IACMR Teaching and Learning Forum Session #2
Theme: How to Teach Critical Thinking in Business Management
Speaker: Qingyuan (Lori) Yue, Columbia Business School
When: Dec. 8, 2021, 9:00-10:00 am, Beijing Time
Where: Zoom
Language: Chinese
Introduction to the Talk
The Chinese idiom famously says that it is better to teach people fishing rather than give them fish. Albert Einstein also said that “education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” Critical thinking is a powerful tool to help business executives make effective decisions, predict future trends, and become lifetime learners. This session devotes to how to teach critical thinking in business education.
About the Speaker

Qingyuan (Lori) Yue is a tenured Associate Professor at the Management Division in Columbia Business School. Her research focuses on the relationship between business and society, especially regarding how organizations respond to contentious social environments and regulation uncertainty. She has published papers on industry self-regulation and business collective action. Her recent research studies (1) how digital platforms and other nascent industries that develop from technological innovations adopt political strategies to shape regulation, (2) how political polarization creates both risks and opportunities for corporations, and (3) how multinational corporations respond to the rise of nationalism in the global context. Her research has been published in leading peer-reviewed scholarly journals including the Administrative Science Quarterly, American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, and Organization Science. Her recent research awards include the Responsible Research in Business & Management (RRBM) Award in 2020 and the Rigor in Research Award by the Strategic Management Society in 2020. She is currently an Associate Editor of Management Science and previously served as a consulting editor for the American Journal of Sociology and the Research Committee Chair of the Organizational Management and Theory Division of the Academy of Management. She also serves as the North America Representative of the International Association of Chinese Management Research (IACMR).
She teaches Top Management Process, a course about the role of general managers in the organization, strategy, and operation in both entrepreneurial and established firms in Columbia Business School. She previously served as a faculty member of the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business. There, she taught the undergraduate core course, Strategic Management, served as the course head, and led the course redesign. She also taught other MBA courses and the PhD seminar of Organizational Theory, and won both teaching and research awards.