PDW@2023 IACMR | Navigating the Publishing Process at Top Management Journals: A Conversation with Editors, Reviewers, and Productive Scholars
Time: June 18, 14:00-16:00
Location: WLB 204, HKBU
Rong Su, Ph.D.*
Associate Editor, Psychological Bulletin
Associate Professor and Pioneer Research Fellow
Department of Management & Entrepreneurship
Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242
Email: rong-su@uiowa.edu
Phone: +1 319-335-0954
Panelists/Facilitators (in Alphabetical Order):
Jia (Jasmine) Hu, Ph.D.
Incoming Associate Editor, Journal of Applied Psychology
Deputy Editor, Management and Organizational Review
Professor and Denman Scholar
Department of Management and Human Resources, Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210
Email: hu.757@osu.edu
Phone: +1 614-292-1801
Jason L. Huang, Ph.D.
Associate Editor, Journal of Management
Associate Professor
School of Human Resources and Labor Relations, Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824
Email: huangjl@msu.edu
Phone: +1 517-432-7273
Kaifeng Jiang, Ph.D.
Incoming Associate Editor, Personnel Psychology
Department of Management and Human Resources, Fisher College of Business
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH 43210
Email: jiang.1788@osu.edu
Phone: +1 614-247-8478
Ning Li, Ph.D.
Associate Editor, Journal of Management
Deputy Editor, Management and Organizational Review
Flextronics Chair Professor, Department of Leadership and Organization Management
School of Economics and Management
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China 10081
Email: lining@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn
Phone: +86 10-62797845
Wendong Li, Ph.D.
Associate Editor, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Senior Editor, Management and Organizational Review
Associate Professor
Department of Management
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Shatin, NT, Hong Kong
Email: wendong@cuhk.edu.hk
Phone: +852 3943 7803
Songqi Liu, Ph.D.
Special Issue Guest Editor, Personnel Psychology
Consulting Editor, Work,Aging and Retirement
Associate Professor
Department of Management
Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University
Atlanta, GA 30303
Email: sqliu@gsu.edu
Phone: +1 404-413-7549
Heli Wang, Ph.D.
Past Associate Editor, Academy of Management Review
Past Associate Editor, Academy of Management Journal
Janice Bellace Professor of Strategic Management
Lee Kong Chian School of Business
Singapore Management University
Singapore 188065
Email: hlwang@smu.edu.sg
Phone: +65 6828 0728
Zhenyu Yuan, Ph.D.
Editorial Board Member, Personnel Psychology
Editorial Board Member, Management and Organizational Review
Assistant Professor
Department of Management
University of Illinois Chicago
Chicago, IL 60607
Email: zyuan19@uic.edu
Phone: +1 312-996-5145
Goal of the Workshop
Acceptance rates at top-tier management journals are typically lower than 10%. The overarching goal of the current professional development workshop is to help demystify the evaluation criteria at top management journals and provide guidance for Chinese management scholars to successfully navigate the review and publishing process. To achieve this goal, a panel of productive management researchers who have served as Editors and/or Editorial Board Members at Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Management and Organization Review will share their perspectives and insights into the publishing process and engage with participants in roundtable discussions to address outstanding questions. Key topics for our panel discussion and learning objectives include the following:
- (a) Crafting the “Why?” for our research: Learn to communicate intellectual contribution at various journals
- (b) Identifying the main drivers of success: Understand key factors that differentiate manuscripts that receive a “revise and resubmit” decision and those that are rejected
- (c) Navigating the review process: Know the dos and don’ts when replying to reviewers and drafting response letters
- (d) Avoiding the pitfalls: Highlight common mistakes that authors typically make in submissions and revisions
- (e) Thinking beyond the publication process: Create impact with our research, particularly against the backdrop of globalization, technological innovation, and increasing inequalities in the world
Through this workshop, our aims are to facilitate knowledge creation and dissemination, increase visibility of the work of Chinese management scholars in top-tier management journals, and ultimately contribute to the rigor and transparency of research in our field.
Content and Time Requirement of the Workshop
The workshop will be composed of two parts: a panel discussion (Part A) and two round- table discussion sessions (Part B). In Part A, the organizer will moderate a conversation with our panelists, who will share their perspectives and insights into the five key discussion questions outlined above based on their own editorial and review experiences. In Part B, our panelists will serve as facilitators of roundtable discussion sessions and interact with participants to address specific questions they have about the publishing process and their working papers. Participants will have the opportunity to join two roundtables and gain perspectives from facilitators with experiences at different journals. We will have a 10-minute break between Part A and Part B to help our panelists and participants transition between two parts of the workshop. The break will serve the dual purpose of a brief networking session. The structure and time allocation for the workshop is outlined in the table below.

Intended Participants and Admission Criteria for the Participants
This workshop is open to all Chinese management scholars. Aligning with our missions to facilitate knowledge creation and dissemination and increase the rigor and transparency of research in our field, we will not require pre-registration for Part A of the workshop to increase accessibility to our panel discussion. To ensure that participants have sufficient time to interact with our panelists/facilitators, pre-registration is required for attending Part B of the workshop and we will cap the enrollment for roundtable sessions to 80. Priority will be given to Ph.D. students and junior scholars. To increase the efficiency and reduce redundancy at roundtable discussions, we also encourage participants to submit specific questions they have about the publishing process and their working papers during the pre-registration process. Common questions will be addressed during the panel discussion.
The topic of our workshop would be of interest to a large number of IACMR conference attendees. Considering the potential interest in the workshop and the two-part structure, we would like to request a medium-to-large ballroom with an elevated sitting area in the front equipped with a computer connected to the Internet, a projector, and microphones for panelists and 10-12 tables in the room that can each accommodate 10 people (100-120 people in total).
Format and Language of the Workshop
Considering the uncertainty from COVID-related travel restrictions, we propose a hybrid format for Part A of the workshop to allow more participants to benefit from this workshop.
Participants with travel restrictions may join the session online. Part B of the workshop is in- person only for pre-registered participants.
The proposed language for this workshop is English. However, participants may speak Chinese during roundtable discussions if they feel more comfortable doing so.