IACMR-PUP Outstanding Book Award on Chinese Management

About the Award
IACMR-PUP Outstanding Book Award on Chinese Management was established jointly by the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) and Peking University Press (PUP) to encourage and recognize original (non-translated) books in the field of Chinese management.
This award is granted biennially to one to three book(s) judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to the advancement of Chinese management knowledge. Books that contribute to the advancement of management theory, conceptualization, research, practice, or as textbooks are eligible for this prestigious award. The award is presented during the subsequent IACMR Biennial Conference, and cash rewards of 10,000 RMB are given to the authors/editors of each selected book.
To avoid conflicts of interest, the current award committee members are not eligible for nomination during their tenure for any of their own works or works they lead.
Criteria for Nominated Books:
- They should be theoretical works, monographs, textbooks, methodological books, or books on entrepreneurial practices related to Chinese management.
- The subject areas should align with the scope of the service of IACMR, such as OB, strategy, international business, etc..
- The books should be non-translated, original, and written in Chinese language.
- Any books published before the nomination deadline are welcome to be nominated.
- Authors/nominators do NOT need to be paid members of IACMR.
2024 Nominations Process
- Submit Nominations: Complete the IACMR-PUP Outstanding Book Award Form to register your nomination.
- Submit Books: An electronic copy of each nominated book must be uploaded in the above form. The book files will not be distributed to anyone aside from the award judges.
- The nominators should obtain the consent of the book’s author(s)/editor(s) to accept the nomination and commit that if the book is selected as a finalist, at least one of the nominated book’s authors/editors will attend the IACMR Biennial Conference to receive the award.
- Self-nominations are welcome.
Award Committee
Zhi-Xue Zhang, Peking University
Committee Members (in alphabetical order):
Runtian Jing, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Wei He, Nanjing University
Weiwen Li, Sun Yat-sen University
Xuhong Li, Fudan University
For more information, please contact IACMR Executive Office at iacmrbj@pku.edu.cn
2025 winners
Key Dates
- October 30, 2024: Nomination deadline
- December 2024: Final award winners announcement