2025 Conference (June 11-15, 2025)

From Insight to Impact: Developing Papers for The International Journal of Human Resource Management Special Issue on Repatriate Management

 (Pre- submission required)

1. Chair or Organizer

2.    The Goal of the Workshop

The goal of this workshop is to provide a structured and supportive environment where potential contributors to the special issue on “Repatriate Management in a Volatile Global Landscape: Strategies for Resilience and Success” can refine their draft manuscripts. Participants will receive expert feedback on their theoretical frameworks, methodologies, and data analysis. The workshop will focus on enhancing the clarity, coherence, and scholarly contribution of the manuscripts, ensuring that they meet the high standards of The International Journal of Human Resource Management. The session will also facilitate discussions on the latest trends and research in repatriate management, helping authors align their papers with current academic and practical insights.

With this goal, the workshop will be instrumental in assisting authors in making their final adjustments before the submission deadline (30 August 2025), ensuring their contributions are robust and impactful.

3.    Content of the Workshop

This workshop is designed to provide an immersive and interactive platform for authors aspiring to contribute to the Special Issue on “Repatriate Management in a Volatile Global Landscape: Strategies for Resilience and Success.” It is structured into two distinct parts: the first focusing on clarifying the submission expectations and the second dedicated to detailed paper presentations and critiques. The aim is to equip participants with the necessary insights and feedback to refine and strengthen their manuscripts for successful submission.

Part 1: Clarifying Expectations and Submission Standards (Duration: 15-30 minutes)

  • Introduction to the Special Issue: Overview of the themes, objectives, and relevance of the topic in the current global context.
  • Submission Guidelines and Expectations: Detailed explanation of submission guidelines, editorial standards, and what constitutes a strong submission, focusing on theoretical depth, methodological rigor, and practical implications.
  • Q&A Session: Opportunity for participants to clarify any uncertainties about the submission process and expectations.

Part 2: Paper Presentations and Expert Reviews (Duration: 2.5 hours)

  • Paper Presentations: Each of the five selected papers will be presented for 15 minutes, outlining key aspects such as the research question, methodology, findings, and implications.
  • Expert Review and Audience Q&A: Following each presentation, there will be a 15-minute session for feedback. This includes:
    • Expert Review: An expert scholar provides a critique focusing on improving theoretical applications, data interpretation, and overall impact.
    • Guest Editor Comments: The guest editors offer insights on how the paper aligns with the special issue’s themes and suggest adjustments to enhance its relevance and clarity.
    • Audience Feedback: Audience members participate in the discussion, offering additional perspectives and suggestions to help refine the paper further.

This structured approach ensures each paper receives focused and constructive feedback within the overall workshop timeline, facilitating a productive and scholarly enriching session for all participants.

4.    Intended Participants and Admission Criteria for the Participants

The PDW is open to guest editors, authors of selected papers, and a nominal audience that includes other potential contributors, scholars, and PhD students interested in the topic. Participants are invited to submit their drafts from April 21-25, 2025. Submissions should be emailed directly to the lead guest editor, Dr. Candy Ying Lu, at candy.lu@mq.edu.au.

Papers will be assessed by the guest editor team, focusing on their alignment with the special issue’s themes, theoretical rigor, and empirical methodology. Authors of the five selected papers will be notified by May 12, 2025.

Please note that this timeline is tentative and subject to adjustments as required by the IACMR conference committee or to accommodate specific requests from IACMR.

5.    Time Requirements

The workshop will run for approximately 3 hours during the IACMR conference period.

6.    Participant Capacity Limit

The capacity is limited to approximately 40 participants, including editors, presenters, and attending scholars.