
Call for Reviewers | 2025 IACMR Conference

Dear members and friends of IACMR,

The 2025 IACMR (International Association for Chinese Management Research, ) Conference will be held from June 11 to 15, 2025, in Xi’an, China. The theme of the 2025 conference is “Empowering Sustainable Growth in a Digital Age.’’ As Program Chair and Track Chairs of the IACMR 2025 Conference, we are writing to ask for your support to serve as a reviewer. 

As the leading academic organization dedicated to Chinese management research, IACMR’s conference has experienced fast growth in paper submissions in recent years. We are expecting more than 800 submissions from all over the world for the 2025 conference. We need your support!

In addition to submitting your own paper(s) to the conference, we invite you to serve as a reviewer as well. You can choose one or more tracks from English Micro, English Macro, Chinese Micro, and Chinese Macro when signing up. You may be asked to review up to four papers from each track between November 1 and December 20 of 2024, depending on the total number of submissions. Your reviews will not only provide constructive feedback to authors but also have major impacts on Track Chairs’ decisions on which papers will be accepted. Please click here in Englishor here (in Chinese) for guidelines on conducting high-quality paper reviews. We will also be launching a series of webinars on “how to deliver high quality reviews” by experienced editors of MOR. Please stay tuned for our upcoming announcements.

To recognize outstanding reviewers, we will present up to ten (10) Best Reviewer Awards in each track at the conference. The Program Chair will then recommend all winners of this award to IACMR members who serve as Editors of leading management journals, including AMJ, AMR, ASQ, JAP, JOM, JMS, MOR, MS, OS, and SMJ.

If you are willing to serve as a reviewer for the conference, please follow the steps below to register:

Step 1: Go to the Reviewer Registration page and log in your IACMR account if you have registered as IACMR member before. If you are a first-time user, please create a profile. 

Step 2: After updating your profile, the reviewer sign-up form will appear. Please follow the instructions to fill out all necessary information and submit the form.

We have great respect for your scholarship and appreciate very much that you take time from your busy schedule to support the 2025 Conference. If you have any questions unaddressed on the website, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

We look forward to seeing you at the Conference in Xi’an next June. 

Warm regards,

Program Co-chairs of 2025 IACMR Conference
Runtian Jing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Wei Shen, Arizona State University
Xu Huang, Hong Kong Baptist University

Co-Chairs – English Micro Track
Jasmine Hu, Tsinghua University
Xin Qin, Sun Yat-sen University

Co-Chairs – English Macro Track
Kenneth Huang, National University of Singapore
Wei Shi, University of Miami  

Co- Chairs – Chinese Micro Track:
Wei He, Nanjing University
Kaifeng Jiang
, Peking University

Co-Chairs – Chinese Macro Track:
Shihua Chen, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
Weiguo Zhong, Peking University

Chair – Professional Development Workshop:
Eric Zhao, Oxford University