IACMR Bimonthly Briefing – August 2019
- IACMR News
1. Report on 2019 Research Method Workshop (Harbin)
2. Report on Inaugural Workshop on ‘The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching’ (Xi’an)
3. Briefing on IACMR Events at AoM 2019
- Management and Organization Review (MOR) Updates
Article of the Month (July and August)
- IACMR News
1. Report on 2019 Research Method Workshop
2019 IACMR Research Methods Workshop was successfully held in Harbin from July 14 to 18. The School of Management of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) hosted this workshop.
Group photo of faculty advisors and participants
The IACMR Research Methods Workshop is designed to meet the need for high quality research-based management knowledge in the Chinese contexts – to offer local talent training on scientific methods. The workshop this year were joined by 120 participants from 47 universities from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Thailand, the US, Canada, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands and Australia. Six of them were young faculty members and the remaining were doctoral students. All participants were divided into 12 discussion groups and each group was led by one faculty advisor for group discussions.
The School of Management of HIT attached great importance to the workshop. The Local Arrangement Committee, headed by Professor Qiang Ye, Dean of School of Management, had been set up months earlier and the workshop preparations started very early. The HIT preparation team of faculty and students had devoted a lot of time and energy since late May. They worked hard in close cooperation, which has ensured success of the workshop. All the workshop participants were much impressed with the smooth arrangement and well cared details during the whole workshop. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to every one of the preparation team.
Faculty Advisors
Professor Ray Friedman of Vanderbilt University, President of IACMR, is the program chair of this workshop. He started one year ago to invite famous scholars in the field of organization and management to be faculty advisors whose research area and expertise perfectly match the program sessions. Prof. Jing Zhou of Rice University, Past President Fellow of IACMR, served as the on-site chair of the workshop and ensured smooth running of the workshop. The whole faculty provided systematic and in-depth lectures to 120 participants from home and abroad and led them through eight group discussions in four days.
Faculty team (in alphabetical order):
1. Yanjie Bian, Professor, University of Minnesota and Xi’an Jiaotong University
2. Chao C. Chen, Professor, Rutgers University, IACMR President (2012-2014)
3. Jiing-Lih Larry Farh, Professor, China Europe International Business School, IACMR President (2014-2016)
4. Wei He, Associate Professor, Nanjing University, IACMR Ph.D Student Representative (Mainland China, 2014-2016)
5. Xu Huang, Professor, The Hong Kong Baptist University, IACMR Representative-at-Large, Asia Pacific (2014-2016)
6. Liangding Jia, Professor, Nanjing University, IACMR Representative-at-Large, Mainland China (2012-2014)
7. Runtian Jing, Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, IACMR Vice President
8. Leigh Anne Liu, Associate Professor, Georgia State University
9. Wu Liu, Associate Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, IACMR Representative-at-Large, Asia Pacific (2020-2022)
10. Wei Shen, Professor, Arizona State University, IACMR Vice President (2020-2022)
11. Anne S. Tsui, University of Notre Dame, Arizona State University, IACMR Founding President
12. Ann Zhang, Associate Professor, Peking University
13. Zhi-Xue Zhang, Professor, Peking University, IACMR President Elect
14. Jing Zhou, Professor, Rice University, IACMR Co-President (2010-2012)
Program Framework
The program started with plenary lectures on the scientific research process, followed by sessions on how to choose a research topic, defining the research question, and developing theory and hypotheses. These sessions laid the foundation for subsequent parallel sessions.
The Scientific Research Process and Types of Empirical Studies (Zhi-Xue Zhang)
Choosing a Research Topic, Defining the Research Question and Contributions (Jing Zhou)
Developing Theory and Hypotheses (Chao Chuan Chen)
The parallel sessions focused more specifically on guidance for micro scholars (OB/HR) or macro scholars (Strategy/OT). Students went to the track that best matched their research focus. The first session was on micro or macro constructs, which illustrated major distinct but related dimensions of the OB/HRM and Strategy/OT theories, followed by sessions on specific research methods (experimental, secondary data, survey, qualitative, longitudinal, multi-level, and network analysis).
OB/HRM Constructs (Larry Jiing-Lih Farh)
Strategy/OT Constructs (Wei Shen)
Experimental Research (Zhi-Xue Zhang)
Secondary Data Research (Wei Shen)
Survey Research (Xu Huang)
Qualitative Research – Macro (Runtian Jing)
Qualitative Research – Micro ( Chao Chuan Chen)
Longitudinal research (Wei Shen)
Multi-level Research (Wu Liu)<span “=””>
Network Analysis – Macro (Yanjie Bian)
Network Analysis – Micro (Leigh Anne Liu)
In between the lecture sessions, students met in small group discussions. Each group, led by a faculty advisor, began by sharing their research interests and presenting their research proposals. After this introduction, the group engaged in in-depth discussions of each member’s proposal, including faculty advice and suggestions. In the last group sessions, group members selected a proposal for presentation to the entire workshop, and provided suggestions for making the presentation.
Group presentation 1
Group presentation 2
Group presentation 3
Group presentation 4
Professor Anne Tsui, Founding President of IACMR, gave the last lecture on ‘Spirit and Ethics of Science’. She put forward the concept of ‘responsible research’ and encouraged participants to do studies that contribute to basic knowledge, have implications for making the world a better place, and that are done using evidence-based high quality and societally beneficial business and management practices.
The Spirit and Ethics of Science (Anne Tsui )
Centering on the pursuit of scientific spirit and responsible research, the overall program consists of systematic training on how to do scientific research with good understanding and application of research methods. The whole course was very demanding, including doing pre-readings assigned by faculty advisors and attending all the lectures and discussions. In particular, workshop participants benefited much from in-depth feedback and discussions of their proposals with the faculty advisors guiding the sessions and the other participants working in similar research areas, because the discussions led to constructive comments and recommendations for improving proposals. The workshop offered a unique training experience for participants and seems to have been very well-received.
Welcome Reception
Professor Tao Ma is delivering a welcome speech.
Professor Jing Zhou is making a presentation about IACMR and the workshop
Professor Tao Ma, associate dean of the School of Management of HIT, extended a sincere welcome to everyone on the welcome reception on July 14th and gave a general introduction to the School. Professor Jing Zhou, Past President of IACMR, talked about the mission of the association, its current development as well as the schedule of this workshop. During the welcome reception, all the participants got to know each other in a harmonious atmosphere.
Graduation Ceremony
IACMR and the School of Management of HIT organized a graduation dinner on the evening of the last day to celebrate graduation of all participants. Prof. Chao C. Chen and faculty advisors presented graduation certificates to the participants. Each group offered splendid and interesting performance which demonstrated their reflections on doing research after attending the workshop, their gratefulness to the faculty advisors and their joyfulness in getting acquaintance with fellow students as well as their mentors who will be good friends along their careers.
Handing over Thank-you Plaque
Presenting graduation certificates
The workshop was well received and all the participants gave very high marks in their evaluation forms and extended their thanks to IACMR and faculty advisors. Their feedbacks and reflections will help future workshop applicants know better about the workshop, the faculty advisors as well as doing research itself.
Selected comments from feedback and reflections by workshop participants
– Looking back on the four-day journey of research methods, I felt particularly enriched and motivated. I was very impressed with professionalism and pursuit of excellence conveyed by the faculty members. Their passion about an academic career of finding real pleasure in developing theory and contributing to practice has made me more determined and motivated about my career as a scholar.
– In this academic feast, I felt very honored to have the opportunity to listen to so many distinguished scholars’ lectures, from which I benefited a lot. The workshop not only enabled me to further learn how to do research design, but also stimulated my persistent pursuit of scholarship, modest way of being, and rigorous logical thinking.
– The faculty advisor’s comments and suggestions were very helpful. I got to know a group of students from various universities and benefited a lot from group discussions and the faculty advisor’s advice and suggestions. Thanks to IACMR!
– The mentor of my group gave pertinent comments on each member’s proposal and I was lucky to have constructive suggestions on my proposal. In the preparation for the presentation on the last day, we worked closely as a group and everyone made helpful suggestions… Thanks to IACMR for providing us young scholars with opportunities to communicate with outstanding scholars. We look forward to meeting each other at the biennial conference next year.
– In group discussions, each member put forward valuable suggestions from their perspective, which has broadened my horizon and I benefited a lot. In addition to academic discussions, we had communications on other issues, through which I have gained both knowledge and friendship.
– The workshop lectures and group discussions were very intensive. From identification of a research topic to the design of research, I have learnt what a good research proposal should be. The outstanding fellow doctoral students made me realize my room for improvement and this is a kind of motivation for me. I was really delighted to meet excellent faculty advisors and fellow students.
– The workshop offered us opportunities to have one-on-one guidance from prominent faculty advisors. Group discussions intensified learning atmosphere among members, and the heated discussions triggered thinking in depth and beyond boundaries.
(More detailed report in Chinese is available here.)
2. Inaugural Workshop on ‘The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching’ Report
To accomplish IACMR Mission that seeks to “advance the science,education and practice of Chinese management”, the first IACMR “The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching” Workshop was held at the Xi’an Campus of Guanghua School of Management (GSM), Peking University from July 20 to 22, 2019.
GSM Xi’an Campus
Before the lecture began on the morning of July 20, Dr. Jinyong Zhao, Operation Director of GSM Xi’an, delivered a short speech to warmly welcome the professors and participants of the workshop. He also briefed the audience the current programs undertaken by GSM Xi’an campus and its development and future prospects. He said that GSM Xi’an campus, as a part of the teaching network of GSM, is a platform for talent cultivation and scientific research exchanges in Xi’an and its neighboring regions. In the future, it will integrate high-quality resources in Northwest China to better serve such academic activities. On behalf of IACMR, Professor Neng Liang extended sincere thanks and handed over a Thank-You plaque to Dr. Jinyong Zhao to express the appreciation for the great support offered by GSM Xi’an.
Handing over Thank-you Plaque
The purpose of this workshop is to help those IACMR members with a passion to education become excellent teachers, thus help advance the quality of management education in China. Forty teachers attended the three-day teaching workshop. They came from 28 universities across China, including Beijing Normal University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Hunan University, Lanzhou University, Nankai University, Northeast University of Finance and Economics, Northwest University, Tongji University, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Zhejiang University and so on. Among them, Northwest University was recognized for sending the biggest number of participants – eight faculty members.
Group photo of all members
With coordination and organization by Professor Neng Liang, Past President of IACMR and Professor of China Europe International Business School and supported by Professor Runtian Jing(Shanghai Jiaotong University), Professor Xuhong Li (Fudan University) and Professor Zhi-Xue Zhang (Peking University), the inaugural IACMR “The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching” Workshop was a great success. Professor Jialin Xie (University of Toronto) who had been a member of the team failed to make the trip because of sudden illness. The participants felt sorry about this, but they showed their full understanding and wished Professor Xie a speedy recovery.
- Neng Liang 2. Runtian Jing
- Xuhong Li 4. Zhi-Xue Zhang
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In the evening before the start of the workshop, all participants participated in the “warm-up” exercise. They discussed about the biggest challenges they face in their daily teaching, what they most desired to achieve during the workshop and what learning output they expected. Each group came up with three goals to achieve by the end of this workshop.
In the first two days, each of the professors gave a half-day lecture (as follows) on the areas of their expertise.
Lecture One by Zhi-Xue Zhang (Peking University):
Underlying Logic and Teaching of Organizational Management Discipline (组织管理的学科逻辑与教学)
Lecture Two by Runtian Jing (Shanghai Jiao Tong University):
Bridging the Gap between Research and Teaching (搭起教学与研究之间的桥梁)
Lecture Three by Xuhong Li (Fudan University):
Design of Paired-Cases: Principles and Practices (成对教学案例设计:原理与实践)
Lecture Four by Neng Liang (China Europe International Business School):
The Science and Craft of Case Teaching (案例教学的科学与手艺)
In the evening, every participant joined his/her group members to discuss how to apply what had been learnt into their teaching and prepare the exemplary teaching competition on the last day. Each faculty advisor sat in all six groups and listened to discussions.
On the morning of Day 3, Professor Neng Liang took up extra half morning to finish his lecture of rich content on ‘The Science and Craft of Case Teaching‘. After Professor Neng Liang’s lecture, Professor Runtian Jing, Xuhong Li and Zhi-Xue Zhang had a panel discussion to share experience in ‘bridging teaching and learning to benefit each other‘ to end the morning session.
Panel Discussion;’Bridging Teaching and Learning to Benefit Each Other‘<span “=””>
The ‘performance stage’ was given to the participants on the last afternoon. First, each group sent a representative to report their summary and reflections on the workshop and how their three goals had been achieved.
Then came the most exciting part of the workshop – the fierce group competition. A representative from each of six groups did a ten-minute exemplary teaching presentation before all the participants cast their votes on performance of each group to select the winning group. Next, Professor Xuhong Li offered her comments on each teaching demonstrator’s performance.
The on-site voting results revealed that Group Five won the Exemplary Teaching Award in the end. The award certificate was given to each member of Group Five. As a happy ending, each participant was presented the certificate of program completion to conclude the workshop.
Group 5 won the competition
Presentation of Certificates of Course Completion
The 3-day teaching workshop was so impressive that the participants offered their thoughtful reflections or touching feedback. Here are some quotes.
– The four dedicated professors made good preparations ahead of time and set strict requirements on pre-reading and homework. They taught us how to ‘fish’ and offered their full knowledge and experience down to their last dime. Their values toward life will influence my whole career.
– A good learning harvest and touching warmth from the workshop! Each of the four mentors showed me power of role models and enlightenment of innovation. I realized my own gap and see the direction of efforts.
– Thanks to every tutor of IACMR teaching workshop! Like sunshine, you give us warmth and strength! Like rain, you nourish us and help us grow!
– The mentors are my role models! I will try to be a role model and train up more role models!
– The conflict between teaching and research does not lie in itself, but in the way we look at and deal with it. Teaching and research can benefit each other. From the mentor professors, I realized it’s possible to embed scientific research in teaching practices, and discover and extract problems from teaching practices for doing research.
– This workshop enlightened me that the process of case analysis is the one of constructing knowledge points for students. The teacher only needs to lead students to summarize knowledge points, which could be really understood by students in the process of case analysis and summarization.
– The workshop instructors were very dedicated. They were on-site throughout the three-day program, facilitating our group discussions and helping us apply what we had learned to our own teaching. We were really equipped with an enhanced set of teaching skills and tools after the workshop and will be confident to apply them in our future teaching.
(More detailed report in Chinese is available here.)
- IACMR Events at AoM 2019
The IACMR-RRBM Responsible Research in Management Award Ceremony was held at the Independence West Room of Sheraton Boston Hotel on Sunday August 11. This award recognizes scholarship that focuses on important issues for business and society, using sound research methods. Both this year’s and last year’s winners will be honored at the ceremony. Several winners discussed their research during the ceremony, and answered questions from the audience. We hope that this award encourages more work that is both high in social impact and backed by strong research.
The Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund grant award ceremony was held at the Independence West Room of Sheraton Boston Hotel on Sunday August 11. It’s the 4th year to give the award. The Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund had been created to commemorate the life and work of Professor Kwok Leung, and to continue his mission of supporting young scholars.
David Zhu (Arizona State University) and Jia (Jasmine) Hu (The Ohio State University), Co-Chairs of the IACMR Research Committee, conferred the awards to three winners who were present, Jingxian Yao, Zhiyu Feng and Tingting Lang. Each of them (plus two other winners of Wei Wang and Danyang Zhyu) were given the award certificate and a grant of RMB10,000 yuan.
As usual, a highly popular IACMR/MOR joint reception was organized by IACMR/MOR and the host schools of the 2020 IACMR biennial conference, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University and Xi’an Jiaotong University. Prof. Runtian Jing, Program Chair of 2020 conference, Prof. Weiguo Zhong from Guanghua School of Management and Prof. Fuli Li from Xi’an Jiaotong University addressed to the audience to welcome everyone to the conference next year. The conference will be held at Xi’an Campus of Guanghua School and neighboring hotels, with historical sites of Terracotta Warriors and Emperor Qin’s Terracotta Army and Huaqing Hot Spring Palace sitting a few kilometers away. About 200 participants joined the reception to either say ‘hello’ to a new friend or meet old friends while enjoying tasty food and wine.
- Management and Organization Review (MOR) Updates
Article of the Month (July and August)
July: Knowledge Management in Brazil: What Governance Mechanisms are Needed to Boost Innovation? by Guillermo Antonio Dávila, Tatiana Andreeva and Gregório Varvakis
August: From Financial Misdemeanants to Recidivists: The Perspective of Social Networks by Fenghua Bao, Yapu Zhao, Longwei Tian and Yuan Li
- Your Input Welcomed
Your contributions are also welcomed. You can send us news about members’ activities, research information, feedback about IACMR, and information from management field, etc. toiacmrmembership@pku.edu.cn. Submission deadline is 15th of every even-month.