IACMR 2014 Call for PDW Proposals
International Association for Chinese Management Research
June 18-22, 2014, Beijing
Exploring New Concepts and Theories from Chinese Management
Submission Deadline: Midnight November 15, 2013, U.S. Eastern Standard Time
Professional Development Workshops (PDWs)
The paper and symposium submissions for the 2014 conference have just closed with 655 submissions in total. In addition to paper and symposium presentations in the Scholarly Program, we also invite proposals for Professional Development Workshops (PDWs) that will be held on the last day of the conference, June 22, 2014.
PDWs provide a forum for researchers to explore a common topic. Their goals are educational and informational and are generally conducted in an interactive and participative format. PDWs are not a forum for several standard paper presentations on a common theme—such sessions are part of the scholarly paper program. We especially welcome PDWs that are related to the conference theme of how to conduct research that explores new concepts and theories in Chinese management. We are open to proposals that focus on contemporary issues relating to Chinese management research, research methods (e.g., how to conduct quantitative and qualitative research), and professional development topics (e.g., how to help junior faculty in conducting and publishing high-impact research or career development issues). Proposals for workshops dealing with teaching methods and content are encouraged. Creative and novel proposals are particularly encouraged.
If you would like to discuss a PDW idea before submission (in advance of the submission deadline), please contact PDW Chair Peter Ping Li of the Copenhagen Business School at pli.int@cbs.dk. PDW organizers must submit the following proposal items to the conference website by Midnight November 15, 2013, U.S. Eastern Standard Time.
- Title of the workshop
- Full name and contact information of the chair or organizer, indicated with an asterisk (*) by the chair/organizer’s name, and all presenters, including affiliation, title (e.g., Associate Professor), address, phone number, fax number, and email
- Goal of the workshop (i.e., learning objectives)
- Content of the workshop
- Intended participants and admission criteria for the participants
- Time requirement of the workshop
For details of submission procedures and other information, please refer to the Call for Submissions. For questions about the Call for PDW Proposals, please contact PDW Chair, Peter Ping Li of the Copenhagen Business School at pli.int@cbs.dk. Questions about the IACMR and the 2014 Conference may be directed to iacmrbj@pku.edu.cn.