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IACMR Past President (2018- 2021) Ray Friedman Won JABS Douglas McGregor Award for Best Paper Published in 2020

Each year, The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (JABS) advisory board selects the best article published in the journal in the past year to receive the Douglas McGregor award. Douglas McGregor, a founder of the field of organization development, is best known for his work on “Theory X and Theory Y” about the nature of beliefs that leaders hold regarding employee attitudes toward work which appeared in his book, The Human Side of Enterprise. In keeping with McGregor’s legacy, these articles represent a blend of practical scholarship and scholarly practice.
The best paper for 2020 is shared by:
Shu-Cheng Steve Chi, Ray Friedman, Shu-Chen Chen, Ming-Jie Tsai, and Mei-Ling Yuan
Sympathy toward a company facing disaster: Examining the interaction effect between internal attribution and role similarity
Vol. 56, Issue 1: 73-106.
Read the full paper.

Mike Wagner, PhD and James Westaby
Changing Pay Systems in Organizations: Using Behavioral Reasoning Theory to Understand Employee Support for Pay-for-Performance (or Not)Vol. 56 Issue 3: 301-321.
Read the full paper.

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