


The primary goal of this initiative is to foster a positive and supportive community tailored for junior faculty members within the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR). Recognizing the unique challenges and pressures that women junior faculty members often face, especially in the early stages of their academic careers, this community aims to be a beacon of support. It seeks to equip these faculty members with the emotional, cognitive, and instrumental resources they require to not only survive but also thrive within the academic realm. By focusing on the specific needs and concerns of IACMR members, this committee will provide targeted support, mentorship, and opportunities for growth, ensuring that these junior faculty members are set on a trajectory of success.

Inclusivity Statement:

This committee is open to both women and men who are pre-tenure. While women often face amplified challenges, especially given their irreplaceable roles in child nurturing and caregiving, our aim is to be as inclusive as possible. We warmly welcome all pre-tenure researchers engaged in Chinese management studies, regardless of gender, race, nationality, or location, to participate in our activities.


Jia (Jasmine) Hu (Tsinghua University)
Xuhong Li (Fudan University) 

Committee Members:

Fuli Li (Xi’An Jiaotong University)
Wu Liu (Hong Kong Polytech University)
Amy Ou (Hong Kong Polytech University)
Ningyu Tang (Hainan University) 

Bio of Committee Members:

Xuhong Li: Professor Xuhong Li is the department head and a professor of management at Fudan University. She received her PhD and Master’s degrees in Business Administration from Fudan University. Throughout her career, Professor Li has garnered several prestigious accolades, including the 2021 Fudan University Women’s Innovation Award, jointly awarded by the Fudan University Women’s Committee and the China Education Union Fudan University Committee in March 2022. She was a Fulbright Scholar at the MIT Sloan School of Management from September 2016 to August 2017. Her research has earned her the First Prize at the 9th China Human Resources Management Forum Shuming Paper Award in May 2021 and the Second IACMR-RRBM Award for Responsible Research in Management in March 2019. Professor Li received top honors from the Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievements Awards and contributions acknowledged by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. 

Jia (Jasmine) Hu: Dr. Hu holds the Citi Chair in International Business and is a Professor of Management at the School of Economics and Management and Schwartzman College at Tsinghua University. Previously, she was a tenured full professor and Denman Scholar at Ohio State University, and a tenured associate professor at the University of Notre Dame. Her primary research interests include prosocial leadership, work teams, and the impact of digital technology usage on leaders’ and employees’ work and life experiences. She has published over 30 articles in top-tier management and applied psychology journals, such as the Academy of Management Journal and the Journal of Applied Psychology. Dr. Hu has over 9,500 citations according to Google Scholar. She has received the Mid-Career Standout Scholar Award from the Network of Leadership Scholars at the Academy of Management, was elected a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and was named one of the “World’s 40 Best B-School Professors Under 40” by Poets & Quants. Currently, she serves as an Associate Editor at the Journal of Applied Psychology, Deputy Editor at Management and Organization Review, and is on the editorial boards of seven major management journals.

Fuli Li: Professor Fuli Li is head of the Department of Organizational Management at the School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University, and a Ph.D. supervisor. Her research interests include leadership, individual creativity and team innovation,  and digitalization and artificial intelligence in human resources. She has presided over a number of projects funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China . She has published more than 20 papers in international high-level management journals, including Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Human Relations, etc.  She currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the section of Strategy and Leadership Behavior in Quarterly Journal of Management and a member of the Editorial Review Committee of Management and Organization Review and The Journal of International Business Studies.

Wu Liu: Liu Wu is full professor at the Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He obtained his bachelor’ and master’s degrees at the School of Management in Fudan University, China, and then his Ph.D. in organization studies at Vanderbilt University, U.S.A. His passion of research is on employee voice behavior, emotions, leader-member and team dynamics, and cross-cultural conflict management. His work has been published at various top-tier journals, such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Leadership Quarterly.

Amy Ou: Dr. Amy Ou is an associate professor in the Department of Management and Marketing at the Faculty of Business, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She received her Ph.D. at Arizona State University, and Bachelor and Master at Peking University. Her current research focuses on strategic leadership and gender equality, examining what impacts humble CEOs have on organizations and how women can overcome career barriers. Her papers have been published in outlets such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, and Journal of Management. She has won awards from the Academy of Management, Journal of Management, and the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management. Her research on CEO humility has been featured in Forbes China, USA Today, and The Business Times.

Ningyu Tang: Professor Tang is the Dean of School of Management at Hainan University. Ningyu Tang got her Master degree in Psychology from East China Normal University and PhD degree in Management from Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). She joined SJTU right after she got her master degree and currently she is a tenured professor at Antai College of Economics and Management and the vice director of Research Institute of Psychology and Behavioral Science, SJTU. She was visiting scholar of Cornell University, Columbia University and MIT. Her recent research interests are generational values, inclusive leadership and management. Her research works have appeared on Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Journal of Happiness Studies etc. She is PI for several projects sponsored by National Science Foundation of China, including the key project “New Generation and HR Diversity Management”. She was awarded Shanghai Shu Guang Scholar and Outstanding Young Faculty by Shanghai Bureau of Education in 2008.  In her career life, she got research awards from National Bureau of Personnel, Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science and the Ministry of Education. She severs as the vice general director of Shanghai Psychology Society. She is also a member of Education Steering Committee of Business and Management of MOE.