Call for Papers| 2023 INGRoup Conference

18th Annual Conference
20 – 22 July 2023
Hyatt Regency Bellevue, Washington, USA (Just across the lake from Seattle)
Submission Deadline
Submissions must be received by Wednesday, February 1, 2023 (11:59 p.m. EST). No extensions to the deadline will be granted.
Societies are dependent on the formation and utilization of groups and teams, making them relevant to countless aspects of life. Accordingly, scholars who study groups can be found across a wide array of disciplines (e.g., anthropology, communication, education, engineering, history, information systems, medicine, nursing, organizational behavior, philosophy, psychology, political science, public health, sociology). The Interdisciplinary Network for Group Research (INGRoup) was created to provide a context for scholars to:
- Promote communication about groups and teams research across fields and nations
- Advance understanding about group dynamics through research
- Advance theory and methods for understanding groups and teams
- Promote interdisciplinary research
The 18th Annual INGRoup Conference will be held so scholars across disciplines can come together, share information, and learn from one another. The conference program will include paper, poster, symposia, and panel sessions, a keynote address, and a business meeting open to all members so the future of INGRoup can be collectively planned and shaped.
An online system (accessible via will be made available from December 1, 2022 to February 1, 2023 (23:59:59, Eastern Standard Time). All submissions must be accompanied by a 50-word abstract for inclusion in the conference program. Submitters will be required to provide full name, position, institution, discipline, and contact information for all authors. Submissions that include participants from a variety of disciplinary traditions are highly encouraged. Excluding poster submissions, scholars can be the presenting author on no more than two submissions. Submissions that involve research that has been previously presented at other professional conferences should be modified so that they are not identical to past presentations, and, most importantly, should be tailored to suit INGRoup’s interdisciplinary audience. By submitting, at least one co-author from each paper within a symposium is committed to register for, and attend, the conference upon acceptance. We accept the types of submissions listed below.
Individual Submissions
Submission for paper presentations and posters can take two forms: an extended abstract or a complete paper. Note, to be considered for the conference best paper awards, a “complete paper” submission is necessary.
- Complete Paper. A complete paper should (a) present original research or (b) develop, review, or critique group theory or group methods. In addition to the required 50-word abstract, complete papers can be up to 35 pages (tables, figures, and references excluded from the page limit). Complete papers that are empirical should include the following: title, keywords, purpose, methodology, results, conclusions, and references. Complete papers for theories, reviews, or critiques should include the following: title, keywords, purpose, scope of theory/critique/review, conclusions, and references. During the submission process, you will be asked to indicate your preference (not guaranteed) of presenting your paper as an oral presentation or in an interactive poster session. Only papers submitted in this category are considered for the Best Conference Paper Award and the Best Student Conference Paper Award.
- Extended abstract. Extended abstracts should be 1,500 to 3,000 words and may present original empirical research, theoretical development, reviews, or critiques. In addition to the required 50-word abstract, extended abstracts for empirical papers should include the following: title, keywords, purpose, methodology, results (preliminary if in early stages), conclusions, and key references. Extended abstracts for theories, reviews, or critiques should include the following: title, keywords, purpose, identify the scope of theory /critique /review, and references. During the submission process, you will be asked to indicate your preference (not guaranteed) of presenting your paper as an oral presentation or in an interactive poster session. Extended abstracts are intended for scholarship that is still in process. We strongly encourage you to choose both presentation and poster if you are willing to do either. Our conferences are growing in number and posters allow us to include more high-quality papers. Extended abstracts are intended for scholarship that is still in process. It is expected that a full paper will be completed and presented at the conference.
- Poster. Complete papers and extended abstracts can likewise be submitted for the sole purpose of participating in the interactive poster session. Poster submissions should meet the same requirements as the complete paper and extended abstract submissions described above. Posters will be evaluated by conference participants, and a Best Poster Award will be given.
Organized Sessions
Submission for organized session presentations can take two forms: a symposium or a discussion panel. Symposium paper sessions involve individual presentations that are thematically related. Panel discussions are also thematically related but they are expected to be more interactive.
- Symposium Paper Session. A symposium paper session involves a submitter organized set of paper presentations developed around a common topic. Submissions should adequately describe an overarching theme that has relevance across disciplines. All elsebeing equal, submissions that include participants from more than one discipline will be favored. A symposium can have either (a) 4 presentations or (b) 3 presentations and a discussant. Presenters should discuss research that directly relates to the overarching theme of the session. If a discussant is involved, his/her contribution should be described. In addition to a 50-word abstract describing the symposium, an overview paper for the symposium should be included and is expected to be between 900 and 1,500 words and describe the focal issue, participants’ qualifications and expected contributions. A complete paper or extended abstract of each presentation must be included in this submission. Submitters should place all documents in one file. Note that a presentation within a symposium counts towards the presenting author limit of no more than two submissions.
- Panel Discussions: Panel submissions should aim to create a forum for scholarly discussion about issues related to the advancement of group theory and/or research. Submissions should describe an overarching theme that has relevance across disciplines. All else being equal, submissions that include participants from more than one discipline will be favored. A panel should have a moderator to facilitate discussion and can have up to 6 participants total (including the moderator). In addition to a 50-word abstract describing the panel discussion, a panel submission should be between 900 and 1,500 words and describe the focal issue, participants’ qualifications, and expected contributions. Submissions should adequately describe a plan for facilitating discussion between panelists and/or the panel and audience, and should describe how such discussions could advance group theory and/or research. Submitters should place all documents in one file. Note that a presentation within a panel discussion counts towards the presenting author limit of no more than two submissions.
Submission Procedures
Submissions will be reviewed by the program committee and peer reviewed by others who have submitted to the conference. The program chair will notify the submitter of acceptance by late March. Awards for Best Conference Paper, Best Graduate Student Paper, and Best Poster will be presented at the conference.
The link for submission will be on the INGRoup website: starting December 1, 2022
Registration consists of a few demographic questions and requires you to create a user name and password. Once registered, you will then be given several account options (Overview tab) as to how you can proceed.
Two of the options are very important to complete. First, “Your Submissions” will give you the option to submit a manuscript. Upon clicking this link, you will be given five different types of submission options (individual paper, individual extended abstract, poster, symposium paper session, panel discussion) and will then be able to submit your manuscript.
The second account option is titled “Priority Topic Selection” and allows you to indicate topics that best represent your expertise as a reviewer. We would like to emphasize that the review process depends on submitters participating in the review process; we therefore hope that everyone registers as a reviewer by indicating priority topics. Note that it is tradition for the INGRoup Conference that all submitters serve as reviewers.
A third option allows you to opt for a round table session rather than a regular session. Following the success of the online breakout group discussions, the round table sessions will involve short pitches from the presenters, after which all participants (i.e., audience and presenters) will get to discuss and debate the session topic in small groups. Only a limited number of sessions will have this format.
A fourth option is to designate a “Graduate Student Submission.” This designation requires that the submission have a graduate student as the first author. Faculty can be co-authors, but the student(s) on the submission must have done the majority of the work for the paper, including the conceptual and/or the empirical development. It is very important for graduate students who are first authors to choose this submission so that they can be considered for Best Graduate Student Paper.
Questions about the submission process? Contact the Program Chair, Deanna Kennedy, at
Local Arrangements
The 2023 18th Annual Conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency, in Bellevue, Washington, USA. The information for hotel reservations will be soon available on the INGRoup website (
Questions about INGRoup or the 2023 Conference?
For more information, please go to, or contact a member of the organizing committee:
- Deanna Kennedy (Program Chair), University of Washington Bothell (
- Michael Johnson (Local Arrangements Chair), University of Washington Seattle(
- Stephen Zaccaro (President), George Mason University (
- Anita Blanchard (Vice President, Conference Coordinator), University of North Carolina atCharlotte (