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Press release of 2011 IACMR July workshops

Two IACMR Research Methods Workshops completed successfully in July 2011

IACMR (International Association for Chinese Management Research) successfully organized two Research Methods Workshops in Taiwan and Mainland China recently.

The Taiwan workshop on “Research Methods and Idea Developments” was held on July 18-22, 2011, at College of Commerce, National Chengchi in Taipei. Fifty-six participants from 20 universities participated in the workshop and were divided into discussion groups of 7 to 10 participants each, based on similar research interests. Eight distinguished faculty advisors, in addition to giving lectures on research methods, led the groups and worked closely with participants to discuss and improve their research proposals.

The Xiamen workshop was held on July 24-27, 2011, at Xiamen University School of Management. Ninety-eight junior faculty and doctoral students from 38 universities, 11 regions/countries, including mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Singapore, France, Belgium, Dubai, Lisbon and the United States attended the workshop. Twelve leading international scholars gave lectures and served as faculty advisors to the discussion groups during 4-day of program sessions.

On the last day of both workshops, the discussion groups presented their research proposal for further comments and feedback from the panel of experts. The workshops closed with a graduation dinner in which participants performed their own talent show. Participants expressed their appreciation for the valuable learning in the workshops and regarded IACMR as the best in providing the high level of research training, advice and coaching from the world’s most distinguished scholars.

View Taiwan session photos.   View Xiamen session photos.