Job Opening | Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano, Switzerland

PostDoc position at the Institute of Management and Organization (IMO), Faculty of Economics, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
About USI
Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) is a young and lively university, a hub of opportunity open to the world where students are offered a quality interdisciplinary education in which they can be fully engaged and take center stage, and where our researchers can count on having the space to freely pursue their initiative.
Established in 1996, USI is in constant evolution, always taking on new challenges while remaining true to its three guiding principles: quality, openness and responsibility.
The research of IMO members is wide and diverse. The topics that are covered and investigated by IMO members concern entrepreneurship, the economic impact of consumer assessments and the social processes that influence them, organisational learning, organisational status and identity as market signals, antecedents and consequences of managerial mobility, tactical and operational decisions affecting humanitarian organisations. The methodologies used include experiments, statistical analyses of data, and simulations. The empirical contexts studied reflect those research interests and range from experience goods (i.e. products or services whose quality is difficult to evaluate before consumption, e.g. music), to service, manufacturing companies (either contemporary or historical).
The Institute invites applications for one PostDoc position for one year.

The PostDoc Position
The PostDoc candidate will work under the scientific supervision of Prof. Filippo Carlo Wezel as part of a SNSF research project centered on the study of identity and identity management during times of significant change. The PostDoc candidate is expected to present papers at scientific conferences and produce publications in high-ranking journals.
The successful candidate will be offered the possibility to work in a dynamic research team and in a multidisciplinary and international scientific environment. With its emphasis on rigorous training and high-quality research, the Institute of Management and Organization at USI provides the successful candidate a valuable first step toward the development of a successful international academic career.
Candidates’ profile
An ideal profile should satisfy the following requirements:
• Having completed or be about to complete a PhD in Management or Sociology
• Exhibit an interest in the study of the mechanisms underlying the behavior of organizations in markets
• Holding solid training in econometrics but also open to use mixed methods approach
• Ability to work in a team and autonomously in scheduling research steps. Interest for teaching and tutoring students and availability to collaborate with colleagues (engage in scientific dialogue, listen and think critically) are required.
• Knowledge of programming languages (e.g., R, Python) will be considered valuable.
General terms
Workplace is USI Università della Svizzera italiana, located in Lugano, Switzerland. Availability to travel to other parts of Switzerland and abroad (for purposes of collaboration and research) is required.
The position is for one year at 60% employment with competitive salary (renewable of one year upon SNF approval of the request of extension of the project).
The Application
The Applications should contain: (1) a letter in which the applicants describe their research interests and the motivation to apply, and fit with the position, (2) a complete CV, (3) copies of relevant diplomas, certificates as well as the full transcript of records, (4) a complete list of publications with details on the candidate’s contributions, and other materials (e.g. PhD thesis and writing samples s/he deems relevant), (5) minimum 2 and up to 4 reference letters, (6) the candidate is also welcome to include significant certifications (e.g. TOEFL, GMAT, GRE, etc.).
Please send your application in electronic form or requests for further information to Prof. Filippo Carlo Wezel (
Applications received before April 5th, 2024, will be given priority. However, applications will be received until the position is filled.
As an institution that values diversity, USI particularly encourages applications from women and from all individuals from underrepresented groups.