News Updates

IACMR Bimonthly Briefing – February 2021

• IACMR News
1. IACMR Research Seminar Series
2. IACMR Young Scholar Development Seminar Series
3. Call for Proposals for 2021 Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund Grant
4. Resuming 2021 IACMR Biannual Conference

• Management and Organization Review (MOR) Updates
1. Article of the Month(January-February)

• Management Insights (MI) Updates
1. Current MI Issue

• Community News
1. Job Opening: Xiamen University Malaysia
2. Job Opening: Nanjing University
3. Job Opening: Southwest Jiaotong University4. Article from IACMR member-Becoming A Scholar Under COVID-19 Times

• IACMR News
1. IACMR Research Seminar Series
The eighth session of IACMR Research Seminar Series was launched on January 27 via Zoom. The speaker was Professor Mo Wang from University of Florida. The topic of his speech was Best Not to Know: Pay Secrecy, Employee Voluntary Turnover, and the Conditioning Effect of Distributive Justice. About 400 members participated the seminar.

On February 24, the ninth session of IACMR Research Seminar Series was held on line. Professor Guoli Chen from INSEAD presented the speech themed as Strategic Human Capital Departure: Using Events to Understand its Antecedents and Consequences, please click here for the video of the speech.

2. IACMR Young Scholar Development Seminars
The fifth session of the seminar series was held on January 26. Prof. Wei He from Nanjing University, Prof. Lei Wang from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics and Prof. Zhen Wang from Central University of Finance and Economics presented this session, they shared their experience and ideas on reviewing papers, please click here for the session review (in Chinese).

3. Call for Proposals for 2021 Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund Grant
The Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund was created to commemorate the life and work of Professor Kwok Leung, and to continue his mission of supporting young scholarsEach year there will be a maximum of five awards of RMB10,000 yuan each. Support will be prioritized based on quality of the research proposal, financial need, and track record of accomplishment by the student. Winners will be announced by May 15, 2021. We asked the proposals to be sent to the IACMR email account ( with the subject “Application for the Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund”, by March 15, 2021. Please click here for more information.

4. Resuming IACMR Xi’an Conference
As announced, we are resuming the Xi’an Conference delayed from 2020. All papers, symposia, PDWs, and panels that were accepted for the 2020 IACMR Conference are automatically accepted for the 2021 conference. We are confirming with the authors’ availability for presenting their papers, and the renewed conference program will be ready soon. The conference registration will be started in March. We look forward to meeting you in the 2021 IACMR conference, either physically or virtually!

 Management and Organization Review (MOR) Updates
1. Article of the Month(January-February)
Resilient Leadership as Paradox Work: Notes from COVID-19
Luca Giustiniano, Miguel Pina e Cunha, Ace V. Simpson, Arménio Rego and Stewart Clegg

CEO Transformational Leadership and Corporate Entrepreneurship in China
Yaotian Pan, Alain Verbeke and Wenlong Yuan

• Management Insights (MI) Updates
1. Current MI Issue
MI website is under maintenance recently, please search “复旦管理视野” small program in WeChat for current and back MI issues.

Paid IACMR members can go to dedicated member area of IACMR website for full current issue of MI. 

• Community News
1. Job Opening: Xiamen University Malaysia
Please click here for more details.

2. Job Opening: Nanjing University
Please click here for more details.

3. Job Opening: Southwest Jiaotong University
Please click here for more details.

4. Article from IACMR member-Becoming A Scholar Under COVID 19 Times
IACMR member PhD. William Gonzalo Vega Salas would like to share some experiences and ideas from the perspective of new scholars to help young professionals with their academic and personal life under COVID-19 times, please click here to get access the article.

• Your Input Welcomed
Your contributions are also welcomed. You can send us news about members’ activities, research information, feedback about IACMR, and information from management field, etc. to Submission deadline is 15th of every even-month.