IACMR Bimonthly Briefing – October 2020

1. 2020 IACMR Teaching Workshop
2. IACMR Research Seminar Serie
3. IACMR Young Scholar Development Seminar Series
4. IACMR-RRBM “Responsible Research in Management Award” 2020 Winners Webinar II
•Management and Organization Review (MOR) Updates
1. MOR is Included in FMS High- Quality Journals List
3. MOR Special Issue on Organization Design of Resilience in the Face of Unanticipated Global Crises
4. MOR 16.4 Table of Contents and Abstracts
5. Article of the Month(October)
•Management Insights (MI) Update
1. Online Conversation: MI & William Hu, Qiming Venture Partners
2. Current MI Issue
•Community News
1. Job Opening: Northwestern Polytechnical University
2. Job Opening: Lanzhou University
3. Job Opening: BNU-HKBU United International College (UIC)
4. Job Opening: Lingnan University
5. Job Opening: The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC)
1. Report|2020 IACMR “The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching” Workshop
In the golden autumn of 2020, IACMR successfully held the Second IACMR “The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching” Workshop in Nanjing from October 9 to 11. This workshop was organized and coordinated by former IACMR president, Professor Neng Liang of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and hosted by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). IACMR received nearly 100 applications from 43 universities this year. After carefully review and selection, 45 applications from 33 universities across China were finally accepted.
On the opening ceremony, Professor Dequn Zhou, Dean of College of Economics and Management of NUAA made a speech to extend warm welcome to all the instructors and participants IACMR President of 2010-2012, Professor Jia Lin Xie from University of Toronto, IACMR President of 2016-2018, Professor Neng Liang from CEIBS, President-Elect of IACMR, Professor Zhi-Xue Zhang from Peking University, Vice-president of IACMR, Professor Runtian Jing from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and member of IACMR Education Committee, Professor Xuhong Li from Fudan University joint again as instructors of the workshop this year. To view further information of the workshop, please click here.
2. IACMR Research Seminar Series
The fourth session of IACMR Research Seminar Series was launched on September 23 via Zoom. The speaker was Professor Xu Huang from Hong Kong Baptist University. The topic of his speech was Power of Love: Intimate Relationships of Top Executives and Firm Performance, Please click here to watch the full video of the speech.
On Oct. 28, the fifth session of IACMR Research Seminar Series was held on line. Professor Yanjie Bian from University of Minnesota presented his research work themed as Theoretical Construction and Behavioral Significance of Virus-Combat Social Capital, please click here for the full video of the speech.
3.IACMR Young Scholar Development Seminars
The third session of the seminar series was held on September 8 via Zoom. Dr. Wenhao Luo from North China University of Technology organized this session and the speakers were Guanglei Zhang from Wuhan University of Technology, Jianfeng Jia from Northeastern University and Wenhao Luo, they discussed the theme of Teaching Experience and Reflections. Please click here for the full video of the speech.
4. IACMR-RRBM “Responsible Research in Management Award” 2020 Winners Webinar II
We are delighted to honor 2020 “Responsible Research in Management Award” winners through a series of three webinars on Zoom. Scholars are invited to attend and learn from the award-winning authors on how to conduct meaningful and publishable responsible research. The first webinar has been held on August 6th, please click here to watch the video. The second webinar has been held on October 6 (please click here for the full video) and early December this year to honor other award winners.
•Management and Organization Review (MOR) Updates
1. MOR is Included in FMS High- Quality Journals List
Management and Organization Review (MOR), the flagship journal of IACMR, is recently included in the FMS Management Science High- Quality Journals List, ranking of “B”. FMS (Federation of Management Societies of China) list was jointly issued by Chinese Society of Optimization, Overall Planning and Economic Mathematics, Society of Management Science and Engineering, Systems Engineering Society of China. FMS journal ranking list is based on reliable big data, scientific measurement methods and extensive academic research, which largely reflects the consensus of the academic community.
Since it has been founded, MOR appealed to management scholars to abandon “bean-counting” research aimed only at generating a high number of top-journal ‘hits’, focusing instead on socially responsible research and indigenous Chinese management research (Tsui, 2013). During the fifteen years since its founding, MOR has published many studies that recognize the cultural roots and institutional context of contemporary management in China, enabling them to introduce important Chinese cultural constructs (Tsui, 2018).
We invite management scholars in China to see MOR as an appropriate outlet for their best China-focused research, and hope that together we can realize the mission of MOR in this new research era.
2. MOR CFP| “3D” Forum on DE-GLOBALIZATION and GLOBAL DECOUPLING: Ramifications for MNE’s Strategies and Management
The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has dramatically escalated de-globalization undercurrents and global decoupling (e.g., O’Neil, 2020; Schell, 2020). The pandemic has vividly revealed the vulnerability of optimized global supply chains and single offshoring manufacturing hubs and has forced MNEs to consider and adopt new configurations of loosely-coupled ecosystems. The MOR forum on DE-GLOBALIZATION and GLOBAL DECOUPLING is inviting commentaries that address two broad questions: (1) What are the most salient contextual forces driving the trend toward de-globalization and global decoupling? (2) How can MNEs headquartered in liberal democracies or state capitalistic systems best adapt and respond to these emerging dynamics? Please click here for more information.
3. MOR Special Issue| Organization Design of Resilience in the Face of Unanticipated Global Crises
How to design for resilience, and how do organizations manifest resilience in organizational designs during global crises? A new special issue invites exploration of resilience from a multitude of theoretical perspectives, with empirical studies under extraordinary circumstances such as the current global pandemic. Please click here for more information.
4. MOR 16.4 Table of Contents and Abstracts
Please click here to get the 16.4 Table of Contents and Abstracts.
5. Article of the Month(October)
Resilient Leadership as Paradox Work: Notes from COVID-19
Luca Giustiniano, Miguel Pina e Cunha, Ace V. Simpson, Arménio Rego and Stewart Clegg
•Management Insights (MI) Updates
1. Online Conversation: MI & William Hu, Qiming Venture Partners
MI executive chief editor Yating Cheng had an online conversation with William Hu, Managing partner of Qiming Venture Partners on September 11. William has been involved in the growth of more than 40 start-ups, some of which have gone public or become billion-dollar companies. With the understanding of the trend and the acute insight of the market, William has captured many investment opportunities in the field of medical and health care. William shared his thoughts on medical investment, passing economic cycle and value catcher under the current of medical investment fever.
Please go to WeChat to follow the “复旦商业知识” WeChat account to learn more about the conversation content.
2. Current MI Issue
MI website is under maintenance recently, please search “复旦管理视野” small program in WeChat for current and back MI issues.
•Community News
1. Job Opening: Northwestern Polytechnical University
Please click here for more information (in Chinese).
2. Job Opening: Lanzhou University
Please click here for more information (in Chinese).
3. Job Opening: BNU-HKBU United International College (UIC)
Please click here for more information.
4. Job Opening: Lingnan University
Please click here for more information.
5. Job Opening: The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC)
Please click here for more information.
•Your Input Welcomed
Your contributions are also welcomed. You can send us news about members’ activities, research information, feedback about IACMR, and information from management field, etc. to iacmrmembership@pku.edu.cn. Submission deadline is 15th of every even-month.