Report|2020 IACMR “The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching” Workshop

In the golden autumn of 2020, IACMR successfully held the Second IACMR “The Scholarship and Methods of Teaching” Workshop in Nanjing from October 9 to 11. This workshop was organized and coordinated by former IACMR president, Professor Neng Liang of China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) and hosted by Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). IACMR President of 2010-2012, Professor Jia Lin Xie from University of Toronto, IACMR President of 2016-2018, Professor Neng Liang from CEIBS, President-Elect of IACMR, Professor Zhi-Xue Zhang from Peking University, Vice-president of IACMR, Professor Runtian Jing from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and member of IACMR Education Committee, Professor Xuhong Li from Fudan University joint again as instructors of the workshop this year. They updated their teaching contents on the basis of the first workshop. Dedicated instructors and high engagement of the participants made the workshop a great success.
IACMR launched this workshop in 2019 with the purpose of helping those IACMR members with a passion to education become excellent teachers, so as to help advance the quality of management education in China, as well as accomplish the IACMR mission to “advance the science, education and practice of Chinese management”.
IACMR received nearly 100 applications from 43 universities this year. After carefully review and selection, IACMR Education Committee finally accepted 45 applications from 33 universities across China, including Peking University, Beijing Normal University, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Hunan University, South China University of Technology, Jinan University, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Capital University of Economics and Business, Sichuan University, Xiamen University, Zhejiang University, University of Science and Technology of China, Renmin University of China, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, etc..
On the opening ceremony held on October 9th, Professor Dequn Zhou, Dean of College of Economics and Management of NUAA made a speech. Dean Zhou first extended warm welcome to all the instructors and participants, he then briefed the development and general situation of NUAA and emphasized the importance of teaching in universities. He wished the three-day workshop to be successful. On behalf of IACMR, Professor Neng Liang extended sincere thanks and handed over a Thank-You plaque to Dean Zhou to express the appreciation for the great support offered by College of Economics and Management, NUAA.

In the evening before the start of the workshop, attendees participated in the “warm-up” activities. Each group discussed about the biggest challenges they face in their daily teaching, what they most desired to achieve during the workshop and what learning output they expected. Each group presented their discussion results.
In the next two and a half days, each of the instructors of the workshop gave a half-day lecture in the areas of their expertise.

Lecture One was delivered by Professor Zhi-Xue Zhang (Peking University): Underlying Logic and Teaching of Organizational Management Discipline;

Lecture Two was delivered by Professor Xuhong Li (Fudan University): Design of Paired-Cases: Principles and Practices;

Lecture Three was presented by Professor Neng Liang (China Europe International Business School): Case Teaching: Substantive Analysis and Process Design;

Lecture Four was given by Professor Runtian Jing (Shanghai Jiao Tong University): Bridging the Gap between Research and Teaching;

Last but not least, Professor Jia Lin Xie (University of Toronto) gave the lecture themed as “Cognition and Emotion: The Art of Storytelling in Management Teaching” .
Due to the outbreak of the pandemic, Prof. Xie could not join the rest of the instructors in Nanjing, her session was scheduled as a virtual lecture. The video conferencing system provided instant barrier-free interaction opportunities, which allowed smooth communication between Prof. Xie and the participants. This is the first time for IACMR to integrate online and offline parts in a conference session and it worked out successfully.
The “performance stage” was given to the participants in the last afternoon of the workshop. Each representative from the six groups did a ten-minute teaching presentation, all the participants cast their votes on the performance of each group to select the winning group. Next, Prof. Xuhong Li made comments on each presenter’s performance and provided practical suggestions to them. At last, Professor Zhi-Xue Zhang summarized the workshop and declared the mission and vision of IACMR, he also encouraged participants to develop good characters and positive values through the trials of life and eventually become outstanding leaders.

The on-site voting results revealed that Group I and Group II won the Teaching Excellence Award. Certificates were awarded to each member of the two Groups at site. Each participant was presented a certificate for completing the workshop from IACMR.

Our sincere gratitude goes to College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, for hosting the 2020 IACMR “The Scholarship and Method of Teaching” Workshop!