MOR CFP — Paper Development Workshop
Paper Development Workshop for Doctoral Students and Early-Career Academics on:
“SMEs and Family Firms in Russia, Ex-Soviet Republics, and Eastern European Economies”
May 17, 2017 in Rotterdam, Netherlands
The Paper Development Workshop aims to help doctoral students and early-career academics develop their research papers on SMEs and family firms operating in Russia, Ex-Soviet Republics, and Eastern European Economies.
Workshop participants will receive developmental feedback on their studies from Arie Y. Lewin (Duke University, Editor in Chief MOR), Henk Volberda (RSM Erasmus University, Consulting Editor MOR), Carl Fey (Aalto University & Chinese University of Hong Kong, Deputy Editor MOR), Igor B. Gurkov (Higher School of Economics), and Oli Mihalache (VU University Amsterdam, Associate EditorEuropean Management Review).
The workshop is organized in the opening of Management and Organization Review’s Second Research Frontiers Conference III on “The Coevolution of SMEs and Family Firms in Russia, Ex-Soviet Republics, and Eastern European Economies: Knowledge Creation, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Economic Growth.” The core theme of the conference explores the coevolution of SMEs and family firms in Russia, Ex-Soviet Republics, and Eastern European economies. Most scholars in strategy, organizational behavior, entrepreneurship, and international business study this question by considering environmental change as an exogenous variable. Moreover, they often employ a single theme for describing how and why organizations tend to become isomorphic with their (regional, national, and global) environments through processes of either adaptation or selection. Less frequently examined are questions of how organizations systematically influence their (regional, national, and global) environments and how global and national environments (comprised of other firms and new entrants) influence those organizations in turn. In this MOR Research Frontiers Conference we will discuss the complex, multi-level causal interactions in the context of Russia, Ex-Soviet Republics, and Eastern European countries and the firms residing inthem, in particular how firms’ strategies, management practices, and their eco-systems affect and are affected by the factors shaping innovation, entrepreneurship and national competitiveness. Management scholars doing research set in the geographic area but not focusing on SMEs and Family business are very welcomed to apply to attend.
The participation fee is 295 Euro and includes access to the MOR conference on May 18-19, two dinners, two lunches,and snacks and drinks during the entire conference.
If you would like to participate in the workshop, please submit a one-page summary of your study to Dr. Oli Mihalache before April 24th, 2017.
MOR’s Second Research Frontiers Conference III Program Committee:
Henk W. Volberda, RSM Erasmus University
Oli R. Mihalache, VU University Amsterdam
Igor B. Gurkov, Higher School of Economics
Arie Y. Lewin, Editor in Chief MOR, Duke University
Carl Fey, Aalto University & Chinese University of Hong Kong
Managementand Organization Review’s Second Research Frontiers Conference III:
Wednesday, 17 May
14:00-17:00 Paper Development Workshop for Doctoral Students & Early-Career Academics
19:00-22:00 Keynotes and Opening Dinner at Faculty Club
Thursday, 18 May
8:15- 8:30 Welcome Speeches
8:30- 10:30 Panel 1: Developing an Understanding of What Management Practices Facilitate Innovationin Firms in Russia
Carl Fey (Aalto University School of Business and Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Stanislav Shekshnia*(INSEAD & Ward Howell International) & Alexey Ulanovsky (Higher School of Economics & Ward Howell)
Carl F. Fey (Aalto University School of Business & Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Dana Minbaeva (Copenhagen Business School)
Alexei Koveshnikov (Aalto University School of Business)
11:00- 13:00 Panel 2: The Transformation of Economies and Societies in Central and Eastern Europe– How Has it Contributed to Management and Organization Science?
Thomas Steger (University of Regensburg)
Victoria Golikova (Moscow Higher School of Economics, Russia)
Barbara Jankowska (Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland)
Irma Rybnikova (Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany)
Alma Sehic (Vienna University of Applied Sciences, Austria)
13:00-14:30 Lunch & Poster Presentations
14:30-16:30 Panel 3: Layers of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Activities in Russia
Igor Gurkov (Higher School of Economics)
Irina Volkova (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
Igor Gurkov (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
Eduard Fiyaksel* (Nizhny Novgorod Branch ofthe National Research University Higher School of Economics) & Michail Nazarov (Nizhny Novgorod Branch of the National Research University Higher School of Economics)
Michail Nazarov (Nizhny Novgorod Branch of the National Research University Higher School of Economics)
Alexander Chepurenko (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
17:00-19:00 Panel 4: Belarus and Ukraine: The Role of Context in the Development of SMEs and Family Firms
Julia Ivy (Northeastern University)
Mihail Krikunov (Kiev Business School)
Sergey Gaydaychuk (CEO Club Ukraine)
Andriy Fedoriv (Fedoriv Creative Company & Family Business Network Ukraine)
Pavel Daneyko (Institute for Privatization and Management)
Maria Akulova (Academy of Leon Kosminsky & IPM Business School)
20:00-22:30 Conference Dinner at De Wereld van Smaak (inside the Market Hall at Verlengde Nieuwstraat 177, Rotterdam)
Friday, 19 May
8:30-10:30 Panel 5: Entrepreneurship and SME Development in Russia: Challenges and Opportunities
Galina Shirokova (St. Petersburg University)
Marco van Gelderen (VU University Amsterdam)
Tatiana Beliaeva (St. Petersburg University)
Olga Verkhovskaya* (St. PetersburgUniversity) & Christopher Gerry (National Research University Higher School of Economics)
Galina Shirokova (St. Petersburg University)
Tatiana S. Manolova (Bentley University)
11:00- 13:00 Panel 6: Drivers of Innovation in Russia
Carl Fey (Aalto University School of Business)
Irina Mihailova (Aalto University School of Business)
Päivi Karhunen* (Aalto University School of Business), Riitta Kosonen (Aalto University School of Business) & Irina Olimpieva (Center for Independent Social Research)
Carl Fey (Aalto University School of Business)
Daria Kautto (Aalto University School of Business)
Rebecca Piekkari (Aalto University Schoolof Business)