MOR Special issues

MOR Paper Development Workshop on ‘Responsible Leadership in China and Beyond’

 “Responsible Leadership in China and Beyond: A Responsible Research Approach” 

MOR Proposal Development Workshop 

Date: 9:00 to14:00, Sunday, June 21, 2020 (Time zone in China, GMT+8, for scholars in Asia)
Location: Online workshop through ZOOM
Preliminary proposal submission deadline: May 15, 2020

Workshop Description
This Proposal Development workshop is designed to help you develop your proposal for submission to the special issue. Those who wish to have their proposal reviewed and discussed should submit a preliminary proposal (Five pages, excluding references, tables, and figures) to the MOR Managing Editor ( with the subject line ‘Responsible Leadership in China Proposal’ by Friday, May 15th, 2020.

Proposal Submission Requirements

Following the completion of MOR Proposal Development Workshop, research teams will be invited to submit their formal proposals. The deadline for the formal proposal submission is September 30, 2020. The formal proposals must satisfy the following requirements:

1. Each research team’s research question must contribute to answering the core research question of this Special Issue.
2. Each study design should demonstrate how it follows or exemplifies the seven principles of responsible research (see cRRBM, 2017; and Tsui, 2019 for some guidelines).
3. Each design should include at least one independent verification of findings (see Aguinis & Solinaro, 2019and Tsing & Kwan, 1999  for various types of replications).
4. Each research team should pre-register the study hypotheses and/or study design on a designated website depository (e.g.,
5. Proposal should include all research team members with brief biographies and listing up to five relevant publications demonstrating prior related research experiences of each team member.
6. Timeline to complete the project.
7. The entire research proposal should not exceed 5000 words (12-pitch font size), include the research questions, a brief and relevant literature review, disciplinary perspectives for the study, hypotheses or research questions, sample and region where the study will be conducted, measures, data, analytical plan, and how the design will meet the above six requirements.
8. Please read the full MOR Special Issue Call for Submissions for details on this special issue and subssion guidelines.


Workshop Schedule Overview

9:00-9:20 A Responsible Research Approach to Studying Responsible Leadership
Anne S. Tsui, University of Notre Dame, USA

9:20 -9:40 General feature of MOR and the special issue
Arie Y. Lewin, Duke University, USA

9:40-10:00 Special issue submission procedure and guideline
Xu Huang, Hong Kong Baptist University, China

10:00-11:00 Breakout Rooms Discussion: Paper development section 1
3 Breakout Rooms

11:00-11:30 Sharing of break out room discussions

11:30-12:00 Lunch break

12:00-13:00 Breakout Rooms Discussion: Paper development section 2
3 Breakout Rooms

13:00-13:30 Sharing

13:30-14:00 Concluding Remarks