2025 Conference (June 11-15, 2025)

Business Cases Development in China and Beyond

Full name and contact information of Chair/Organizer:

William X. Wei* PhD, ICD.D
Board Member, North American Case Research Association
Professor and Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, Algoma University
24 Queen St. East (Suite LL 102), Brampton, Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada, L6V 1A3 Email: weiw@algomau.ca

Presentations from Leading Case Academics in China and Canada

Presenters, including affiliation, title (e.g., Associate Professor), address, phone number, fax number, and email

Presentation Title: Experience in Developing Leading Chinese Management Case Database
Dr. Jingqin Su
Professor and Director, China Management Case Sharing Center
School of Economics and Management, Dalian University of Technology
No. 2 Linggong Road, Ganjingzi District, Dalian City, Liaoning Province, China, 116024 Email: Jingqin@dlut.edu.cn

Presentation Title: Beyond Business Cases: How to develop social sciences cases
Dr. Jingyue Xu
Associate Professor and Deputy Director, China Center for Social Science Cases Renmin University of China
Email: xujingyue@rmbs.ruc.edu.cn
Tel: 86-10-62514524

Presentation Title: Difference in Publishing Ivey Cases and CMCC Baiyou Cases Dr. Haibo Hu
Professor and Dean
Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Address: No. 665 Yuping West Street, Jiaoqiao Town, Qingshanhu District,
Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, China.
Mailu Campus of Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
E-mail: 13133817079@163.com

Presentation Title: Teaching Cases online
Dr. Eric Wang
Professor and Associate Dean School of Business Athabasca University Edmonton, AB, Canada
E-mail: ericw@athabascau.ca

Goals of the workshop (i.e., learning objectives):

  • To improve new, peer-reviewed business cases to be submitted to case publisher
  • To promote the worldwide use of China case in various outlets
  • To enhance the legitimacy and status of case research and pedagogy in Greater China and beyond
  • To exchange experience in developing cases and case database in a cross-cultural context
  • To identify strategies in making classroom come alive through case teaching methods
  • To learn the tools and techniques to create compelling teaching and research cases
  • To investigate how case methods are used in leading business schools across the world
  • To explore how to share your research in the classroom, academic peers and industry

Contents of the workshop:

The workshop focuses on the followings:

  • Different approaches for managing class discussion
  • Opportunities to use cases for further framing your case and creating an outline and teaching note
  • How to create a case teaching plan
  • Challenges when writing cases;
  • How to effectively manage the data collection and field research process
  • Where and how to publish peer reviewed teaching case
  • The role of teaching case in developing management theory
  • How to develop case database

Intended participants and admission criteria for the participants
Participants include junior scholars conducting case research and publish teaching cases

Time requirement of the workshop: 2 hour

Participants’ capacity limit: 40