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Emerald Citation of Excellence Winners in 2015

Recently, Emerald Group has released the Emerald Citation of Excellence Winners in 2015 (for papers published in 2012). We are very pleased to announce that five papers published by MOR are listed as Citation Excellence Winners and three of them are from the special issue on the indigenous research.

Below you will find the five selected MOR papers. You may download them free of charge by visiting here.


Chinese context and theoretical contributions to management and organization research: A three-decade review
Jia L., You S., Du Y.
Management and Organization Review

Guanxi and organizational performance: A meta-analysis
Luo Y., Huang Y., Wang S.L.
Management and Organization Review

Perceived interactional justice and trust-in-supervisor as mediators for paternalistic leadership
Wu M., Huang X., Li C., Liu W.
Management and Organization Review

The Contextual Antecedents of Organizational Trust: A Multidimensional Cross-level Analysis
Li P.P., Bai Y., Xi Y.
Management and Organization Review

The structure of chinese cultural traditions: An empirical study of business employees in China
Pan Y., Rowney J.A., Peterson M.F.
Management and Organization Review

Further, many China-related papers published in other journals are also listed. It shows the popularity of China-related topics.

Determinants and effects of research partnerships in China’s emerging market
Zhou W.
Contemporary Economic Policy

Institution-based barriers to innovation in SMEs in China
Zhu Y., Wittmann X., Peng M.W.
Asia Pacific Journal of Management

Ownership and the Value of Political Connections: Evidence from China
Wu W., Wu C., Rui O.M.
European Financial Management

Toward an integrative framework of indigenous research: The geocentric implications of Yin-Yang Balance
Li P.P.
Asia Pacific Journal of Management

The Dynamics and Dilemma of Workplace Trade Union Reform in China: The Case of the Honda Workers’ Strike
Chan C.K.-C., Hui E.S.-I.
Journal of Industrial Relations

Work-life balance in china? Social policy, employer strategy and individual coping mechanisms
Xiao Y., Cooke F.L.
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources