News Updates

IACMR Bimonthly Briefing – 2024 June



  1. 2025 IACMR Conference News
  2. 2024 IACMR Election Result
  3. IACMR Women’s Development Support Committee Founded
  4. IACMR Teaching and Learning Forum Session 7
  5. IACMR Research Series Seminar Sessions 48 and 49
  6. IACMR Young Scholar Development Series Session #20
  7. 2024 Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund Grant Winner List
  8. Information Sharing| A List of Studies related to AI and Management
  9. Call for Nominations | 2025 IACMR Distinguished Scholarly Contribution (DSC) Award
  10. Call for Nominations |IACMR-PUP Outstanding Book Award on Chinese Management

Management and Organization Review (MOR) Updates

  1. MOR 20.2 Published Online
  2. Letter from the Editor | MOR 20.2
  3. MOR 20.3 Coming Soon

• Management Insights (MI) Updates

1. Current MI Issue Released(Issue 36)

• Community News

  2. Job Opening|Tianjing University
  3. Job Opening|Sun Yat-sen University
  4. Job Opening|Shanghai University of Science and Technology
  5. Job Opening | Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
  6. CMSC 2024 Announcement
  7. Good News from IACMR Member|Han Li Won the Academic Award at the IACM International Conference

• IACMR News

  1. 2025 IACMR Conference News

The call for submission has been released, and the submission system will be open for conference papers, symposia and PDW submissions on September 16, 2024, at 12 noon Beijing Time (12 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on September 15, 2024).

In addition to submitting your work to the conference, we invite you to register as a reviewer for the conference. We will also be launching a series of webinars on “how to deliver high quality reviews” by experienced editors of MOR in July. Please click here for details and registration.

The sponsorship program for 2025 IACMR Conference has been released, and we warmly welcome your sponsorship for the IACMR Conference in 2025. If you are interested in sponsoring, please contact Professor Jia Ming (, chair of the Local Arrangement Committee.

2. 2024 IACMR Election Result
We are delighted to announce the voting results of the 2024 IACMR officer election: Xu Huang was elected as the Vice President of IACMR, Cuili Qian, Eric Zhao, Chenjian Zhang, Wei He and Guoli Chen were elected as representatives at large, Huaxi Gao and Jason Moy were elected as doctoral student representatives. Congratulations to the newly elected IACMR officers and student representatives! Click here for more details.

3. IACMR Women’s Development Support Committee Founded
Recognizing the unique challenges and pressures that women junior faculty members often face, especially in the early stages of their academic careers, we are happy to announce IACMR Women’s Development Support Committee has been founded. This community aims to be a beacon of support. It seeks to equip these faculty members with the emotional, cognitive, and instrumental resources they require to not only survive but also thrive within the academic realm. Jia (Jasmine) Hu (Tsinghua University) and Xuhong Li (Fudan University) are co-chairs while committee members are Fuli Li (Xi’an Jiaotong University), Wu Liu (Hong Kong Polytech University), Amy Ou (Hong Kong Polytech University) and Ningyu Tang (Hainan University).

4. IACMR Teaching and Learning Forum Session 7
The 7th Teaching and Learning Forum was held via Zoom online on June 27, 2024, Professor Wei Xin from Renmin University of China shared the teaching experience of team simulation teaching discussion. Dr. Wang Song of Zhejiang University, member of IACMR Education Committee, chaired the forum.

5. IACMR Research Series Seminar Sessions 48 and 49
On May 22, 2024, at 9:00 AM Beijing time, the 48th IACMR Research Seminar Series was successfully held, and the speaker was Professor Riki Takeuchi of the University of Texas at Dallas, he is also the Editor-in-Chief of AMR. The topic of this lecture is Meta-analytic extension of the mediating mechanisms in strategic HRM, Professor Jie (Jasmine) Feng of Rutgers University, IACMR Research Committee member, moderated the seminar.

Dr. Zhenyu Liao of Northeastern University was invited to talk for the 49th IACMR Research Seminar series. The talk will be held online via Zoom on July 31. The title will be The Gendered Liability of Venture Novelty. Professor Yucheng Zhang of the University of Southampton, Member of the IACMR Research Committee, will host the webinar. Please click here to register.

6. IACMR Young Scholar Development Series Session #20
The 20th session of the IACMR Young Scholar Development Seminar Series was held online via Zoom on June 25. The speakers included Professor Wei He from Nanjing University (Associate Editor of Human Resource Management), Professor Jia Hu from Tsinghua University (Associate Editor of Journal of Applied Psychology and Management and Organization Review), and Professor Ning Li from Tsinghua University (Associate Editor of Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and Management and Organization Review). The seminar focused on discussing paper quality and future research trends from the perspective of Associate Editors (AEs) of international management journals.

The forum specifically addressed issues within the field of management, particularly organizational behavior. Key topics discussed included:

  • Theoretical applicability of papers
  • Importance of multi-empirical studies
  • Common writing issues and improvement suggestions
  • Comprehensive considerations for evaluating papers
  • Impact of journal positioning on paper evaluation
  • The role of AI tools in transforming research paradigms

The forum was organized and moderated by Professor Zhijun Chen from Fudan University (Associate Editor of Human Relations), with over 500 members participating online.

7. 2024 Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund Grant Winner List
We are delighted to announce that the winner list of the 2024 Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund Grant has been announced, Siyu Chen (Zhejiang University), Longwang Fu(City University of Hong Kong), Xinyue Li (University of International Business and Economics), Maogang Sun (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics) and Bingbing Wen (University of Sydney) have been awarded this year. Please click here to view the award details. 

Thanks to the support of many scholars, the “Kwok Leung Memorial Dissertation Fund Grant ” has been able to support many outstanding doctoral students in financial need. Please click here to see the list of donors. If you would also like to take an active part in Professor Leung’s mission to nurture young people, please contact Dr. Lerong He, Executive Secretary and Treasurer of IACMR, at

8. Resource Sharing: AI and Management Research Literature List

Professor Zhijun Chen from Fudan University (IACMR Mainland China Representative 2021-2023) and his student, Yifu Wu, have compiled an “AI and Management Research Literature List.” This list includes columns for Journals, AI Topics, and AI Methodologies. The table is now available on the IACMR platform for all members to access. Scholars are encouraged to click here to view and use the list. Additionally, contributions and revisions to this table are welcome to foster resource sharing and mutual assistance.

9. Call for Nominations | 2025 IACMR Distinguished Scholarly Contribution (DSC) Award

IACMR Distinguished Scholarly Contribution (DSC) Award is given out every two years, in recognition of a scholar who has devoted much of their career to the study of Chinese management and has made significant contributions to the theory, methods, or practice of Chinese management. The next winner will be recognized at the 2025 Biennial Conference in Xi’an, China. please click here to nominate the 2025 DSC award.

10. Call for Nominations |IACMR-PUP Outstanding Book Award on Chinese Management

IACMR-PUP Outstanding Book Award on Chinese Management was established jointly by IACMR and Peking University Press (PUP) to encourage and recognize original (non-translated) books in the field of Chinese management. This award is granted biennially to one to three book(s) judged to have made the most outstanding contribution to the advancement of Chinese management knowledge. The award is presented during the subsequent IACMR Biennial Conference, and cash rewards of 10,000 RMB are given to the authors/editors of each selected book. Please click here for more detailed information.

• Management and Organization Review (MOR) Updates

1. MOR 20.2 Published Online
Please click to view MOR 20.2 Abstracts.

2. Letter from Editor|MOR 20.2
Please click here for the Letter from Editor.

3. MOR 20.3 Coming Soon
Stay tuned for the upcoming release of MOR 20.3

• Management Insights (MI) Updates

1.Current MI Issue(Issue 36)
Please search “复旦管理视野” in WeChat for current (36th issue) and back MI issues. Paid IACMR members can go to dedicated member area of IACMR website for back issues of MI. 

• Community News

Please click here for the detailed information.

2. Job Opening|Tianjing University
Please click here for the detailed information.

3. Job Opening|Sun Yat-sen University
Please click here for the detailed information.

4. Job Opening|Shanghai University of Science and Technology
Please click here for the detailed information.

5. Job Opening | Antai College of Economics and Management at Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Please click here for the detailed information.

6. CMSC 2024 Events Announcement
Chinese Management Scholars Community(CMSC) will be organizing two events in 2024, you are warmly invited to participate these exciting programs. Please find the registration link and other details here

7. Member Spotlight: Han Li Wins Awards at IACM 2024 Conference

From June 23 to 26, 2024, the annual conference of the International Association for Conflict Management (IACM) was held at INSEAD’s Asia campus in Singapore. IACMR member Han Li from Peking University received two academic honors at this conference: the NTR Early Career Scholar Award and the DRRC Breakthrough Award, granted by the Dispute Resolution Research Center (DRRC) at Kellogg School of Management. This marks the first time a PhD student from mainland China has won awards at this conference. Click here to learn more (in Chinese).

• Your Input Welcomed

Your contributions are also welcomed. You can send us news about members’ activities, research information, feedback about IACMR, and information from the management field, etc. to The submission deadline is the 15th of every even-month.