End-of-Year Message from the IACMR President

Dear IACMR Members, Colleagues and Friends,
As the year of 2024 draws to a close, on behalf of the IACMR Executive Committee, I would like to extend my heartfelt wishes for a happy and prosperous year ahead.
As the President of IACMR and a scholar, I remain optimistic and excited about the future of Chinese management research. The IACMR Board of Governors, Executive Committee and our members continue to focus on promoting the mission of Chinese management research and teaching. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all who have contributed to IACMR, including our Beijing office staff, our conference organizers, track chairs, volunteers, and host schools, our board and committee members, our reviewers for MOR and conferences, workshop faculty, seminar speakers, and our journal editors and staff. It is your dedicated efforts that have made IACMR a highly respected academic community.
In 2024, we hosted academic activities, strengthened IACMR’s global standing through workshops, journal publications, Professional Development Workshops (PDWs), online seminars and more. We are also thrilled to have more outstanding young scholars joining the association as our members, bringing new vitality to this academic community. I believe it is this intergenerational inheritance and academic innovation that ensure the sustainable development of IACMR in the future.
I would like to briefly report some highlights of IACMR’s work in 2024.
Research Methods Workshop
The 2024 IACMR Research Methods Workshop was held at the School of Management, Shandong University. Centered on the pursuit of scientific rigor and the application of research methods, 15 professors provided systematic, interactive training to 120 doctoral students and young faculty from 52 universities worldwide. During the workshop, 12 mentoring professors led group discussions to offer personalized feedback and guidance on participants’ research proposals.
IACMR-MOR Ph.D. Course on Chinese Management Research
This course, taught by 11 distinguished scholars, equips doctoral students with the knowledge and skills to conduct groundbreaking, insightful, and meaningful research in the Chinese context. The course is free for members who have completed their first year of doctoral studies. The first cohort of the course is currently underway.
IACMR Member Survey
To mark IACMR’s 20th anniversary milestone, a survey led by Dr. Amy Ou was conducted to gather member feedback and suggestions. This initiative aims to enhance the organization’s effectiveness and foster stronger collaboration between members and leadership. The insights gathered will guide IACMR’s future developments and help us better serve the management research community.
New Officers Election
Professor Xu Huang from the Hong Kong Baptist University was elected Vice President-Elect and the Program Chair of the 2027 Conference. Five Representatives at Large were also elected: Cuili Qian (University of Texas at Dallas), Eric Yanfei Zhao (University of Oxford), Chenjian Zhang (University of Bath), Wei He (Nanjing University), and Guoli Chen (INSEAD). Additionally, Huaxi Gao (Peking University) and Jason Moy (University of Washington) were elected as Student Representatives. I am confident that their leadership will further strengthen IACMR’s growth.
New Committee
This year, IACMR established the Women’s Development Support Committee to provide a supportive community for female scholar members. Co-chaired by Jia (Jasmine) Hu and Xuhong Li, the committee members include Fuli Li, Wu Liu, Amy Ou, and Ningyu Tang. Additionally, the Education Committee welcomed its new members, chaired by Xiaoyun Xie, with members including Guiyao Tang, Lin Wang, Song Wang, Xin Wei, Jia Lin Xie, Wei Zeng, and Guanglei Zhang.
IACMR-PUP Outstanding Book Award on Chinese Management was established jointly by IACMR and Peking University Press to encourage and recognize original books in the field of Chinese management. After a rigorous evaluation by the award committee (Chair: Zhi-Xue Zhang), two books were selected as the inaugural winners: Towards Indigenous Innovation (Author: Lu Feng) and Enduring Win-Win: A Roadmap for Building Sustainable Business Ecosystems(Authors: Ke Rong and Xinwei Shi). We are also delighted to announce that Professor Michael Morris of Columbia University is the recipient of the 2025 IACMR Distinguished Scholarly Contribution Award. Additionally, five doctoral students: Siyu Chen, Longwang Fu, Xinyue Li, Maogang Sun, and Ines Wen, were awarded this year’s Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund. Congratulations to all awardees!
Management and Organization Review (MOR)
Under the leadership of Editor-in-Chief Professor Xiao-Ping Chen, MOR has implemented several initiatives this year, including organizing PDWs, Ph. D. courses, and a series of special issues. Keep an eye out for new issues, and be sure to submit your best papers!
2025 Biennial Conference (Xi’an)
Looking ahead, the 2025 Biennial Conference will be held in the historic city of Xi’an in June. Themed “Empowering Sustainable Growth in a Digital Age” the conference has received a record-breaking number of submissions—more than 1,200! New features include a “Happy Hour” designed by and for doctoral students, alongside other innovative activities. We look forward to an engaging and vibrant event fostering academic exchange and camaraderie.
As we enter the new year, let us continue to uphold the core values of “Pursuit of Excellence, Source of Inspiration, Responsible Scholarship, and Spirit of Service” with enthusiasm as we embrace 2025!
Runtian Jing
President of IACMR,
Professor of Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
On Behalf of the IACMR Executive Committee