IACMR Young Scholar Development Series #1
Title: Way out: Career Development for Junior faculty
Time: 10:30-11:45 am (China time)
Date: July 14, 2020
Language: Chinese
Registration Deadline:
Please click herefor registration. We will send the paper, Zoom meeting ID and password to all the registered participants before the seminar.
Amy Ou (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Speakers and Talk Titles:
Zhijun Chen (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics): You’re Somebody’s Reason to Smile
Fuli Li (Xi’an Jiaotong University): How Time Management Promotes Career Development for Junior faculty
Amy Ou (Hong Kong Polytechnic University): How to Achieve Self-fulfillment in the Face of FailuresSummary of the seminar
The three speakers will share the challenges and practical experience they face in their careers. Prof. Chen Zhijun will focus on the challenge of identity recognition in the career development process, sharing how to develop self-identity and choose a career strategy. Prof. Li Fuli will share about how to effectively respond to the changing and highly uncertain career development environment through time management, and how to adopt effective career development strategies to achieve personal growth. She will share in depth the unique challenges, opportunities, and coping approaches from the perspective of a woman faculty. Dr. Amy Ou will share about how to build a healthy self-awareness in face of failures on the career journey of teaching and research.
Introduction to the Speakers

Amy Ou (Chair & Speaker) is an associate professor in the Faculty of Business at Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She studies whether and how CEO attributes such as humility affect top management team dynamics, organizational culture, strategic decision making, employee behaviors, and organizational performance. Her papers have been published in top-tier management journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly and Academy of Management Journal, and were featured in Forbes China, USA Today, and The Business Times.

Zhijun Chen (Speaker) is the Academic Director of the MBA program and Head of the Department of Human Resources Management at College of Business of the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE) and a professor of the department. He is an Associate Editor of the Human Relations and editorial review board members for Asian Pacific Journal of Management and Journal of Business Research. At the same time, he is also the Rep-at-large for International Association of Chinese Management Research.

Fuli Li (Speaker) is a professor and the Head of Department of Organization and Management in the School of Management at Xi’an Jiaotong University. Her current research interests include creativity, proactivity, leadership, human resource management, and cross-cultural psychology. She has published above 20 journal papers in the management leading journals as the first author and/or corresponding author.
About IACMR Young Scholar Development Seminar Series
IACMR Young Scholar Development Series is a monthly, zoom-based seminar series. Through this platform, we hope to provide IACMR members especially young scholars a place to seek advices in career development (both in research and teaching), as well as a place of experience sharing with their peers, especially during these times of restricted travel. Topics include but not limited to:
• key issues about publishing papers in international journals;
• publishing papers in Chinese journals
• applying for funds with NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China)
• teaching experience sharing
• training on paper reviewing
• improving presentation skills
When: The 2nd Wednesday of each month (China Time)
Time: Depends on speaker’s time zone
Format: 75 mins live (recordings will also be posted on-line)
Language: Mostly Chinese
Access: IACMR Paid Members (free access to everyone before October 1, 2020, please login here to pay your member fee)
For viewing detailed information and upcoming talks, please visit here.
Should you have any questions on the seminar series or registration problem, please contact us at iacmrbj@pku.edu.cn.