committees of the Award received nominations of 90 articles and 16 books. The committee of 41 accomplished scholars reviewed these nominations, judging each work on its credibility and the usefulness as specified in the seven principles of responsible research. Eighteen articles and five books were judged to be strong on both criteria. This list then received a second review by a committee of ten business executives (most of whom were doctoral graduates) on the usefulness criterion. Then, the Chairs of the Academic and Executive Review Committees discussed the final evaluations and selected the winners: eight “Finalists”, twelve “Winners” and three “Distinguished Winners.”

The award winners  of the Second IACMR-RRBM Award were publicized on March 12. Each of the 12 Winners will receive a cash prize of U.S. $500. Each of the three Distinguished Winners will receive a cash prize of U.S. $2,000. The Awards ceremony will be held on August 11, 2019 in Boston at the IACMR/RRBM joint session.

5. Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Grant 

The Kwok Leung Fund was created to commemorate the life and work of Professor Kwok Leung, and to continue his mission of supporting young scholars. The fund is open to all doctoral students doing Chinese Management research. Each year there are up to five awards of 10,000 RMB each. Support will be prioritized based on quality of the research proposal, financial need, and track record of accomplishment by the student.

The call for proposals was released via email to IACMR membership, posting at the website and the IACMR WeChat account on March 18. All doctoral students with active IACMR membership are eligible for making applications for the grant. The proposals should be sent to the IACMR email account ( by the submission deadline of April 30, 2019. Winners will be announced by June 5, 2019.

6. Updates about IACMR reception/business meeting in AoM 2019

IACMR will take the advantage of the AoM annual meeting in Boston in August to organize a few events. Starting at 1:00 pm on Sunday, August 11, the IACMR Board meeting, the IACMR-RRBM Responsible Research in Management Award presentation ceremony, IACMR business meeting and a joint reception by IACMR/MOR/Guanghua School of Management will be held one after another. All IACMR members attending the AoM meeting are welcomed to participate in the IACMR events.

Management and Organization Review (MOR) Updates

1. Please find below the Table of Content of the Volume 15 Issue 1 of MOR. For the abstracts, please click here

Letter from Editor


Comparative Network Research in China

The Metropolitan Effect: Colonial Influence on the Internationalization of Francophone African Firms

Multi-Level State Capitalism: Chinese State-Owned Business Groups

The Effect of European Intellectual Property Institutions on Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment

Subsidiary Networks and Foreign Subsidiary Performance: A Coopetition Perspective

A Delicate Balance for Innovation: Competition and Collaboration in R&D Consortia

Dialogue, Debate, and Discussion

China and the Reshaping of the Auto Industry: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective

Letter to the Editor: Complementing the Tesla Forum EV Discussion with a View Upstream

Editorial Statements

The Price of Science: MOR’s Organization Behavior Editorial Area

Family Business and SMEs

2. Articles of the Month

March 2019
China and the Reshaping of the Auto Industry: A Dynamic Capabilities Perspective
by David J. Teece

April 2019
 A Delicate Balance for Innovation: Competition and Collaboration in R&D Consortia 
by Dong Chen, Li Dai and Donghong Li

3. Calls for Papers:

(1)MOR Special Issue: Remember James G. March

(2) MOR PDW at 2019 AIB Copenhagen

Management Community News

1. 2019 SYSBS International Symposium on Frontier Management Research ;
2.SYSBS Workshop on New Advancements in Longitudinal Panel Data Analysis ;

3.Job Opening: Business School, Nankai University;

4. Job Opening from Sungkyunkwan Graduate School of China (SKK GSC)


• Your Input Welcomed 
Your contributions are also welcomed. You can send us news about members’ activities, research information, feedback about IACMR, and information from management field, etc. to Submission deadline is 15th of every even-month.