MOR Scales
Official Journal of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR)
Sponsored by Peking University and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Published by Cambridge University Press
MOR is published four times a year, in March, June, September, and December.
Please contact the authors for further information about the scales.
Volume 11, Issue 1
Trust and Deception in Negotiation: Culturally Divergent Effects
Jian-Dong Zhang (张建东), Leigh Anne Liu (劉黎安), Wu Liu (刘武)
Scale Name (English): cognition-based trust
量表名称(中文): 基于认知的信任
Reference source of the original English scale (if applicable): Lewicki, R. J., Stevenson, M. A., & Bunker, B. B. 1997. The three components on interpersonal trust: Instrument development and differences across relationships, Paper Presented at the Academy of Management Meeting, Boston.
Item contents (条目内容):
1 对方的行为符合我的期望。
2 对方想让人知道他/她是遵守承诺的。
3 对方知道守信要比失信的好处大。
4 对方在谈判中遵守信用。
5 对方值得享有良好声誉。
Scale Reliability(量表信度): α = 0.78
Scale Name (English): affect-based trust
量表名称(中文): 基于情感的信任
Reference source of the original English scale (if applicable): McAllister, D. J. 1995. Affect- and cognition-based trust as foundations for interpersonal cooperation in organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 38(1): 24–59.
Item contents (条目内容):
1 我和对方可以自由分享想法、感受和希望。
2 我觉得我能和对方自由地讨论我遇到的困难,我知道对方也愿意倾听。
3 如果我们不能一起合作,我们都会感到失落。
4 如果我向对方讲述我遇到的问题,我知道对方会提出建设性意见并表
5 我觉得在这次活动之前我们已经较有感情。
Scale Reliability(量表信度): α = 0.88
Scale Name (English): approval of using negative emotional deception
量表名称(中文): 赞同使用负面情绪型欺骗
Reference source of the original English scale (if applicable): Fulmer, I. S., Barry, B., & Long, A. 2009. Lying and smiling: Informational and emotional deception in negotiation. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(4): 691–709.
Scale Instructions(量表说明):The scale measured the behavioral judgement of the participants, rather than real behaviors.
Item contents (条目内容):
1. 装出对对方感到厌烦的样子,好让对方认为我正在对谈判失去兴趣。
2. 装出沮丧的样子,好让对方认为我的心情不好。
3. 在某些情况下我并不是真的生气,但是出于策略考虑,我会向对方表现出生气的样子。
4. 装作厌恶对方的某些评论。
5. 给对方造成一个假象,让他/她认为我对谈判的进展感到非常失望。
6. 装出对对手非常愤怒的样子。
7. 装出害怕的样子,好让对方认为我对谈判感到紧张。
Scale Reliability(量表信度): α = 0.72
Scale Name (English): approval of using informational deception
量表名称(中文): 赞同使用信息型欺骗
Reference source of the original English scale (if applicable): Fulmer, I. S., Barry, B., & Long, A. 2009. Lying and smiling: Informational and emotional deception in negotiation. Journal of Business Ethics, 88(4): 691–709.
Scale Instructions(量表说明): The scale measured the behavioral judgement of the participants, rather than real behaviors.
Item contents(条目内容):
1. 为了强化我的论点或立场,向对手提供虚假信息。
2. 为了保护谈判已经取得的成果,故意向我的公司隐瞒一些真相。
3. 拒绝承认对手信息的有效性,从而避免对手用此信息来削弱我的谈判地位,即使这个信息是真实和有效的。
4. 为了自己的谈判地位更强,向自己的公司隐瞒谈判的实际进展。
Scale Reliability(量表信度): α = 0.86
Volume 1, Issue 2
Group Citizenship Behavior: Conceptualization and Preliminary Tests of Its Antecedents and Consequences
Xiao-Ping Chen (陈晓萍), Simon Lam, Stefanie Naumann and John Schaubroeck
Volume 2, Issue 1
Do I Contribute More When I Trust More? Differential Effects of Cognition-and Affect-based Trust
Kok-Yee Ng (黄国燕) and Roy Y. J. Chua (蔡泳瑜)
Managerial Knowledge Sharing: The Role of Individual, Interpersonal, and Organizational Factors
Lin Lu (路琳), Kwok Leung (梁觉) and Pamela Tremain Koch
Stability and Change in Managerial Work Values: A Longitudinal Study of China, Hong Kong, and the U.S.A.
管理工作价值观的稳定和转变: 中国, 香港及美国的长期追踪研究
David A. Ralston, James Pounder, Carlos W. H. Lo (卢永鸿), Yim-Yu Wong (黄艳瑜), Carolyn P. Egri, Joseph Stauffer
Volume 2, Issue 2
Effectiveness of Chinese Teams: The Role of Conflict Types and Conflict Management Approaches
Dean Tjosvold, Kenneth S. Law (罗胜强) and Haifa Sun (孙海法)
Volume 2, Issue 3
Organizational culture in the People’s Republic of China: An Analysis of culture dimensions and culture types
Anne S. Tsui (徐淑英) Hui Wang (王辉), Katherine R. Xin (忻榕)
High commitment work systems in Chinese organizations: A preliminary measure
Zhixing Xiao(肖知兴) and Ingmar Björkman
The Love of Money and Pay Level Satisfaction: Measurement and Functional Equivalence in 29 Geopolitical Entities around the World
Thomas Li-Ping Tang (汤立平), Toto Sutarso , et al.
The Norm of Reciprocity: Scale Development and Validation in the Chinese Context
Joshua B. Wu (吴 滨), Peter W. Hom, Lois E. Tetrick, Lynn M. Shore, Liangding Jia ( 贾良定), Chaoping Li (李超平), Lynda Jiwen Song (宋继文)
Volume 3, Issue 1
Does the Colour of the Cat Matter? The Red Hat Strategy in China’s Private Enterprises
色彩效果? 中国私营企业的“红顶”策略
Wenhong Chen (陈文泓)
Volume 3, Issue 2
The Timing of Entry into a New Market: An Empirical Study of Taiwanese Firms in China
新市场的进入时机 – 以台商进入中国大陆投资为例
Danchi Tan (谭丹琪), Shih-Chang Hung (洪世章), and Nienchi Liu (刘念琪)
Importance of Organizational Citizenship Behaviour for Overall Performance Evaluation: Comparing the Role of Task Interdependence in China and the USA
Daniel G. Bachrach, Hui Wang (王辉), Elliot Bendoly and Shuoyang Zhang (张硕阳)
Volume 3, Issue 3
Cultural Intelligence: Its Measurement and Effects on Cultural Judgment and Decision Making, Cultural Adaptation and Task Performance
Soon Ang (洪询), Linn Van Dyne, Christine Koh (许秀娟), K. Yee Ng (黄国燕), Klaus J. Templer, Cheryl Tay(郑(利)瑞莲) and N. Anand Chandrasekar
Volume 4, Issue 1
Guanxi Dynamics: Shifts in the Closeness of Ties Between Chinese Coworkers
Xiao-Ping Chen(陈晓萍)and Siqing Peng(彭泗清)
From Contract Manufacturing to Own Brand Management: The Role of Learning and Cultural Heritage Identity
Ching Horng (洪清德) and Wayne Chen (陈韦宇)
Volume 4, Issue 2
Employment and Market Innovation in Chinese Business Group-Affiliated Firms: The Role of Group Control Systems
Robert E. White, Robert E. Hoskisson, Daphne W. Yiu (姚咏仪), Garry D. Bruton
From Contract Manufacturing to Own Brand Management: The Role of Learning and Cultural Heritage Identity
Ching Horng, Wayne Chen
Volume 4, Issue 3
Government-oriented Corporate Public Relation Strategies in Transitional China
Yuanqiong He (贺远琼) and Zhilong Tian(田志龙)
Abusive Supervision and Contextual Performance: The Mediating Role of Emotional Exhaustion and the Moderating Role of Work Unit Structure
苛责式督导与下属的职外表现: 情绪疲惫的中介角色及工作单位结构的调节作用
Samuel Aryee, Li- Yun Sun (孙立云), Zhen Xiong Chen (陈镇雄) and Yaw A. Debrah
Volume 5, Issue 2
Social Exchange and Knowledge Sharing among Knowledge Workers: The Moderating Role Perceived Job Security
Kathryn M. Bartol, Wei Liu, Xiangquan Zeng, and Kelu Wu
Volume 5, Issue 3
Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi: Developing a Three-Dimensional Model and Scale
Ying Chen, Ray Friedman, Enhai Yu, Weihua Fang, and Xinping Lu
Prior ties, shared values and cooperation in public-private partnerships
Zhe Zhang, Difang Wan, Ming Jia, and Lihong Gu
Volume 6, Issue 1
Perceived Fairness of Pay: The Importance of Task versus Maintenance Inputs in Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong
Tae-Yeol Kim, Todd J. Weber, Kwok Leung, and Yukiko Muramoto
Organizational Citizenship Behavior to Team Performance: The Mediation of Group Cohesion and Collective Efficacy
Cheng-Chen (Timothy) Lin and Tai-Kuang (T. K.) Peng
Volume 7, Issue 1
Motives for Outward FDI of Chinese Private Firms: Firm Resources, Industry Dynamics, and Government Policies
Jiangyong Lu, Xiaohui Liu, Hongling Wang
Volume 7, Issue 2
Cooperative and Competitive Orientation among Chinese People: Scale Development and Validation
Xiao-Ping Chen, Xiaofei Xie, Shiqing Chang
Guanxi Revisited: An Exploratory Study of Familiar Ties in a Chinese Workplace
再次探索关系: 中国工作环境中常见关系的探索研究
Jar-Der Luo
Volume 8, Issue 1
The Structure of Chinese Cultural Traditions: An Empirical Study of Business Employees in China
Yaotian Pan, Julie A. Rowney, Mark F. Peterson
Perceived Interactional Justice and Trust-in-supervisor as Mediators for Paternalistic Leadership
Min Wu, Xu Huang, Chenwei Li, and Wu Liu
Volume 8, Issue 2
The Contextual Antecedents of Organizational Trust: A Multidimensional Cross-level Analysis
Peter Ping Li, Yuntao Bai, and Youmin Xi
Does Value Congruence Lead to Voice? Cooperative Voice and Cooperative Silence under Team and Differentiated Transformational Leadership
An-Chih Wang, Hsu-Hung Hsieh, Chou-Yu Tsai, and Bor-Shiuan Cheng